
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

Salad_Adressing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Eldest Brother

Braxis trembled as the nightmarish memory of the previous body overwhelmed him, causing him to collapse onto one knee and retch uncontrollably. He was acutely aware of the madness he would encounter in this world, particularly from his god-forsaken father.

"Braxis! Are you alright? I knew I should've killed the beast instead!" Harrison exclaimed, his expression one of concern.

Braxis raised his hand in a halting gesture, still staring at the ground. "I'm fine, Harrison. You're a true friend, and I appreciate your help," he said, struggling to stand up on his unsteady knees.

Harrison appeared puzzled by Braxis's sudden display of gratitude. "Uh, thanks? What's going on?" he asked.

Harrison's Impression: +2

Harrison Impression Progress: 102/300

"Let's get the hell out of here and find the materials for Izonite powder. I need something to help me forget what I just saw," Braxis said with disgust.

"Was Abarak that traumatic? And why do we still need the powder?" Harrison inquired, his voice laced with concern.

"No, it was my father, and the powder is going to help me.. Forget, hopefully," Braxis replied firmly, recalling a 'special' status effect from his previous life playing the game.

"Oh," Harrison replied thoughtfully. "Well, it's too late to look for the materials now. More powerful creatures will be prowling around. Let's meet up tomorrow morning behind the school and continue from there."

"Fine, but you better show up!" Braxis teased.

"Obviously! It's not like we're going to face Abarak or anything, so it should be easier," Harrison reasoned with a laugh.

As Harrison left, he couldn't help but think that he may have finally broken through Braxis's hard emotional shell and become somewhat friends with him.. He initially treated him badly as he also fell into the strange rumors.

As the two, Braxis and Harrison parted ways, the sky above was a dazzling display of celestial bodies. The stars and planets shone like jewels, and the moon was a bright beacon in the night sky. Braxis, tired from his long day, couldn't wait to get home.

Braxis was welcomed by a charming servant who was waiting for him at the front gate. The girl bowed to him and said, "Welcome back, master!" As she straightened herself up, she gave him a flirtatious smile.

After returning the smile, Braxis let out a sigh and asked, "Hey, would you mind preparing a bath for me? It's been a long day."

"Of course, master! However, I must warn you to be very cautious before entering your home. That's all I am allowed to say," the servant girl replied, tipping her dress before hurrying back inside the palace.

As Braxis made his way towards the palace, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he needed to be on guard. After a moment of pondering, it dawned on him.

"That bastard Dante never gives up. And I don't have the mana to deal with him. I guess I'll use one of my lives to see what happens," he concluded.

With newfound determination, he strode confidently towards the palace, only to be attacked as soon as he opened the door.

Before he could react, Braxis found himself pinned on the ground with his hand behind his back, he was tackled by none other than his elder brother, Tenzent. "Little brother! It's been too long!" Tenzent exclaimed as he ruffled Braxis's silver hair, clearly thrilled to see him again.

"Ow! Hey, can you get off of me?" Braxis groaned in irritation as he struggled to get up from the ground.

Tenzent, however, seemed unfazed by Braxis's irritation. "Wow, you're still as cold as I remember you, Braxis. Some things never change," he remarked with a grin as he helped his brother up by the arm.

Braxis eyed the man Tenzent, taking in his appearance. The man possessed an air of refinement and authority, standing tall with impeccable posture. His chiseled jawline and high cheekbones contributed to his strikingly handsome face, while his deep-set, piercing eyes seemed to hold a thousand untold stories. Dark, neatly combed hair framed his face, adding an elegant touch to his overall appearance.

He was dressed impeccably, his tailored suit accentuating his broad shoulders and lean physique. A crisp white shirt peeked out from beneath the suit jacket, accompanied by a silk tie that added a pop of color. Polished black shoes completed the ensemble, reflecting the light with every step he took.

Tenzent whispered into Braxis's ear, and he couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine. "You've done a good job avoiding my assassin that I sent to watch over you,"

Tenzent moved away from Braxis and began to speak loudly to his stunned expression. "Although, I am a bit confused as my assassin reported that two days ago you ingested enough poison to kill 500 elite mages, and you just walked out of your room in the morning like nothing happened. I honestly have to respect that," he added before walking towards Braxis, patting him on the back, and walking away nonchalantly.

Suddenly, it dawned on Braxis. "Two days ago?" he repeated to himself, his mind racing to make sense of the information. And then it hit him. That was the day he was brought into this world, taking the place of the former Braxis who had supposedly died due to being poisoned. "That also explains who assassinated me too! I thought it was that dick Dante!" Braxis exclaimed inwardly, finally making sense of the attempts on his life.

"But what does Tenzent have to gain by killing me?" Braxis pondered aloud, the more he uncovered, the more questions arose.

"Master Braxis, your bath is ready!" came the servant's voice from behind the door.

