
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

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31 Chs

Temporary Guard

Once Braxis received the name and appearance, he rushed to the guard's quarters and immediately opened the door to his room once he found the matching name. He ensured that he only opened it a crack to see what was happening inside. His eyes met with two figures inside.

Inside was the guard who was standing in a posture befitting of a guard and the other was Julianne.. Who was wearing full armor as well. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were accentuated in the white angelic-looking armor she was wearing, it was clear from the quality that it had to be something Gravis had given her to prepare.

'It seems Gravis doesn't have no heart at all, if she's giving a servant an armor like that..' Braxis couldn't help but think as he looked at her stunning display.

"I have bestowed upon you all the knowledge necessary. May you not embarrass yourself in the presence of your master," the guard spoke, his nod conveying a mix of assurance and expectation.

A surge of gratitude filled Julianne's voice as she responded, her timidity giving way to newfound confidence. "Th-thank you. When I was assigned to assist Master Braxis, I felt overwhelmed. But with your guidance, I believe I can make a meaningful contribution and avert a complete failure," she expressed, her eyes shining with renewed determination. Gripping her sword tightly, she readied herself for the task at hand.

"Cross your sword with mine, I will appoint you as a temporary guard." The guard said with a serious expression.

'It seems that she's supposed to aid me on this mission and this guard was merely helping her and is now doing a ceremony to make her a guard. I had worried for the worst.. But, I wonder. Why do I care about her well-being, even with the ability to revert time?' Braxis thought as he couldn't help but shake off the strange feeling in his chest that he wasn't used to.

With a stern countenance, the guard motioned for their swords to meet, their blades interlocking in a resounding clash. In that moment, a profound significance was infused into their confrontation, as if the crossing of their weapons symbolized a pivotal transition. His expression grave and purposeful, the guard addressed Julianne with a weighty proclamation.

"By crossing swords with me, I hereby bestow upon you the temporary title of guard," he announced, his voice carrying the gravity of the appointment.

"You are still weak and inexperienced to a significant degree. Do not complicate matters for your master, and be attentive to his instructions, for the smallest mistake may cost you your life," the guard admonished sternly, his gaze unwavering as he gestured towards the door.

"You may proceed now. Your master awaits," he added, settling himself into a nearby chair.

Reacting swiftly, Braxis instinctively took a step backward, retreating slightly down the hallway before executing an abrupt turn, feigning the appearance of having been walking in that direction all along.

Julianne opened the door and immediately saw Braxis walking towards her.

"Master Braxis!" she exclaimed, swiftly springing out of the room and closing the door behind her, her hand waving in greeting.

Caught off guard by the enchanting smile that adorned Julianne's face, Braxis couldn't help but be captivated by her newfound elegance, accentuated by the splendid armor she wore.

"Julianne! What a pleasant surprise. And that armor, what's the occasion?" Braxis inquired, pretending to be oblivious to the situation.

"I've been assigned to assist you on a mission or something. I didn't really know how to put on the armor, so I sought help from one of the experienced guards," Julianne explained, closing the distance between them.

"He helped you with the armor?" Braxis asked, his voice tinged with mild surprise.

Julianne's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she recoiled slightly. "N-No! He merely explained the proper way to wear it... He didn't assist me or anything," she hurriedly clarified.

A warm smile graced Braxis' lips as he chuckled inwardly. 'Such a funny girl,' he thought to himself.

While Julianne grappled with her embarrassment, Braxis took a step forward, already resuming his departure. "Are you coming?" he asked, pausing momentarily.

Looking up, Julianne swiftly gathered herself and hastened to catch up, her armored form finding it slightly arduous to maintain the pace. "Of course, Master Braxis!" she affirmed, determination gleaming in her eyes.

"I must say, Julianne, I'm impressed. Most servants would struggle to move with such grace and agility in armor," Braxis complimented, genuine admiration lacing his words.

"I appreciate your kind words, Master Braxis, but this armor has been enchanted and bestowed upon me by Lord Gravis. It is said to possess lighter weight and enhanced flexibility, which makes it easier for me to move. I assure you, I'm not doing anything extraordinary," Julianne responded, maintaining a slight distance between herself and Braxis.

"I see. That explanation does make sense. But why are you keeping your distance from me?" Braxis questioned, a faint hint of concern evident in his voice.

"What do you mean? I am simply fulfilling my duty," Julianne replied, her expression tinged with sadness.

Suddenly, Braxis extended his hand and firmly grasped Julianne by her waist, pulling her closer until they were pressed against each other. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he spoke with a tender intensity. The flush on Julianne's face intensified as her heart raced in response to the proximity.

"Julianne, perhaps you shouldn't focus too much on your duty and pay more attention to me," Braxis whispered, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon her.

Julianne Relationship Status: +5

Julianne Relationship Progress: 32/300

Before they could fully absorb the gravity of the moment, a chilling voice, seemingly emanating from all directions, reverberated through the halls, interrupting their embrace.

"Pft. What a spectacle. I had planned to eliminate both of you without uttering a single word, but this is simply pathetic. The love interest of Gravis's successor turns out to be nothing more than a lowly servant. How laughable," the voice taunted, its echoes resonating ominously.

Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Braxis released his hold on Julianne, and she quickly fumbled to draw her sword, a resolute determination etching itself onto her features. "Stay behind me, Master Braxis! I will protect you," she declared, positioning herself between him and the unseen threat.