
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

Salad_Adressing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Consequences Of Power

An almost heavenly light with a soft blue hue enveloped Braxis, levitating him above his bed. Perspiration began to appear across his skin, saturating the linen beneath him, turning it a shade darker.

His struggle was apparent on his face as he focused, the strain almost being too much to bear. His eyes were sealed shut, yet his eyelids fluttered sporadically, like the sails of a ship caught in a tempest, desperately seeking calm.

As time passed, the blue light began to fracture, transforming into minuscule particles that orbited him in a mesmerizing dance. They swirled and twirled, creating a microcosm of the cosmos around him, each particle a celestial body in its own right.

In the midst of an intense training session with Tenzent, Gravis felt an uncanny fluctuation in the ambient mana. It was like a delicate tremor in a still pond, a ripple that disturbed the otherwise calm surface. The sensation halted him mid-strike, his attention directed instinctively towards Braxis's location.

'Could it be? That brat is forming a mana heart so soon?' Gravis wondered, a sense of surprise intermingling with increasing pride. A smile threatened to crack his usually stoic facade, the corners of his mouth twitching in response to this unforeseen development.

"Dad, can we take a damned breather or go easy on me at least?" Tenzent gasped out, each word punctuated by the harsh rasp of his breath. His chest was heaving heavily, threatening to knock him unconscious at any point. He was clearly laboring under the intense exertion of their relentless training.

Tenzent attempted to clear his face of some of the blood that was affecting his eyesight but his hands were also covered, rendering it a futile effort, like trying to mop up a river with a rag. His body was a bloody mess of cuts and abrasions, each one a future memory of this intense training session.

"I am going easy? I thought you'd be ready for this.. Though, you're lasting longer than last time, at least," Gravis shot back. To any onlooker, it was unmistakable that Gravis was far from strained in his efforts, his form unmarred by a single scratch.

"Hang on, I need to check something," Gravis said, stepping out of the room and into the hallway.

As soon as Gravis left, Tenzent also silently departed using a different door.

As Gravis was in the hallway he could feel Braxis's power increasing rapidly, this surprised him due to the fact that he was certain Braxis had only begun learning how to use mana recently.

Gravis Impression: +20

Gravis Impression Progress: 170/300

Gravis, in silent reverence of his offspring's progression, found himself alone, basking in the extraordinary distinctiveness of the moment. 'It's been 3000 years.. I do hope that you don't disappoint me, "Braxis",'

With a concentration that mirrored his undying body, Gravis began the intricate weaving of a summoning spell. "Shadow Knight, emerge," he commanded, his voice in a flat authoritative tone.

He outstretched his hand which released a relentless conduction of mana, channeling the energy into his shadow, endowing it with form and substance. A knight, armored in full plate, materialized, kneeling before him in a silent pledge of allegiance.

"Stand sentinel at Braxis's portal of trials, tolerate no disturbances, especially from his meddlesome siblings," Gravis instructed with an icy authority. "Remain unseen until the urgency of circumstances calls for your intervention." The shadow knight then dissipated into the ground, a dark puddle seeping away with a swift, silent purpose, selecting an inconspicuous corner for its station.

Meanwhile, Braxis, the focus of this shadow's protection, was in a state of agonizing exertion. His body, slick with sweat, bore witness to the intensity of the trial, his heartbeat reverberating in his skull like a relentless drum.

"Fuck! I feel like I'm going to die!" Braxis couldn't help but shout out as he screamed in agony.

A rush of memory and emotions surged through Braxis's consciousness, transforming his reality into a series of vivid memories. Some were familiar, others foreign.

"You're hired!" A suited man declared as he rose and extended a congratulatory handshake.

'That was the day I was hired at the warehouse..' Braxis thought back, remembering the monotony of his old life. 'I was just being used by my boss and was a punchline for my coworkers.'

"Go on a date with you? I'd rather die!" A woman in a cocktail dress declared in a classroom filled with mocking laughter.

'That was the day my heart turned to stone, pushing me to seek refuge in this game.. I truly gave up then.'

"I'm sorry sir. Your parents, they've... Been in a car accident. I'm afraid neither of them survived…" A solemn police officer divulged, his hat clutched close to his chest.

'That was the day I was confronted by a terrible reality. The day I wished I could turn back time and take back the harsh words from our last conversation. They just wanted the best for me.. I always wished I could have just not answered the door, though that wouldn't have changed the outcome.'

