
Retired life of Artoria Pendragon

A girl reincarnated as Artoria Pendragon changed the prophecy of the red dragon foretold by one of the greatest wizards in history, Merlin. She created an empire uniting the entire British Isles during the time of chaos and war that began with the demise of the Roman Empire. The girl at the tender age of 13 pulled a mystical sword embedded in the stone and from there began the story of an undefeated Empress that with her power changed the customs of knighthood and redefined the 7 knightly virtues. The girl through her memories of her previous life made decisions that changed the entire flow of human history. Faced many problems, oppositions and betrayals. Her entire knights of the round table stood in her opposition at the battle of Camlann yet she was undefeated. It was fated that she was to sleep in Avalon and remerge again when Britain needed her again. But seeing her trials and tribulations, Gaia and Alaya granted her a wish. She was allowed to live among the people of the 21st century. In this universe, Artoria roamed Fuuyuki city, not as a holy grail summon but as a common man. It is just that this not so common everyday girl has the sword of selection "Caliburn", the pinnacle of holy swords "Excalibur", pillar of light "Rhongomyniad", hallowed scabbard of Excalibur "Avalon" and the staff of selection. Follow along as the Dragonoid fairy demi-God tries to adjust her daily life among teenagers in Fuuyuki City. -------------------------------------------- An Op mc in fate stay night scenario . I don't own any nasuverse characters or the image on the cover of the novel. hope you would enjoy it.

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9 Chs



Six months since the battle in Underworld, Reverse side of the World


Mordred was sitting in a tree stump where many fairies surrounded her. These faes were different from the genuine fairies born from the inner sea with a name. There are various types of fae in this group. From those who have fallen from the rank of a god to an accumulation of human and animal grudges plus dregs of their souls with no other place to go, reborn as an empty human rumour. These are the fairies that are born from human society.

??? -"Awright thare pal." (Scottish accent)

Mordred "Fairing fine."

??? -"Ye shuid smile mair wee lassie." (You should smile more little girl)

Mordred "I will try, Ailsa."

Ailsa -"Smile thare lad. Noo ye wull leid us fae noo onwards." (Smile here kid. Now you will lead us from now onwards.)

Mordred -"I will be a terrible leader. I just helped you all from Mors. I can't be a leader since I don't know anything about running an empire. I have seen my father's rule through my own eyes. I can't be like him, and I have already failed once. Placing all your hopes into me will only lead you to disappointment."

Ailsa -"Haw! haw! we ur nae folk, we need a pure tough yin. Success or failure wull be decided efter. We need someone tae unite us as yin. 'n' we fake fae relate tae ye th' maist." (Ha! Ha! We are not humans, we need a strong one. Success or failure will be decided later. We need someone to unite us as one. And we artificial fae relate to you the most.)


Mordred was conceived between Artoria and her sister, Morgan le Fay, through unorthodox circumstances. Morgan enchanted Artoria with a spell to extract an ovary from her. Later, Morgan developed it within her own body and made the child into a homunculus clone of Artoria. Due to her status as a homunculus, she was given a much faster growth period than a regular human being, but her life span was far shorter. She was raised in secret and told to hide her status and obey the Empress until the time was right.

Told that it is her right to inherit the throne, Morgan bid her to one day defeat the Empress and take her place. She did bear that same obsession as her mother, but before all that was her adoration for Artoria. She felt ashamed of her twisted birth, unconsciously acting jealous of normal people, and, with the special innocence that children possesses, she worshipped the "perfect ruler."

Given a helmet she was told never to remove in front of others, she was eventually sent to Camelot under Morgan's recommendation, and through a presentation of her own superb swordsmanship, became one of the Knights of the Round Table. She was given her sword despite her unknown origins because of her abilities and straightforward mental chivalry.

She protected the way of the knights much like that which could only be found in picture books, working hard daily in being the ideal knight, all while hiding her dislike of others. In the end, even that innocence was shattered by Morgan, who revealed the secrets of her birth. She learned of her parentage. Morgan tried to instil that the Queen would never accept such a filthy child, but she was, while shocked, wrapped in joy. While not a proper human being, sharing the same blood as the Queen, being the "son" of a "perfect ruler", she was proud of the fact that she was not human. She felt that in name, reality, mind, and body that she was fit to be the true successor of the King of Knights.

