
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Angel - 6

Gabriel stood stock still, letting the cold of the chamber wash over him. His back leaned to the stone that held so much death, so much suffering.

Footsteps echoed through the chamber, hurried and angry, as if they had discovered something unpleasant and were looking for some poor soul to wrought their wretched wrath upon.

Flames flickered, illuminating the dark chamber with poor light. Only to be swiftly ebbed to the side, taking the light and pouring it to the corner.

Another moment, another false step and within his sight came those that Gabriel knew, had orchestrated this travesty.

They tensed, their hands reaching for small knife's and shortswords. Each one of them small enough to be used in such a narrow corridor.

But Gabriel did nothing, he merely gazed upon the faces. Of the noble, his face scarred by the sneer he held tightly to him.

It was only then that he whispered something unintelligible, naught even a sound was needed. As even if Gabriel couldn't hear it, it was already clear what the order was.

They approached, with speed rivaling Gabriel's own. But they were not the first to be faster, stronger, tougher than him. And they would not be the last.

Gabriel stretched his hand out, his wings unfurling in a glow of holy light. It blinded them for a moment.

Enough for Gabriel to grab the throat of the first. To block the airway and push out the air from his lungs.

Then he twisted the man's wrist and wrought the knife from his hands and into his own. 

Gabriel was a master of all weapons.

Whether it be an ax, a sword, a spear, or any semblance of esoteric weapon. He knew how to use them all, and with skill surpassing even the greatest of masters.

A consequence of his efforts, and one he was proud of.

It happened in a flash, using the knife he first twirled it in his grip.

Then Gabriel had, in moments, placed the knife in his optimal grip. A moment later he was off.

His own steps followed by the cries of the damned, their deathroes akin to a harpies screech. So off putting that he silenced them once more. With one last stab he punctured their vocal chords.

Letting them fall to a silent death, choking on their own blood.

It was ruthless, efficient, and showed the depth of his wrath. Towards those that had knowingly seen this hell, and those he knew had participated.

But all that was left was the noble. His sneer growing larger as he backed away. A hope that Gabriel would leave, one that would be left unfulfilled.

Gabriel moved, with inhuman grace and speed. He lifted his leg and snapped it down.

A bone crunched over the chamber, echoing loudly. And the scream, even if Gabriel did not relish the noise it still held this cathartic sound to it.

"Please" He pleaded, "I don't know what I did wrong but please!"

Gabriel didn't bother to respond. Disgust just welled further in his stomach, but he could not kill the man now.

No, it would be too easy, too merciful for the man.

So with a gesture Rosa parted through the dead bodies and came before Gabriel.

"Take him, drag him with us. But make sure that he lives."

"On your order." Rosa said, it was an annoying habit that she had picked up. From Vahn's knights to be exact. And it was one that he was trying to kick.

But the knight's had put it into her head that a retainer such as she should be respectful to their lord. And be noble in all circumstances.

Yet even so, Gabriel did not like it. He did not like that she was so subservient to him, not that it really mattered though.

Not right now at least. He could shelve the conversation for another day.

But right now, as Rosa dragged the battered noble on the ground, he found what he was looking for. Yet disgusted at the sight all the same.

A pendant, one that hung from the wall, and the target of this excursion.

But it was what surrounded the pendant that truly made Gabriel want to throw up. There were so many corpses.

Hung by their entrails and tied by their own organs. Into some sort of art, the pendant at the center of it all.

And so as Gabriel strode forth, over the blood and excrement, he grabbed the pendant.

Not bothering to even read the description. No, he looked down to the noble with disgust and kicked him in the stomach.

"Was there any others, any colleagues?" Gabriel asked. It was doubtless that he was going to say anything. But the slight hesitation when he nodded no. 

It disgusted Gabriel, enough that he merely strode through the ground once more. 

No matter how much he wanted to, Gabriel could not take the corpses with him. Not now. As first he needed to deal with the noble.

Even if it made it harder to root the rest out, he would burn him at the stake before Gabriel even thought of the consequences.

"Why are we gathered here?"

One player asked, lightly poking the other that was next to him.

"Don't know, I was just informed that there was something going on and that the whole town would be there."

"So was I, I was hoping for something more than that though."

Both of them sighed, leaning against each other and taking comfort in the other's warmth. They had perched atop a building, watching as something was moved to the center.

It was quite far and they weren't able to see too much. But they were able to see the angel.

"Is that…"

"Yep" He responded, equally as confused.


"Just told you, I don't know."

They quieted down as some sort of effect happened. The noise was silenced and with it an angelic voice, one that they could barely tell if it was male or female, started to echo through their minds.

No, it was more accurate to say that it was amplified, just that it was amplified in some weird manner that just made it seem that it was in their heads.

It was then that a person was brought out, broken, blood clinging to his body. Even the guards that had gathered around gasped, tightly grabbing their weapons and pointing it at the angel.

But they didn't bother moving forward. Conflicted, most likely because it was an angel, a holy creature that had done this, not some common criminal.