
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Ubisques - 2

An order was made, of various types of food, but most were exotic. In that it wasn't a dish that had ever been conceived by the real world.

'Real world' It was something that had not bothered him for a while.

But now that he had the thought on his mind, it started to bother him. It was obvious that his completion of this game had something to do with their transmigration here, but why.

Was it some game for some supreme god? Was it always destined to be, why, why, why? The thought just would not go away.

But then the food came, and his worries faded away as his attention was brought to both the food and the woman who was voraciously eating them right now.

Gabriel smiled, a small smirk as he watched her devour the food. Then with a small fork of his own took small bites.

Yet as soon as the food was gone the conversation picked up once again.

"Gabriel." She tested the word on her mouth, trying it out and drawing his own attention at the same time.

"Yes?" He asked with a tilt of his head. One that brought a blush to the girl.

'So cute…' But just as the thought hit her, she shook her head of any more like it and took to talking in order to distract herself.

"Just… why… why did you bring me here and not someone else?" Her eyes were sharp, yet still so naive.

"Because" Gabriel leaned in, his words a small whisper in her ears, "Out of all of those I saw, only you looked competent, only you looked like a leader. And so I wanted to introduce myself to… what did you call yourself? Yes… Players"

Her face stood stock still, a poker face that even Gabriel was envious of. But soon it broke as she looked away.

A work in progress then.

Golden hair bunched into an elaborate bun, one that was paired with an aristocratic face that would have brought her many admirers. But it was all marred by the dirty clothes that brought her down to the level of the peasants around.

Enough that they glared at her for ruining the picturesque view that Gabriel was.

But a single look towards them brought them back to their duties. Some cleaned the counter, others waited tables, and more brought food.

"Then I will not stand on ceremony." Her eyes finally gained that light he had seen from afar earlier. A resolve that told Gabriel she was the one, the leader.

"Lillith, nice to meet you, Gabriel~" Her voice changed, and so did her demeanor. But it only brought a greater smile to Gabriel. He took one last look before standing too. He shook her hand and smiled just as wide as she did.

"I hope that this cooperation will be long and grandstanding."

"And I too," Gabriel remarked, slipping a piece of paper into her pocket. With instructions and a few helpful tidbits.

[Lilith POV]

Her finger ghosted across the wooden table, watching as the angel went about his business. Small tiny steps that culminated into a leap into the sky. Flying… to some place.

Where, she could not say. Either way though she smirked, contact with this angel would bring her closer to her goal.

One that she had strived for since, hm, she couldn't quite remember. But it was long.

However as she exited the building, watching the waiters and staff hurriedly clean their seats, taking a feather that the angel dropped, she leveled her expression.

Her eyes, so cunning, turned back to the expressive orbs that those around her had become used to, and her smile turned passive. Only to change slightly to a grin.

One she made sure that the others around her saw. It only helped her as she pulled their strings. Making sure that each and every one of them would head to the right place.

It was quite easy, like child's play to her after all.

"Lily!" A man with quite a forgettable name approached, in askance of what happened.

"Nothing much, he was quite pleasant."

"That's good." He sighed and turned a shiny smile to her. She would have laughed if it wouldn't hurt her persona.

"Yes, quite, but there was something that bothered me."

"What! What did she do, I'll kill her."

LIly once more laughed, but this time it was purposeful, a giggle that drew more than just the man in front of her. But the men and women that had followed her to this town.

"It wasn't a girl, a guy, but that's irrelevant. It wasn't about him either way."

"Then what was it about?" Another asked, a girl smaller than she and with an even more naive face than her persona told of her.

"Hmm, if I were to say then it had to be the flower petals, it reminded me of something I had seen coming here. But it could be nothing, merely an angel rolling in flowers."

The girl looked content with the answer, a sigh that she dreamily sent to the sky.

"If that really is a he, then… hehe" There was a bit of drool coming from her mouth, one that she wiped with her dress.

'All for the persona' She sighed internally.

"But look around, there aren't any other angels, nor are there any other races other than humans, so it must mean something. That an angel, something quite rare from our observations, was rolling around in some random field. It's just… weird." 

With that Lilith finished, her eyes rolling under the veil of her walking away.

"Ah-" She turned once more, a smile on her face, "That's just speculation though, no need to do anything. So find some sleep and we'll meet back in the morning."

With that she left, her hand fingering the money she had pocketed from the waiters. It wasn't much, as she didn't want to raise too much suspicion. But it was enough for a room for a night. Or something similar.