She went without having the slightest feelings of rebellion, spurred on by the truth, and approached the Queen with delight. Raised without a father, the Queen was the very form of a godlike "father" to her, but Artoria rejected her very clearly. She said that, while Mordred is certainly born from her and her sister's plotting, she will not recognize Mordred as her "son" or give her the throne. Mordred believed that it was all due to the King's hatred for Morgan, that it would be impossible for her "son" to be accepted.

She thought that the Queen would forever view her as a dirtied child from the moment she was born from Morgan, her great love for the Queen up until then made her hatred burn.

Resulting from that, the distrust of the Round Table towards the Queen spread, and the reins of power in Camelot were seized once the Queen departed for the Rome expedition. Mordred became the leader of the rebellion, representing the national discontent towards Artoria. After the Queen finally returned from a long and tiresome battle, Mordred raged, claiming that she hated the Queen and that only she was fit for the throne.

Mordred was unaware that even before the betrayal of Lancelot, Artoria was dissatisfied with the kingdom and had already taken some irreversible plans once implemented. For Artoria, Mordred was a little child. She truly wanted her love not Britain, so she refused as handing the crown would hamper a lot of her plans. Mordred not waiting for Artoria to explain stormed off the Court of Camelot. After which all that Lancelot, Morgan Vortigern drama happened.


Mordred -"Even if I agree, it seems my body is failing me now."

Ailsa -"Urr ye a'richt wee bairn?" (Are you ok little kid?)

Mordred -"Fine for now, not for long."

Ailsa -"Kin ah na kin we dae anythin' fur ye?" (Can I no can we do anything for you?)

Mordred -"None! I was born a homunculus. An artificial being with a short life span."

Ailsa -"Then aren't we th' identical. While ither fae hates us 'n' considers us a wee born. An' a' unlike thaim, we cease tae exist if folk began tae forgoat aboot us." (Then aren't we the same. While other fae hates us and considers us a low born. Also unlike them, we cease to exist if humans began to forget about us.)

While Mordred and Alisa were talking a bright magic circle formed near Mordred. A young lady's silhouette forms from the circle. With the passing of a few seconds, a blond girl with the same face as Mordred with one eye, one arm and one leg missing completely become clear.

Ailsa -"Holy jobby!" (Holy shit!)

Artoria -"Language!"

Ailsa got scared of Artoria with her looks while she walks towards Mordred with the help of a magic staff as a crutch. Artoria gave her signature smile, well she tried but!

Ailsa -"In the name of the wee man!" (Oh My God)

Artoria looks a few seconds at the fae then smiles at Mordred.

Artoria -"Hey!"

Mordred -"!!!"

Artoria -"You can call me Mom you know."

Mordred -"No, you are my Father!"

Artoria *sigh* -"So, how's my daughter doing?"

Mordred -"It's SON and well fine, thank you for your kind words my liege."

Artoria -"Not any more. I'm your mom but not your king."

Mordred while looking at Artoria feels very sad seeing her 'father' in such a condition.

Alisa -"Holy moly! yer yin o' th' mad god that attacked th' underworld." (holy moly! You are one of the mad gods that attacked the Underworld.)

Artoria -"Oh my! Care to introduce your friend to your mother."

Mordred -"Liege! Well, father! Meet Alisa one of the fake faes and Artoria Pendragon, first Empress of the British Isles."

While introducing Artoria Mordred gives a proud smile showcasing her pride as the 'son' of Artoria.

Artoria -"You know I am a female so, you can call me mom you know."

Mordred -"But Lady Morgan gave birth to me, so she is my mother and in that relation you become my father."

Mordred explained his reasoning while feeling ashamed of his birth.

Artoria -"Well, I can't argue that."

While talking sudden bouts of pain assaults Mordred. She was on the verge of passing out due to the pain. Bouts of extreme pain were common for her as her homunculus body is failing apart. The feeling of death as well as the pain was so great that a battle-hardened warrior's mind is pushed to the point of shattering into pieces.

While Mordred's body looked that of a 15-year-old she was actually 7 years old. Like any kid her age, she wanted her parent's attention and affection but instead was pushed into knightly training and politics which forced her to mature faster. She learned from the adults near her due to which she grew to what she is today.

Artoria seeing Mordred's expression immediately stood up and prepared to cast a spell.

Artoria -"We need to treat you now."

Mordred "Now that we are alone, we have a lot to talk about."

Artoria -"You can't hold much longer. You need to repair your body fast."

Mordred -"When I said talk, I meant we will talk. Pain is an old companion of mine, so no need to react so strongly."