
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

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42 Chs

Ubisques - End

There was a crash as lava of some sort spewed from the mouth of the demon. No, it wasn't a demon, it only looked to be one.

Yet still Gabriel grit his teeth, a sight that brought despair to his mind. How was he supposed to deal with this. It was almost impossible for someone of his level to defeat this.

Even the old him, with all of his power, and at this level wouldn't have been able to do that.

Not without help which Gabriel did not have. Not right now, and not in the near future.

And so it was with a heavy heart that Gabriel found himself turning the other way. Despite his misgivings, his attachments to the city. Still he knew he would have to leave at some point.

But for it to be such a bitter moment, letting an entire city die, all because he was powerless.

He had interacted with these people, helped them. His mind went back to the child that had given him the ubisques.

Her pure smile as she gave him that flower. A tear fell from his eye as he tried to turn away. But his hand just graced over his sword once more.

It may not have been impossible, maybe he could do something.

And so he flapped his wings, unfurled them to the open air, and flew through the sky.

The barrier burned just as all the rest had. Crops turned to ash and so too did people.

Gabriel just cringed once more, his grimace turning even more grim.

But it was then that he recognized the house it was going towards. The place so close to the grove of ubisques.

Its goal was clear. It wanted those flowers, badly. But he would not let them.

Maybe it was some sort of grace, some sort of divine blessing but a light graced the mortals below. A purification that seemed both grim and hopeful at the same time.

A man, no barely a man anymore. His body had turned to vines, ones with a deadly sickness, but he was familiar.

"..." He tried to speak but no words came from his mouth. It was merely a small whisper.

Gabriel flapped his wings once more and turned to the ground. Landing next to the wife. She had tears in her eyes as she watched her husband turn and face the demon.

"Is daddy going to be okay?" The little girl whispered out. 

And in the light of the flames, the dark shadow they cast, and with every tear she shed. It brought some profound sickness to his stomach.

"Of course, this angel will bring him back, so just… just wait."


"Of course," Gabriel smiled, a grim one. But he did not let that show to the girl. As instead, he reassured her before flying off. 

The wife gave Gabriel a small smile, and with tears in her eyes ushered her daughter to a safer place.

As safe as anywhere could be.

Power flowed through him. An embrace as warm as his wife's arms, yet with that extra tinge. It told of some inhuman existence.

But the embrace was so warm.

Contrary to his initial opinion. It was not some demon, not some mystical power that had taken him, no, it was the goddess.

She had graced this body with a power. To protect his family. And when he saw the demon that had been unleashed.

He merely smiled, fondly looking back to his daughter, to his wife, and wishing them a happy life.

That his wife may mourn him, yet move on, that his daughter may find a happy life.

And with that final prayer he turned to the demon in front of him. Held tightly to the embrace of the goddess.

Control over his body was taken from him. And no more could he be called a person. He was more a vessel for the power of the goddess than he was a human.

But he was fine with that.

"Sariel!" The demon yelled its voice as dark as its body.

"Grand Skeleton, you shall not come to this realm. BE BANISHED." 

Her voice was a mix of the boy who she had taken over and her own voice.

Holy light channeled through the halo above her vessel's body, and it turned into a holy spear. One that quickly pierced through the body of the skeleton.

Others might have thought it not enough, that this would not have killed it. Merely weakened it. But as she looked to the vessels back, as his body fell to the ground, barely able to hold his own held high as the power wreaked havoc over his systems.

The angel, not of her own, approached. The prophesized strongest. The end of this war. She found herself smiling.

In both her vessel and in her own body.

A reflection of both of them. Of hope, for she knew that with having weakened the demon, that it would be doable, for him at least.

For Gabriel, an angel not her own.



[HP: 100]

[Mp: 900]

[strength: 1(9)] 

[dexterity: 22(38)]

[vitality: 1(1)]

[intelligence: 1(9)]

[SP: 0]


[Mythical Trait: One who has traversed the void - a level beyond normal, beyond even extraordinary, a man who has conquered more than a single one should ever be capable of. I gift to thee a boon created with the last vestiges of my life. May it help you grow ever stronger, for the man who had killed me should bow to none, be lesser than none.]

[Rare Trait: Angelic Wings - gain the ability to fly and the beauty of an angel sculpted by a master sculptor. +1 str and int +2 dex for every level]

[Uncommon Trait: Drenched in Blood - gain a second wind upon reaching 20% percent of max HP. Usable every seven days and three full rests.]

[Normal Trait: Fleet Foot - Your dexterity has passed the realm of human and entered the realm of the supernatural.]