Memory after memory cascaded through Braxis's mind, each one threatening to shake his hold on sanity. 'I'm barely scratching the surface. If I had to relive through a dozen more of these traumatic memories, I don't think I'd be able to last,' he thought, sadly.

The book he read warned him about the perils of losing oneself to madness or halting the formation of the mana heart prematurely. Once you started the process, there was no turning back.

Suddenly, a scene he didn't recognize sprang into his consciousness. 'Hang on, I don't think I remember this..' he thought, as an intriguing, unfamiliar memory unfolded.

*Memory Unlocked*

The former Braxis was being brutally mauled in a forest by a monster that was a strange amalgamation of bear and dragon, its body armored with scales, and its face, a grotesque mask with several eyes. A grim spectacle being witnessed by his four brothers.

'What a waste of time, they're all still so weak and they're picking on him like this?' Vorkath thought as he was bored and indifferent, refocusing on practicing his magic, determined to make the most of the time.

Dante, in a perverse show of humor, flung various food items onto Braxis's body, further agitating the creature.

Levant was doubled over with cruel laughter, tears streaming down his face. "Throw more food at him Dante! The way those potatoes fell down and were eaten was hilarious!"

Dante looked at Levant's face full of encouragement and continued to grab food from Braxis's bag that was meant for his lunch.

Tenzent however, watched the horrific scene with a look of pity. Tenzent silently whispered, "I'm sorry, little brother. It's tragic you were born this way. It's truly a shame that you were born a weakling." He shook his head in disapproval.

In the meantime, the past Braxis was a mess of unfiltered torment as the creature indulged in a savage banquet of his blood and muscles, its monstrous countenance plunged deep within his gut. Each guttural growl from the beast echoed Braxis's immense agony, while its fangs shredded through the soft tissue like a butcher's cleaver, making a grisly meal of his insides.

His desperate attempts to ward off the beast were met with ruthless retaliation. The creature snapped at his hands with a bone-crushing crunch, severing them in a spray of crimson. "AAAGHHH!" His screams were a symphony to the beast's ears, only encouraging it to feast more voraciously. Defenseless and vulnerable, Braxis was reduced to a bloody spectacle of human frailty against brutal nature. His lifeblood seeped into the earth beneath him, painting the forest floor a chilling shade of scarlet.

A flurry of thoughts from the past Braxis, raw and bitter, seeped in. 'I didn't think I'd end up dying to a fucking creature like this. I tried to learn that damn magic to be strong like my father, they all talked about its use and mocked me. Why won't they just end this? Why are they standing there, laughing while I'm being chewed to bits? I hate them! I hope they are tortured and die a slow painful death, agonizing and begging for their pitiful ends!' His thoughts were a raging storm of pain and anger as he choked on his blood.

Ten grueling minutes crawled by before Vorkath, with a scowl of frustration, strode over to Tenzent. "Our younger siblings are twisted, and are losing focus on their training by doing these disgusting jokes," he griped, his voice heavy. "However I refuse to show any signs of weakness in front of them by suggesting we put a stop to this. Will you do something, brother?"

Tenzent shook his head dismissively, a stern expression fixed on his face. "Don't bring this matter up to me again," he warned, his tone icy. "I'll overlook your comment this time, but don't make a habit of it."

Vorkath's glare bored into Tenzent, his irritation blazing like a wildfire. Disgusted by Tenzent's cold reaction, he stormed off, fury simmering beneath the surface.

'How much longer is this goddamn flashback going to drag on?' Braxis fumed. 'Yeah, it's giving me a shitload of information on the brothers, but I can't afford to screw with the mana heart trial right now. It's too damn risky,' he decided.

'Some serious questions need answering, like why the hell did Tenzent kill me when I showed I could use magic, if he was supposedly rooting for me to get stronger? And now I can't even trust Levant? Is there no one in this damned world I can truly rely on? Who healed this Braxis so he wouldn't die?' Braxis seethed with anger, questioning everything he had known in his brief moment in this world.

'I swear on the old gods and the new, each one of these brothers will feel my wrath for what they did to the original Braxis. They will all meet a gruesome end at my hands,' Braxis vowed as the torrent of memories subsided.

