

In 2019 there was damage to the city caused by Protobot. A young man named Hiro Kureiger and friends were chosen as Retributors and would stop the Protobots who would rule the earth.

DectaryuT_RAZORXT · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


When Hiro passed out, he dreamed something strange, where he saw the destruction of the city. Fire spread everywhere, he saw a swarm of creatures he had met was destroying the city, suddenly the atmosphere of the city turned pure white, the floor became a water that was not too shallow. Hiro is shocked when in front of him is his grandfather. "Is that you grandpa?" Said Hiro, Hiro approaching him, suddenly Hiro's grandfather's eyes were filled with shadows, suddenly his grandfather walked towards him. "Hiro, is that you?" Said Hiro's grandfather "Yes, it's me" Hiro said when he approached him, suddenly Hiro's grandfather ran towards Hiro. "Hyperr smashhhh !!!" Said Hiro's grandfather as he hit Hiro's head, Hiro passed out in a ridiculous state. "Hiro, why are you being so stubborn, fortunately you almost died," Hiro's grandfather said, Hiro stood up and asked. "Wait, how come there is no pain in my head?" Hiro said while holding his head. "This is only a dream world, so I want to convey a message to you," said Hiro's grandfather. "What message do you want to convey" said Hiro. "Hiro I was used to be a Retributor, I helped each other, even though there were many close people who had been killed by Protobot," said Hiro's grandfather. "The creature that I was dealing with was Protobot," Hiro said. "Yes, they are inorganic creatures or android robots, whose purpose is to rule the earth," said Hiro's grandfather. "Grandpa, why didn't you unleash your power when we were in the car" Hiro said. "Uh ... It seems like time is about to end, because you are now a retributor, Grandpa wants you to meet students at your school named Tatsu Yamada, and later we will meet again" Said Hiro's Grandfather while disappearing.

Hiro wakes up from the sofa. "Wait where is this" Hiro said, suddenly the door near him opened, and the high school girl appeared in front of him while carrying food. "Eat this first" said the girl. "Thank you, wait are you Kaede Saiki?" Said Hiro while eating. "Yes and you are Hiro Kureiger right, nice to meet you," said Kaede. "By the way, why am I here?" Hiro said. "Earlier I met you when I was taking milk boxes in the morning, you were very badly injured," said Kaede. "Wait, where is my katana sword?" Hiro said. "Ohh, just calm down, the sword is being washed" said Kaede, Hiro's eyes suddenly opened wide and faced Kaede's face. "You said my sword was washed!" Hiro said. "Yes, of course the sword is very dirty" Said Kaede, Hiro suddenly shouted and headed for the washing machine, he took his sword and saw that his sword was almost rusty. "Slut this day are getting weird now," Hiro said, and his words were heard by Kaede, Kaede began to get angry. "Slut! what you said, you should be grateful I saved you" said Kaede, pointing at Hiro's head. "Well why did you save me" Said Hiro, they fought and finally they were tired because they talked a lot. "By the way, Saiki, Thank you for saving me," Hiro said. "No-no, I have to apologize for washing your precious sword, by the way, call me Kaede" said Kaede, Hiro stood up and exhaling. "I forgive you Kaede, and I want to go home first" Said Hiro, while taking his sword. "Wait a minute, are you still hurt?" said Kaede. "This is a very dangerous situation if I say I'm still hurt, surely she will tell me to stay" Hiro said in his heart. "I'm still fine," Hiro said to Kaede. "Ohh, ok so careful on the road" said Kaede, Hiro began walking suddenly he feel pain and make a sound, Hiro began to sweat because her body was full of shadows and her eyes began to glow. "Hiro, you said you were not hurt, why did you lie to me," said Kaede. "There are cockroaches near you" Said Hiro, Kaede was immediately surprised and Hiro immediately ran away. "Wait where the roaches, wait Hiro already leave the house," said Kaede while taking exhaling. "Hopefully he's fine" said Kaede in his heart.

When Hiro came out he was surprised that his house was next door. "I think this is my luck, but it's not too lucky either" Hiro said when he came out of Kaede's fence. "If I'm not mistaken, I still remember what kind of person I should be looking for, I guess Katsu, no, or Matsu, damn I think I forgot his name but as far as I know he is a student at my school" Hiro said in his heart, when Hiro had entered his house, he immediately slept so he could move tomorrow. The next day Hiro wakes up and carries out a new mission given by his grandfather, Hiro leave his house and running as fast as possible.