Leaping to his feet, Braxis flung open the door, expecting the familiar face of his servant. Instead, he found Julianne standing there, beaming at him.

"Julianne? What brings you here?" Braxis inquired, genuinely curious.

"Master Braxis, I am also a servant in your household. I'm simply fulfilling my duties," she replied, her deep blue eyes locking onto his, her warm smile never fading.

As Julianne guided Braxis towards the bathing area, he couldn't help but let his gaze travel along her figure from head to toe. This prompted Braxis to suddenly exclaim, "Wait just a second!" He swiftly veered into his room, which conveniently lay en route to the bath.

"What does he want me to do?" Julianne wondered, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

Reaching into a drawer, Braxis pulled out something. "Give me your hand," he instructed.

Timidly, Julianne complied, her heart racing.

Braxis placed some coins in her hand, gently closing her fingers around them. "You shouldn't have to wear rags like these. Go purchase some finer clothing," he said, his own smile mirroring hers.

Julianne Relationship Status: +10

Julianne Relationship Progress: 15/300

"Master, I am truly grateful! I feared you had more.. Intimate intentions.." She said with slight embarrassment and tears of joy erupting down her face. After a moment, she wiped them away, composing herself.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. Now, allow me to escort you to your bath!" Julianne declared, her smile returning as she playfully flicked her blonde hair with her hand.

Watching her radiant face, Braxis felt warmth spread through his chest, pleased that he could make her happy. As Julianne guided him towards the bath, an unseen force suddenly slammed Braxis's head against the wall, causing his vision to momentarily blur.

"You don't have to be so hard on him, brother..." Levant chided a distinguished-looking gentleman, whom Braxis gradually recognized as his vision cleared.

'Damn it! That's the guy who led me to my first death when I arrived in this world! And just how large is this godforsaken family?' Braxis fumed internally.

In the room, each of Braxis's brothers had gathered, their varying personalities and appearances creating a unique and eclectic atmosphere. The only one missing was Tenzent, whose absence seemed to leave an unspoken void in the midst of the siblings.

"No, Vorkath is right. Braxis deserves punishment for attacking me unprovoked," Dante argued, a proud expression on his face.

"As soon as I can hire my own assassin, I'll eliminate every one of these brothers, except for Levant," Braxis brooded.

"Braxis! It's time for your punishment after picking on your dear little brother, Dante," Vorkath declared, grinning smugly.

Braxis looked at Vorkath, he had heard of him previously thanks to Selva, but with what he knew, he should be out on the front lines..

Vorkath was the very definition of straight laced. Well, at least apperance wise. He was finely dressed, wearing a jacket and a button up shirt, his hair cut close to his skin but in a unique way that assisted him in exuding his own unique charm.

"What the hell did I do to deserve any of this? What is wrong with this family?!" Braxis roared, his anger boiling over.

"Feigning ignorance will only infuriate me further, Braxis. You should know better," Vorkath admonished, his expression solemn.

"I truly don't know, you bastard!" Braxis retorted.

"How can you not feel shame for pretending you're clueless after everything you've done to this family? I'll make you a deal. If I release my gravity magic and you get on your hands and knees whilst begging to our poor youngest brother, and you confess every misdeed you've committed against this family, I won't punish you," Vorkath proposed with a smirk, crossing his arms.

"Wait! That's not fair! You said you'd allow me to cut him with my daggers until he bleeds out!" Dante shouted angrily in protest.

"Quiet, Dante!" Levant snapped, fixing Dante with a deadly glare and holding him back with his arm.

Vorkath looked at Dante briefly but ignored the outburst. He then lifted his gravity magic. "Go ahead. You have one minute to impress me."

Trembling with rage, Braxis prepared to unleash his fury, intent on taking down at least one of them, knowing he had a few revivals at his disposal. But just as he was about to strike, Julianne darted in front of him, her arms outstretched protectively. "STOP, YOU MONSTERS!" she screamed through her tears. "How can you brothers be so cruel to one another? Leave Braxis alone!"

Vorkath's laughter rang out. "How amusing. I'll make sure to send you to the grave myself once I've dealt with this troublemaker." He held his arms out, welcoming the challenge.

Julianne swallowed hard, but held her ground, arms still shielding Braxis.

"Julianne? I appreciate it.. But it's best you don't get involved. There's no reason for you to get hurt because of me." Braxis said to her as he was stunned by her willingness to protect him.

"Enough. I'll send both of you to oblivion!" Vorkath said with a crazed expression. He began to concentrate his mana throughout his body..

But before Vorkath could unleash his spell, a powerful force slammed everyone in the room to the ground, including Vorkath, who wore an expression of sheer terror. A thunderous voice echoed through the palace, demanding, "What do you all think you are doing?"

The group turned their eyes to look at the source only to see shining purple eyes looking back at them..

There is all of his brothers! I wonder why they're here..

Salad_Adressingcreators' thoughts