

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Komik
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14 Chs


He was scared.The situation he was in,was a situation that will cause someone's death.This is exactly what Ling felt.Fear and his last moments.

Unknown to him,an energy was forming in his legs as he thought of the worse."Shit they'll kill me,"Ling's mind was in hell right now waiting for the consciousness to complete the trip."I need to run away -"all he did was take a step forward and from there, he had disappeared from his position.The soldiers only saw a kind of red smoke in the air that made a path from behind the large table to the exit and far.It was clear that it wasn't there before.The soldiers inspected the strange phenomenon but the red energy had disappeared bit by bit till it all vanished.It looked to them that a speed bike with a bad exhaust system has just passed infront of them with a great speed unnoticed.

Right now,Ling was far away from the city.He remembered that more than ten CCTV cameras captured his face.He slapped his forehead when he also remembered that he raised his middle finger to one of those aeronautical robot securities.With no doubt,his head was now on a bounty,he can't stay in the city anymore.He stood in the middle of a large waste land examining himself,"How...how did I ...is it..the speed...."Ling didn't understand a thing.He knew how far it is from the city to this part of land was.It is then that memories flooded in his mind,he remembered how the red crystal had vanished from his hands and how he got here ,miles away from the city within less than half a second without breaking a sweat.

"Is that crystal inside of me?"He thought as he touched parts of his body,"Did I get what I actually wanted?This means I will save Ming and Erin!"He was uncontrollably anxious.


A hundred years ago, two strong anti-human beings were on battle against each other.The god of dark angels and darkness, against the Queen blood.The ruler of blood was someone who sticked around with the queen of angels and was here to get answers to some questions,but the dark god didn't seem to be much of an answer giver.

"Tell me,why are some of the heavenly angels having your mark on them?"she formed a sword out of red energy pointing it towards the enemy,"Are they working with you!?"Her long red hair started glowing as its strands moved wildly like snakes as if they had a mind of their own.

"Oh,my marking?Does it have a black sword with a pair of wings on its hilt?"The dark lord provoked her.

"Wrong answer.."the Red Queen dashed in towards the person transforming her whole body into a huge beast with red fur.She was now a werewolf with huge dragon wings.She propelled herself into the dark sky with her huge wings that pushed the air around powerfully creating wind attacks, then launched down with a great bust of red aura behind her feet like a rocket aiming to destroy a whole planet towards the dark lord that even the air around her seemed to be condensing as they gushed backwards,the dark lord went into the defensive when he saw the force she was coming with.

When she was close enough,she slashed her huge red claws aiming for the head.Seeing this,he summoned a black sword on his right hand blocking the attack.A loud explosion of red and black energy destroyed half of the black ground planet they were on.

The force had pushed them behind far from each other."That's rude of you to destroy my planet.It took me a large portion of energy to create it."The dark lord spoke as he concentrated all of his power in his sword.

On the other side, the beast took a look on its hands and noticed that there were small black spots of energy on her hands that were from her opponent's sword when he blocked her attack,and they were making her weak.She didn't want her opponent to notice it as she also decided to use her full strength.The dark lord was the one to attack first this time as he swung his sword diagonally from his position creating a large black aura slash that headed straight to the winged werewolf with great speed."Don't think I didn't notice it when I blocked your attack,am not intending to make this battle longer than it is supposed to."He bent down on the ground as he placed both of his palms on the solid ground with a large grin on his face.His eyes turned pure black."This is a message to Shiku ."

Seeing the attack,she knew that she didn't have time to move away,so she used her red aura creating a large wall metres infront of her that waved as if it was alive.But then,her power was falling down as she was running out of energy very fast.She was becoming weak.She felt a heavy thing on her werewolf legs and she saw that it was the black aura that came from the dark lord on the ground.It was like a large blanket from him that covered a great surface area of the planet.The red wall crumbled down as it didn't have enough power, making way for the black aura slash.

"He noticed it!"Her mind was full of horror when she tried to move but her legs didn't listen."He-"her words stopped when the attack went through her chest separating her body into two as the upper body slid over the other half falling on the ground.The other half fell backwards when it was released by the black aura.

Opening two portals,one infront of him and the other where the dead Queen lay.He entered the portal and appeared next to the corpse.Red aura began to escape from both her two separate body parts like a gas evaporating from a hot liquid."You seem to have some treasures you kept for yourself,"he halfway smiled.He raised his sword with his right hand deeping it in her chest.The sword vibrated vigorously as it absorbed a bit of the red aura till it was too much for him to handle as he retreated his sword."I know the dark energy won't affect the other queen like it did to you,but with a little more magic,it will do the job."He spoke,"There will erupt a battle since I now know that my power is a weakness to you angels, it's a shame the other energy left of you will be of no use."He soon disappeared from the planet leaving the body parts behind.

The red aura continued to leave her parts as they condensed in the air till none was left from the flesh.The energy also disappeared into the far far away space galaxy creating a black hole of some kind that consumed extraordinary energies in the universe.It became a center of orbit for other black holes and stars.

This history of the origin of the mega black hole as it was named by the humans as soon as they discovered it,was unknown to anyone.The humans were successful to suck a very small portion of the black hole's red energy.They were able to also concentrate and condense the red energy into a crystal like the others but this one took too much time, almost a whole year.Since it used to much time,the city lab decided to keep it like an artefact.But after twenty years of safety,the crystal got stolen by a teenage boy.


Ling stood in a stance, stretched out his hands,and prepared to run ,again.This time intensionaly.Closing his eyes,he slowly took in a deep breath and tensed his legs'muscles.He later darted as fast as he could towards the city, around every street and then to his home without stopping as he saw his mother who seemed to have cooled down a bit as she sat on a sofa reading the letter he had left to her.This relaxed his mind as he now decided to focus on one thing.Everything and everyone seemed to be frozen due to his speed.He smiled and dashed back to the wasteland.But this time he didn't leave a red aura track behind him as before.

"What else can this power do? Let's see?"One thing came to his mind as he remembered what Mr.Punch did to him.He rubbed the back of his head remembering it.He looked around and he could see a giant boulder rock kilometres away from him.He clenched his fist and like a lightning,he went straight to it.On striking range,he threw the punch towards the solid.Before he knew it,the whole of his hand was covered in a red glowing substance as it hit the rock.BANG!!!A loud explosive sound wave shook the ground as the rock was broken into very very tiny debris that were sent everywhere with great force.The tiny rock particles were being dissolved by the red aura into nothing that a human eye could see.Where once used to be a big rock,there was now nothing left of it.