
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

Salad_Adressing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

An Untimely Death

As I sat in my dimly lit room, surrounded by the dull hum of the computer and the monotony of my daily life, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy wash over me. My life had always been one of mediocrity - an endless sea of unremarkable days that blended together into a never-ending blur.

I wasn't particularly attractive or intelligent, and I lacked the drive and ambition to excel in any particular field. I was just...average. It was a label that had haunted me for as long as I could remember, a weight that I carried with me wherever I went.

But there was one thing that brought me joy in the midst of my mundane existence - a game called Silver Dawn! In this sprawling RPG, I took on the role of Ventus, a hero on a quest to save the world from impending doom. With each new challenge I faced, I grew stronger and more capable, picking up new allies and treasures along the way.

But it wasn't just the thrill of adventure that kept me coming back to Silver Dawn - it was the opportunity to live a life that was vastly different from my own. In this virtual world, I could interact with women in a way that I never could in real life. I could go on dates and even get married, something that seemed impossibly out of reach in my day-to-day existence.

As I logged into the game once again, I found myself drawn to the three female characters that I had grown particularly fond of over the years. There was Sylvia, a sultry, sexy, flirtatious succubus with curves that seemed to defy gravity. Cynthia, a valiant hero from the temple of light who exuded an air of confidence and power, she was very attractive in the way she liked to play hard to get. And then there was Melody, the shy and adorable bard who had stolen my heart with her sweet demeanor and infectious smile.

With each passing moment, I found myself sinking deeper into the game, losing myself in the intricate storylines and immersive world. As the hours ticked by, I felt my muscles relaxing and my mind calming, my troubles and worries fading away in the face of this virtual world that had become my refuge.

But I was approaching the end of the game. A sense of sadness and loss began to creep in. What would I do once it was over? Where would I find the same sense of joy and fulfillment that this game had given me? The thought of returning to my monotonous life was almost too much to bear.

In a world filled with flashy, overpriced games and toxic online communities, Silver Dawn had become my sanctuary - a place where I could be whoever I wanted to be, free from the judgment and limitations of the real world. And as I prepared to say goodbye to this virtual realm, I couldn't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude for the solace and comfort it had brought me over the years.

With a heavy heart, I uttered the words, "Welp... I may as well see through it to the end." The developers of the game had outdone themselves, creating a truly breathtaking masterpiece. Every aspect of the game, from the intricacies of the plot to the details of the world, was crafted with such care and attention to detail that it felt like a living, breathing entity. And now, after countless hours of playing, I found myself on the cusp of the final battle, ready to face the demon Abraxas.

My character, Ventus, was fully stacked with maximum enchantments and stats on all of my gear. I took a moment to open up the relationship tab and looked at the progress I had made with the women I had interacted with throughout the game. Their portraits stared back at me, and I felt my heart ache with a bittersweet mix of affection and sadness. These virtual characters had become my deepest connection in my otherwise lonely life, and I knew that once I defeated this boss, they would be gone forever. But, as with everything in life, every good thing must come to an end.

Suddenly, a message from the succubus Sylvia popped up on my screen, her image dressed in clothes so revealing that I couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up my face. "You can do it! Honey~" she said, sending me an animation of her blowing a kiss. I couldn't help but smile at her flirtatious nature and sent a kiss and a gift back.

With renewed determination, I activated all of the countless buffs that I had accumulated throughout the game and entered the final boss fight.

As I approached the final confrontation with Abraxas, I couldn't help but marvel at the demon's imposing appearance. Abraxas was a towering figure, his massive frame covered in dark draconic armor that glinted menacingly in the dim light of the chamber. Horns jutted out from his shoulder plates, framing his broad shoulders, while a crown adorned with dragon eyes sat upon his forehead, glittering in the flickering torchlight. His skin was a deep, unnatural shade of purple, almost black, and his eyes blazed like molten gold, radiating an intense, otherworldly power that made Ventus, my character, skin seemingly prickle with fear.