When he arrived at the school Hiro immediately went looking for data on the names written on his school board he found 8 names that were written but he did not know what the correct name was, suddenly a student came to approach him. "Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" Said the student. "It's none of your business," Hiro said to the student. "Ohh, if that's the case, by the way, what's your name?" Said the student. "Hiro Kureiger" Hiro said, suddenly the student was surprised he pulled Hiro's hand directly. "Hey, what are you doing" Hiro said. "Follow me Kureiger," said the student. Kaede accidentally sees Hiro being pulled by a student next door. "What are they doing? I have to follow him, "said Kaede and following them.

When they were at the school yard, the student leaned back and pulled Hiro to lean against the wall. "Looks like it's safe that nobody is there" said the student. "Why are you pulling me, what is your business?" Said Hiro. "Before that I introduce my name .., hey don't go anywhere yet" Said the student while holding Hiro's hand. "My name is Tatsu Yamada, I have a mission to find someone named Hiro Kureiger" Said Tatsu, Hiro opened his eyes wide considering that the surname of the person he was looking for was Yamada. "Tatsu Yamada, I finally found it, by the way, why was I given a mission to find you?" Said Hiro. "Do you know that you are a Retributor" said Tatsu. "I've heard of it, maybe yes" said Hiro. "Ok, then I want you to take this stungun," said Tatsu while taking the stungun in his pocket. "Why should I take this thing?" Said Hiro while taking the stungun. "Basically, you just save it" said Tatsu, Hiro immediately put the stungun into his pocket, suddenly kaede came. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" Said Kaede. "Oh, yeah, it's okay, we're just acting" said Tatsu, while laughing. "Ohh ok if that's the case, Hiro are you alright?" Said Kaede. "I'm fine" Hiro said. "Oh, if that's the case, then I'll go first" said Kaede, while walking. "Hiro, is that your girlfriend?" Said Tatsu, while making a strange face. "Do you choose life or death?" Hiro said. "Well, just kidding man, by the way I go first and plus you have to be careful with protobot" Said Tatsu while making a serious face. "Alright" Hiro said, while making a serious face. "Then I go first and see you, by the way if you want to meet me, meet me at the model kit club" said Tatsu. "Well then" said Hiro while walking.

When the class lesson is finished, Hiro took his sword and practiced on the hill behind the school. When Hiro practiced the sword suddenly the kaede appeared, they both sat on the hill. "Hiro, by the way, do you often practice sword fighting here?" Said Kaede. "Yes, I have often practiced sword training here, by the way there is something that needs to be asked" Said Hiro. "No, only that" said Kaede. "If that's the case, then I'll start training again" Hiro said,while standing up, Hiro suddenly felt something strange. "Watch out Kaede!" Hiro said and lift her up, suddenly 2 protobots appeared in front of him. "Kaede runs fast!" Hiro said but she remained silent, Kaede's eyes opened wide and filled with fear because she remembered something she had experienced. "Kaede run!" Said Hiro, but Kaede still did not want to run, Hiro immediately took his sword, suddenly his pocket glowed, he took out the stungun given by the tatsu, the his sword to shine, so the two objects shined brightly and merged into one. When the bright light finished Hiro's katana sword turned into Hi tech's sword, Hiro was shocked that his sword now had its scabbard, he saw the end of his scabbard had a stungun, Hiro immediately faced the two protobots, and ran towards them, Hiro took his katana sword out of its scabbard. "Don't ever be in front of me again!" Said Hiro while pedaling his sword, Hiro managed to turn off the first protobot, but the second protobot had jumped and was above him, Hiro dodged it and used his scabbard to activate the stungun on the sheath, Hiro managed to turn off the second protobot, he began to inhale and exhale. "Are you okay Kaede?" Hiro said, it turns out Kaede had passed out in a silly state first. "She had fainted beforehand" Said Hiro while making a strange face, Hiro lift up Kaede, suddenly 6 protobots emerged from the bush and pointed his target at Hiro, Hiro was surprised, he put down Kaede and pulled out his sword again.

To Be Continue...

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