He released the levitation spell that had kept him suspended, collapsing onto the bed. His moment of respite was shattered by a thunderous blast outside his door, followed by a shout, "Take him down before he completes the mana heart trial!"

'That voice...Levant? But why?' Braxis wondered, scrambling to regain his composure in anticipation of the impending conflict.

"A shadow knight, while forming the mana heart!? Impossible!" Tenzent's voice rang out, laced with disbelief.

'What? I didn't summon a shadow knight. What the actual hell is happening!? Why is everyone so eager to see me dead?' Braxis mulled, a sea of confusion raging in his mind.

Braxis flung his door open to witness the four brothers engaged in a fierce battle against a spectral figure, who seemed to be easily dominating the encounter, leaving the brothers visibly battered. The specter turned, caught sight of Braxis, and then dissipated into thin air.

Braxis clenched his fist tightly, bellowing, "What the hell have I ever done to you that you want me dead? Can't a man feel safe in his own home?"

"Shut it, Braxis, you insufferable prick. You stumbled onto a cache of power and now you're playing king? Don't forget where you stand in this family," Levant retorted with visible distaste.

"And what about our intimate session in the bath, Levant? Was that just a fluke?" Braxis shot back, lacing his words with sarcasm.

Gravis Impression: -10

Gravis Impression Progress: 160/300

'Why am I losing points with Gravis? Could he possibly have overheard that somehow?'

"Oh please. You were just being your usual perverted self, concocting fantasies after I revived you. I only saved your sorry ass so I could have my fun a little longer. Just because you've improved your manners and reputation doesn't mean you can just forget your place in the family," Levant sneered.

"I'm sick of your hypocritical, self-righteous bullshit, Levant. You've never once considered my well-being, only the family's image," Braxis retorted with vitriol.

Levant's Impression: -20

Levant's Impression Progress: 30/300

"And you," Braxis shifted his fiery gaze to Dante.

Dante recoiled involuntarily, the intensity of Braxis's glare sending chills down his spine.

"You're just a spineless bully, picking on the weak. You're so far up Levant's ass, I'm astonished you've even lived this long. The family will toss you aside soon enough," Braxis spat.

"Shut the fuck up, Braxis! You've always been a pathetic weakling, and now that you've got a taste of power you think you're hot shit? Keep dreaming!" Dante roared back, seething with rage.

Dante's Impression: -204

Dante's Impression Progress: -1000/300

"Warning: You've now gained the worst possible reputation with Dante—the demon! Expect him to attack at any given opportunity and spread malicious gossip about you at every turn!"

Braxis then turned his attention to Tenzent. "Tenzent, you're nothing more than a fool. You can't train your assassins worth a damn—Fox was practically delivered to me on a silver platter. But your biggest downfall is your indecisiveness, a fatal flaw for someone in a position of power. You waver between wanting to aid me and wanting to kill me for my 'weakness'. Well, guess what? I'm not weak anymore. So there's no reason for you to want me dead."

The other brothers exchanged shocked glances, appalled by Braxis's accusation of Tenzent's apparent weakness. Tenzent, however, remained unfazed. "You hit the nail on the head, Braxis. I respect your ability to identify my weakness and your determination to attain this power despite your previous frailty." He acknowledged, much to the surprise of his siblings. With that, he turned and left.

In the face of unexpected ease, Braxis thought, 'Well, that was surprisingly smooth.'

Braxis then locked eyes with Vorkath. "Why, Vorkath? Why do you want me dead? I genuinely can't comprehend."

".. It's uncomplicated. I've dedicated my life to becoming the patriarch. I won't let you swoop in and snatch that title from me. It's not personal. Since you restarted your training, I've had no issue with you." Vorkath replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

'Wow. I don't think I even despise him. He's just a man on a mission, no matter the cost,' Braxis mused momentarily before Levant interrupted, "Alright, Braxis, you've had your moment. We're done playing games."

Without missing a beat, Braxis bolted into his room, slamming and locking the door behind him. He snatched up the Volcanic Edge and his gloves, readying himself as the door was effortlessly smashed open. 'After the tussle with Fox and the strain of the trial, I'm spent. Dying here would be an utter disappointment depending on where I respawn,' he thought.

"I can't believe you dashed into your room like a frightened child, Braxis. I genuinely believed you'd changed," Levant sneered as he stormed in.

