
return clock

everyone got teleported into another world. Then after multiple years. Joseph was fired from his party due to having too many "curses." Then he finds something that "could" finally make him rich, so he can retire.

Bmcp124 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

a small mansion

We entered and were immediately approached by merchants. "Buy this for two silver, that increases strength!" "smear this on the skin to make it smoother! It's only one silver!" "Buy this knife used by an EX rank adventurer! name your price!" "Buy this skill book for five silver only!"

Although they were practically beggars. 'Are they stuck here?' They probably came here to sell items, but failed. 'If they leave they can't get back in.'

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to buy anything." I said. [activated: mana manipulation(B+)] 

I quickly took the wrist of someone. "Don't even bother trying to steal." I said. "Aaahh!" *Crack!* Everyone went silent. "Do you get it?" "Aahh! he's crazy!" 

Everyone started running. "Anyway what's your name?" I asked ignoring everything. "Juliya, and I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier to you adventurer." She bowed politely.

I sighed. "I'm not a registered adventurer, lift your head." She looked confused.

"Let's just go." I said. everyone nodded. "Can I get one of those?" Christine asked pointing at meat. "How much is this?" I asked to the nervous shopkeeper. "I-it's ten copper per!" I nodded and gave him one silver.

"For two." He quickly gave me my change and I got two skewers. I gave the skewers to Brendon and Christine. "Don't poke yourself." They both nodded and started eating. 

'... oh.' Juliya stared at the meat skewer. I sighed. " I'll get two more." I said and gave one to Juliya.

"What? why are you giving me this??" I got annoyed and said. "Don't ask and just lead the way." She flinched, and we continued walking until we entered a entrance to a small mansion.

"Hey! it's me! I've come to deliver the herbs!" Juliya said loudly. Then we heard stairs and the front door opened.

A young woman appeared and led us in. "So what's the problem?" I asked. "The lady got sick, and we don't know how." 

I sighed and asked. "What are the symptoms? " "coughing up blood, and loss of emotions." The woman said. 

'Oh.' [activated: mana manipulation(B+)] [activated: swift movement(D)] "I'm going on ahead." I said. ""what?"" Christine and Brendon said.

"Do you know about this?" Juliya asked. 'oh, she caught up with me?' "Yes, in the past someone I knew died because of it." 

"Also many illnesses are just curses." I said, and Juliya looked shocked and blocked me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're planning to kill her aren't you?" She said. "Why stop me?" "Because I still owe her." she answered. 

[activated: Eyes(A) blue] "good." [subclass changed to: gravity manipulator] [skill: gravity manipulation (C) obtained] I immediately made the gravity around her heavier. "What room?" I asked. "n-not g-onna tell." 'okay fine.' 

I expanded my mana, and located her. 'There.' I gently opened the door. 

"Hello I'm Joseph." Inside there was a big bed. And on the bed was a woman.

"Hi?" She said sheepishly. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name? Uhh, it's Taurai."

"Hello Taurai, I've come to help you." I bowed respectfully.

"What kind of help?" She asked. [warning! Something is corrupting you!]

I smiled and climbed on the bed sitting beside her. "I have something I want to achieve. And I think you can help." I said while smiling.

"Oh? What is it?" She said while getting closer. "To stop one person from dying. And you can help me, Shoyu."

*Boom!* a big explosion went off.

"That's a little violent, don't you think." I said leaning closer. "Are you here to kill me?!" The woman said.

I simply smiled. [subclass changed to: priest] [temporarily obtained: purify(C)] I hugged her.

"Purify." "Wha-" Then a yellow light flashed.

"Let's be great friends." I took a crystal lying on the ground, and put it in my inventory.

[corruption has been removed] [achivement obtained: corrupt purifier]

*Thud* 'again?'

I fell down. 'I'm sure it's safe.'

I fainted again.

'Huh? What?' I stared at a purple screen. [lucid dreams have now been acknowledged as a feature]

[number of people: 3] 'There are three?'

I looked around me. And there were two people there. "Are you Taurai?" I asked. She nodded.

"How am I in this place?" She asked. I shrugged. "And you're." I saw someone that was practically a loli with horns. "Shoyu! How did you trap me here!?"

I sighed. "It's probably because I contained you in a crystal." Shoyu looked shocked.

Then quickly started crying. I ignored her and made a house, and a plushie for myself. "Do you like plushies?" Taurai asked.

"Yes, they are an SSS rank invention." I said. "Why not EX?" She asked. "Because you technically don't need plushies to survive." I said.

[the two items have been saved]

[this space has been recognized as your personal space]

I nodded in satisfaction. "Did you save me?" Taurai asked. I nodded and tried circulating mana.

[lucid dream has ended]

[you will get rewarded for creating: lucid dream]

[a restriction has been placed on subclasses]

I woke up in a prison. 'Oh, I guess this makes sense. "Hey! Where are the others?" I asked a guard. "Shut up vermin." He answered coldly.

'That was rude.' "What happened to the lady?" I asked out of curiosity. *stab!* 'huh?' I was stabbed in the stomach.

"Just stay there." He said. I laid on the ground clutching my stomach.

'Dang! Shop! Buy bandages!'

[you need 2 more coins] 'sell skewers!' [you have sold the skewer gain 1 coin] 'are you kidding me!'

I decided to sell pretty much everything I had on me. [obtained: 3 coins] [bought: super flexible bandage!]

I covered myself and stayed on the ground.

"So you have an inventory?" The guard said. Then. *Slam!* "please explain!" Someone entered. "Joseph!" Christine appeared.

"Hi I'm just dying, don't worry." I said jokingly. "Release him!" Taurai said. "What? He tried to kill you!"

"No, he saved me!" The guard flinched and opened the cell door.

"Wow, is this how prisoners are treated?" I asked while hugging Christine. Taurai shook her head.

"He has had some terrible experiences with criminals." I sighed yet again.

"Let's just go to a normal room next time." She nodded and I was brought to a dinning area.

"First let's check your injuries." I nodded.

Then a nurse appeared and reapplied the bandages. "Don't strain yourself until you've recovered." I nodded.

"So how is the situation, and how did you get cursed?" I asked.

"I was desperate. And I kinda wanted to leave all my worries behind. Then a girl with horns came and offered me a contract, and I accepted."

I sighed. "That was a stupid decision." She nodded. "And now to how you got here." I asked.

"I got into trouble with a higher ranking family." She started explaining.

"It's the Nithya family. They hold priority in the academy. And due to my older brother being bullied inside the academy I stepped in, but caused more harm than good."

"where was the academy again?" I asked. "Erymore." she said. 'that name sounds weird.' I slightly remember it. 'Of course I don't care right now.' 

[the last purple user has been registered] "What?" [say hello] "What is it?" Taurai asked. "nothing much, I just have to do this, excuse us." I left and was led to a room. "thanks."

([community chat]) [private chat] [lucid party *NEW!] online: 5 users.

start typing your heart away.

me: is it only me that noticed the new community window?

sophisticated pro: no, when did lucid party become a thing?

Aether25: A couple hours ago. I remember the last time something new appeared... five years ago!!

Lunar star450: who is the new person?

'I think everyone is curious.'

user 005: what is this?

me: you should choose a username.

Aether25: Yes! do that!

user 005: okay here goes nothing!