
Return of silver claw

Gabu_Gustav_7541 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


When I came to, first thing I did I looked around. There was a man standing right beside me holding a note book. "Finally, you are awake." He said as he looked at me. "I would like you to meet some one. Your sister." He pointed the air and I looked at the door which was spinning. A figure walked in and in my image I could see a censored figure walking towards me. I couldn't make out who that was. "Do you remember me?' A voice that was distorted asked. I shook my head as I bluntly looked around the room. I could not see anything. Well clearly. "Your condition is worsening." He was saying that when I couldn't even feel my face leave alone anything. Apart from my eyesight and hearing. I don't even know if I am lying down or held upside down or even standing. I could usually hear my heart beat in the middle of the night when my mind wakes up. But other than that, I don't think there was any thing else I could do. Deep down in me I felt I had a sibling but not a sister in any case. But why me? I spoke to myself. "Huh? What was that?" A distorted voice asked. I could feel a prescence beside me. But I did not really care to look because for one it was just a feeling. I do not think that there was someone beside me.

"Are ignoring me or something?" Somehow I heard a girls voice clearly. I looked beside me that is both ways. I did not really see anything. "You really thought I was beside you. Don't you ever think I will adress you as my brother. He just left." I heard a loud bang and images began flashing in front of my eyes. Fire, Fire, fire, fire, fire. A scream shot through my ears. I could hear my heart beat faster and faster. Fear crept up my numb body. I cold the surviving hairs rise on their end. I could see fire all around me as I looked around. My heart finally gave up and I collapsed.

* ** * **

I was in a new reality. Fire was all around me and I was stuck there in foetal position. I looked around me and there was fire. The fire glistened and sparked. I looked at my body and it had caught on fire. I could hear beeping and wailing. Someone was crying or I was dreaming. Then, I felt some thing cold and the fire slowly died down. Turns out my heart was beating so fast that it sounded like it was not beating anymore.

* ** * **

"You gave me quite the scare." I heard a distorted voice say. Something cold trickle past my good eye. Maybe that was water. I opened my eye and slowly began gaining sanity. I had lost myself. Something had been triggered. I did not know what. "You kept on muttering fire" Fire, fire, fire, fire. Once again my heart began beating fast but I guess whoever was acted fast. In the next few seconds He stayed with me. I was scared as my heart kept beating faster. Fear was somewhere preying at me waiting for the right moment to strike. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into seconds but nothing important happened. I slowly closed my eye and drifted off into sleep.

* ** * ** I woke up the next day. Wait. My mind woke up the next day. Wait its not the next day or is it? I was confused. Suddenly, a bright light shone on my face. A voice said to me. "I love you." I also heard some one crying loudly. Something important to them had gone away. Then, the images of fire started flashing by. But I was prepared this time for the fear attack. I endured through and then a new fear rose. I could a distorted figure. But I could tell it was holding a bat. My greatest fear since a few hours? minutes? ago was fire. The figure swung the bat towards me and soon I caught on fire. And the pain came in. Short, intense pain. It came in periods. I lost sense of time and the world around me. I was anxious each time the pains came. Fire hurled into my ears and I began screaming in my dream. The reality began shaking and with it, the heat increased. The fire roared and I got scared. I was out of tears and breath. I was burning alive!!! But yet it felt like it had already happened. * ** * **

I opened my eye and my sight was all blurry. I could some warmth. I did not where the warmth was emanating from. I was scared enough to not think who that was. I felt my hands for the the first time. I embraced them and tears flowed down my cheek. I became too scared to sleep after the person had left. So I stayed up for the rest of the time until the door opened again. I did not want to look up. I could feel the place around me was fluffy. It was warm. Too warm for me. "Hey. What happened last night?" I could tell her voice. My fake sister. I did not answer. She had said that I was not her brother. Though last night I was scared to think who it was. I did not know what reality was. I was still scared that she would be a dream and then the pain would begin again. Over and over. I could the bed go down through my arms. She had sat right beside me. I did not know if it was her so I just kept my eyes open.

"You know, even though I am not your sister, You still could tell me what is bothering you." I know its a trick. My brain was all messed up and I was losing sanity bit by bit. I did not want to experience that pain ever. I moved my hands around as I felt around for something comforting. Then I felt something warm and soft. It was right there and then that pain shot up from some where. "You pervert!"