"That's the thing about him, brother. He never changes. He's barely worth the monsters' time in the forest," Dante chimed in, a smug grin playing on his lips as he sought approval in Levant's eyes.

"Can you two quit the chit-chat? Let's finish this and get back to training," Vorkath sighed, conjuring a dark energy orb between his hands.

Levant unsheathed his sword, followed by Dante unveiling his weapons. Their movements synchronized, they advanced towards Braxis. 'If I'm destined to die, I'll create my mana heart elsewhere. However the progress might not be lost since it's bound to my soul,' Braxis mulled over the situation.

Just as Braxis braced himself to parry the incoming weapons, a blur shot into the room. It was a figure moving at such speed that it was indistinguishable for a few moments.

The blur materialized into Gravis, who effortlessly blocked Levant's blade with one hand and Dante's daggers with the other, nullifying their attack.

"Father!" Vorkath cried out, instantly halting his spell and dropping to his knees.

Gravis's frosty gaze swept across the brothers and landed on Braxis.

"What exactly are you all doing? Kneel." Gravis's voice echoed through the room like a thunderclap, an overwhelming pressure forcing them to their knees.

Gravis casually tossed aside the weapons he'd just disarmed like they were garbage, their previous owners now weaponless and kneeling.

"You would turn on your own blood for gaining a smidgen of power at such a crucial moment in our family's ascendancy?" Gravis's voice was akin to a deadly venom.

"DO I APPEAR TO BE A JOKE TO YOU?" His roar amplified the pressure in the room, a bone-cracking symphony echoing as each member present felt the painful snap of their own bones.

"You're all failures. Not one of you managed to accomplish the supposedly simple task of forming a mana heart. And you want to murder Braxis because he's surpassed you? Preposterous." Gravis turned to face Braxis, his gaze intense and calculative.

"Braxis, you've had a rough start, but you've truly outdone yourself. I, Gravis, hereby appoint you as my successor. If anyone dares to attack you henceforth, they will face my wrath!" With his declaration, the room fell into a stunned, deafening silence. Everyone present was shocked and awestruck by Gravis's announcement.

Vorkath's Impression: -991

Vorkath's Impression Progress: -1000/300

"Warning: You've now gained the worst possible reputation with Vorkath—the void caller! Expect him to attack at any given opportunity and spread malicious gossip about you at every turn!"

As the ominous notification chimed in his mind, Braxis locked eyes with Vorkath. His face was a mask of fury, teeth clenched so tight they looked ready to shatter.

'Great. I just stole this guy's dream. And I didn't even want it!' A silent scream echoed within Braxis.

"Ah, the Volcanic Edge…" Gravis sounded almost pleased as he glanced at Braxis's weapon.

Gravis Impression: +5

Gravis Impression Progress: 165/300

"But those gloves of yours… they're rather lackluster." Gravis commented nonchalantly, releasing his gravity spell. As the oppressive force lifted, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

"Braxis, come with me." Gravis commanded, striding from the room.

'Fantastic… Just the outcome I was hoping for…' Braxis grimaced internally, awkwardly navigating past his seething brothers. As he passed Vorkath, he could feel the intense restraint it took for him not to launch himself at Braxis.

Walking alongside Gravis, Braxis caught sight of Julianne. Her eyes held a mix of concern and curiosity—clearly, she was out of the loop and unsure of what was transpiring. However, in Gravis's presence, she remained silent.

Braxis sent her a reassuring wink, signaling that he was okay and this was nothing to worry about. Her features relaxed into a small smile, and she moved on.

Gravis abruptly halted. "Well, well, a rare sight indeed. You're usually confined to your quarters like the other commanders. What brings you here?"

Following Gravis's gaze, Braxis found himself looking at the alluring Evelynne. Memories of their past encounter and the feel of her soft silky ample bosom under his hand stirred in his mind. 'My only regret from that moment was not exploring her curves further, or even her enticing backside... and I didn't even lose a life!' A mischievous grin spread across his face as he couldn't help but attempt to make out the image of her breasts that strained through her shirt, creating a perfect contour of what was to be seen, not unnoticed by Evelynne.

Evelynne Relationship Status: -5

Evelynne Relationship Progress: -4/300

Evelynne's face momentarily twisted in disgust as she met Braxis's lascivious gaze before promptly shaking it off.

