
return clock

everyone got teleported into another world. Then after multiple years. Joseph was fired from his party due to having too many "curses." Then he finds something that "could" finally make him rich, so he can retire.

Bmcp124 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

A young dragon

There were three rules our leader set after meeting the other beings.


Dad always repeated this rule. But that wasn't the only rule.


I didn't understand why. 'I like how they survived all this time.'

They were a foolish, and selfish race. 


'But somehow they teamed up with other races.'

"THE FINAL RULE IS." Dad turned into his human form.

"Always protect what is precious to you." Then he patted my head.

"You are almost to big for head pats." He chuckled a little.


I looked around, I was in a cage. 'Another dream.' 

I looked out through the bars.

'What are these blue particles?' I nudged the blue particle.

*zzi!* I felt stronger. 'Was it mana?'

I tried to take as many particles as possible. 'I'll escape!' 

I then released it. *Boom!*

The cage broke, and the carriage went loose. 

"DIE YOU SCUM." I attacked the carriage with magic. 

As I was about to continue I saw two humans. 

'One of them could be dangerous but, the other one seems weak, too weak.'

I knocked the first human down with everything I could.

'He only went to his knees?' I suddenly got flashes from the past.

'I'm still weak. Just like that other human. Why is he with a stronger human?' 

Then I felt something weird. 



I was still on my knees when the man crawled out of the carriage.

"Cough! This is annoying."

I looked at Brendon who was shaking.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay."

I stared at the man. 'He looks like an aristocrat. Although he needs to lose a couple pounds.'

"I ask for pity from you holy beings. Heal."

I was covered with mild yellow light.

Christine showed up. "W-what happened here?!" She sounded worried.

'It's understandable though.'

The scene was, I stood on broken ground,Brendon was shaking slightly, a dragon was screaming and a cage and carriage was broken.

"Please take care of Brendon, while I talk to that man."

Christine did as told, and I waved towards the aristocrat.

"Hello there I'm sorry if I interrupted something , but why is a dragon here?"

The man looked at us.

"It's a slave, but it tried to escape. Thankfully you delayed its escape long enough for me to activate the slave mark."

I nodded. "How much does he cost?"

"Are you sure you can handle it?" The aristocrat sounded a little nervous.

"Yes, you just have to make it learn who's their master." I said smiling.

"Hahaha! Yes! That's the spirit! I got this for a couple platinum. But I can lower the price to one hundred gold!"

I smiled and shook his hand. "Deal!"

I waved goodbye to the aristocrat after I got a small wand.

'Wow, how in the world did I get a dragon for this cheap?'

I came to a conclusion, and sighed.

I quickly wiped my hand, and looked at the dragon.

'Based on its strength it's probably an S rank.'

It wasn't high for a dragon but still dangerous.

"What in the world just happened?" Brendon asked.

"I have no idea how this happened." I answered.

We looked at the dragon closer.

"It's hurt." Christine said.

I got an idea and tried to wake it up.

"Wake up. You have a new ma~ster."

The dragon slowly opened its eyes.

"YOU ARE?" It still seemed powerful even though it was tired.

"Hello, I'm Joseph, that's Christine and that's Brendon." I said normally.

"THIS IS A DREAM ISN'T IT." The dragon closed its eyes.

I sighed and took out the pills.

'I still have eighteen.' "I order you to open your mouth.

I waved the wand a little, and a purple light shined.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??" The dragon sounded sad. But it opened its mouth.

I quickly threw in all the pills I had.

"Now you can go sleep Lindsay Solis." I said in a friendly tone.

The dragon closed its eyes, and fell asleep.

"Did it fall asleep?" Christine asked.

I simply nodded and looked around.

"We should move the dragon to a more secretive location first."

I thought for a while, how to do that.

"I have an idea. I make a big platform place her on, and then push."

Both looked shocked. "How do we do that?"

"I can surround the platform with mana to make it slippery." I said calmly.

"Isn't that going to use all your mana?" Brendon asked.

I nodded. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Then I took out the mace, small shield and short sword.

"Brendon you're getting the short sword and shield. And you get the mace." I said handing the mace to Christine.

"Do we get to do anything with these?" Brendon asked.

"Nope, I'm doing all the work." Then I started cutting trees down.

After a good ten minutes I had multiple tree pieces.

[the skill: weapon aura(B-) has been registered and removed]

'Why tell me this?' I sighed lightly and looked at Brendon and Christine.

They were play fighting with their weapons.



Skills: quick step(C-), target(D-), tag(A+), light ball(E), icicle(D-).

Passive: eye(C), lesser being(SS-), regeneration(F+), sword/shield proficiency(F-)

Negative: none

I shook my head and looked again.

'He has an SS- passive. Is that why the dragon paid attention to him?'

I head pat the dragon and finished making the platform.

[the skill: Dexterity(D) was upgraded to C-]

"Now we have to push the dragon onto it."

I focused and made the dragon slippery.

Then we all pushed.

After the dragon was pushed onto the platform, we pushed him into a cave.

Then I went hunting for some time.

When I came back. I made a campfire, and went to sleep.

"I made a light barrier. Just stay within it then you'll be fine." I said to Brendon and Christine.

The dragon opened its eyes slightly.

I just stared at it.

"Your green eyes are beautiful, hopefully you'll keep them when you transform."

I said nicely.