As Abraxas spoke, his voice boomed out like thunder, filling the chamber with a deafening roar. His lips twisted into a wicked, sadistic grin, revealing rows of his razor-sharp teeth.

"So, a fucking pathetic mortal has managed to crawl its way this far," he sneered, his voice filled with venomous hatred. "You think you can defeat me? You're nothing but a worthless piece of trash, barely worthy of my time."

The demon's form seemed to pulsate with dark energy, as if he was tapping into some ancient, evil power. Flames danced across his skin, casting grotesque shadows across the room.

"You've faced many challenges, haven't you?" he continued, his voice low and menacing. "But none like me. I am the very embodiment of evil, the prince of darkness, and you are nothing but a mere insect before me." His eyes flashed black as he said this.

He chuckled, a deep, throaty sound that reverberated through the air. "You're so foolish, mortal. You have no idea of the power that I possess, the strength that comes from centuries of darkness and despair."

The demon's eyes blazed with a fiery red glow, and his massive claws flexed menacingly. "Your fate is sealed," he growled. "You will fall before me, and I will relish in your agony and suffering."

I felt a sudden surge of excitement and admiration at the sight of Abraxas. Despite the fear and tension that gripped my character, I couldn't help but be awed by the sheer power and majesty of the demon before him. "He's so cool," I muttered under my breath, unable to resist the urge to voice his appreciation.

Ventus however, was ready for this and squared his shoulders. "Of course! I will defeat you and put an end to this once and for all!" he shouted, his voice ringing out clear and strong.

Abraxas towered over Ventus, his demonic form radiating with a sickening aura of power and malevolence. He let out a low, mocking laugh in response to Ventus's challenge, a deep rumble that reverberated through the chamber and sent shivers down the mortal's spine.

"Psh," Abraxas sneered, his massive muscles flexing and bulging with otherworldly strength. "Try it if you dare, mortal."

His voice was laced with a cruel, sadistic edge, and his eyes gleamed with a fiery red glow that seemed to pierce straight through Ventus's soul. The air around him crackled with dark energy, suffused with the stench of sulfur and brimstone.

Ventus could feel the energy vibrating through the air, threatening to shatter his bones and tear him apart. He stumbled back, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline as he struggled to maintain his balance.

Abraxas let out a deafening roar that sent shockwaves rippling through the chamber, the force of his bellow causing the very walls to shake and crumble. The sound was like a thousand voices screaming in agony, a chorus of the damned crying out for vengeance.

As Abraxas's eyes glowed with a sinister energy, his skin started to ripple and twist, contorting into a deep, blood red hue. The transformation was immense, and he grew in size until he towered over Ventus, like a colossal beast ready to strike.

With a fierce determination, Abraxas let out a deafening roar that echoed throughout the area. His eyes locked onto Ventus, and with one swift motion, he charged towards his opponent, his massive legs propelling him forward with tremendous speed.

As I tried to move Ventus to dodge, a sudden flash of bright light filled the screen, blinding me completely. Ventus stumbled backward, trying to regain his footing, but it was too late. Abraxas's attack was too swift, too precise. In a matter of seconds that felt like years, I had lost everything.

As the game over screen appeared, my heart sank. I couldn't believe it. All my hard work and dedication, wasted in an instant. My hands trembled, and my heart raced as I struggled to come to terms with my defeat.

For a moment, I tried to steady myself, attempting to catch my breath and slow my racing heart. But it was no use. The shock and disappointment was just too much for my poor heart to bear.

With a sudden gasp, I clutched my chest, feeling a sharp pain course through my body. I tried to calm myself, but the pain was relentless, overwhelming me completely.

As I fell off the side of my chair and onto the cold ground, everything around me started to turn to a blur and slowly fade away. My vision grew dimmer and dimmer, until everything was black.

I.. died.

Most chapters will not be in this perspective, just a select few for the main character and or side characters.

Salad_Adressingcreators' thoughts