"I've just concluded a training session, my lord. I have a question, if you would permit me," Evelynne respectfully dropped to one knee before Gravis, creating an upward bounce as she did so.

"Proceed." Gravis's reply was curt.

"I propose that the commanders be assigned to the young masters, to better prepare us for the imminent conflict," she articulated respectfully.

"Consider it done. Now rise, and take your leave. I have other matters to attend to and will assign you later," Gravis instructed, continuing on his way.

"Yes, my lord!" With a swift salute, Evelynne took her leave.

"Gravis, would you consider assigning me to Evelynne? We share... a certain understanding," Braxis ventured confidently.

"Request denied. I appreciate your audacity, but I will make assignments based on individual needs. Archery isn't your priority, and I must say, I'm surprised she even considered your proposal," Gravis replied as he kept walking.

"My proposal? I never proposed marriage to her," Braxis uttered in surprise.

"You idiot, I meant your request for additional training. She mentioned to me about your request while you were in the bath with her," Gravis corrected, pressing a hand to his forehead in exasperation.

"I never requested training during a bath…" Braxis murmured, perplexed.

"Listen, Braxis, I appreciate your newfound confidence, but rein it in. You're stepping out of line. I'm aware of your liaisons with your servant too. Keep your personal affairs discreet. That lewd grin you flashed at Evelynne didn't escape my notice. Is that clear?" Gravis asserted firmly.

Braxis breathed a sigh of relief. 'I was afraid he'd order me to halt my pursuits of Julianne or Evelynne. Seems he's indifferent to my actions.'

"In that case, could I request a different favor?" Braxis inquired, his tone even.

"This better be worthwhile, or we'll have a sparring session," Gravis warned.

"I need your authoritative assistance in arranging something… In essence, would you be able to arrange for certain individuals to visit my room on designated nights?"

"I see. Who are these individuals and for what purpose?" Gravis queried, interest piqued.

"To be precise, I'm referring to Selva Fyra, Evelynne, and Julianne... And the purpose, I believe, would be apparent to you..."

Gravis halted, casting a disappointed glance at Braxis.

"Even after I dismissed your earlier request, you now dare to make an even bolder one. You have audacity, Braxis. Anyone else posing such a question would've faced immediate execution. Given your newfound status as my successor, I might be willing to entertain this peculiar request, but only if you deliver outstanding results in the upcoming assassination mission."

"Assassination mission?" Braxis echoed, stunned. "I was under the impression that was Tenzent's responsibility, given his specially trained assassins!"

"Would you seriously leave such a crucial shit-show to novices who are still green as grass? I'd rather take a bet on you, with your new-found magic heart. You do know what the hell you can do with that, right?" Gravis threw the question at him, curiosity glistening in his gaze.

"I...I haven't had a moment to explore it yet, there's been a whirlwind of events recently!" Braxis retorted, momentarily forgetting about his newfound power.

"Never mind that crap now, we're almost there," Gravis dismissed the comment, marching on.

They eventually arrived at Gravis's secluded quarters. Yanking open a drawer, Gravis pulled out a file and slapped a piece of parchment into Braxis's hand.

"A map?" Braxis stared at the document, his mind a whirlwind of confusion.

"Indeed. This should significantly aid in your mission, the layout should be quite familiar to you," Gravis affirmed confidently.

"Familiar? Are there other sorts of maps I should be prepared for?" Braxis questioned, his mind awash with confusion. 'This mirrors exactly the maps from the game! Quite peculiar,' he mused internally.

"I meant that given your younger years, you're probably more acquainted with modern, updated maps rather than the old ones," Gravis clarified.

"Ah, gotcha. Thanks! This will come in handy, I'm sure," Braxis said, nodding appreciatively.

"Ensure you keep that map safe, I won't be providing duplicates. Additionally, I have some superior gloves and other equipment for you," Gravis stated, opening his wardrobe and tossing out various items imbued with enchantments that could enhance speed, dexterity, and even raw strength, albeit subtly.

"Thanks again, Dad!" Braxis exclaimed, causing Gravis to cringe visibly.

"Just call me Gravis. Now get the hell out of here, you little shit!" Gravis barked, clearly irritated.

As Braxis wandered out of Gravis's room and back to his own, he couldn't help but think, 'Damn, my old man is one strange son of a bitch.'

Enjoy the extra long chapter everyone

Salad_Adressingcreators' thoughts