

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

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88 Chs

The Dangers of the Mother Tree!

It was a normal day in Iyagdrasil. The city was bustling as it did during this time of day, as the Rosetta bloomed making this time the brightest time in the tree. Glowing people of many colors walked through Pith Open, shopping and enjoying the light.

A green glowing boy trotted through the lower levels of the mother tree, Iyagdrasil. He climbed down the stairs that were carved around the massive tree trunk like an ant in a groove. When he made it to the floor, he closed his eyes. "Hello. Can you hear me?"

A yellow glowing ladybug buzzed out of the trees. The boy opened his eyes and put his hand out. The lady bug was apart of a rare species that grew incredibly large. "Welcome back young master."

"I told you not to call me, that."

"But you are our new master now that your father has returned to The Great Boar."

He jerked his shoulder, and she fluttered off and flew to the branch next to him. "Why didn't you save him?"

"We serve our masters wishes and he did not wish it."

"Why wouldn't he want to live. That's moronic."

"It is not that he didn't wish to live but instead he desired to die for someone."

He squated down to picked up a furry tarantula from the ground. "Whoa, This is an honor." It said.

"Yeah such an honor to be held by me. That's the way I felt when my father picked me up and brought me down to talk to you guys." He placed the tarantula on his shoulder. "I'll never sit on his shoulders and know how you're feeling again."

The lady bug fluttered around him. "It's time for you to hurry home. They're getting closer now. You're not strong enough to speak to them."

The tarantula's eight eyes turned towards the bushes. "Young master, someone is coming."

Just as the boy turned, a glowing rabbit scattered from under the bushes across from him.

Nero jumped over the bushes and skidded to a stop. "Oh, a people. And a ladybug! Its huge."

The boy backed away from him. "Where'd you come from?"

"Um how should I answer that? I came through a magical door." Nero spread his hands and wriggled his fingers.

Blipp hopped over the bush and walked up to the boy and extended her hand. "Hi! Look he's glowing green. I'm Bliperilla, but you can call me Blipp."

He shuffled and put out his hand. "I'm Izuzu."

"Ahhh!" She jumped back and Glowed her orange gauntlets, making Izuzu jump back as well. "Theres a spider on your shoulder."

Nero pricked up his ears. "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, I know." He looked down at the tarantula on his shoulder and it crawled over his head to his other shoulder.

"My name is Churo! I'm the Queen of spiders I should have her know. I'm little now but when I grow up I'll be the size of a house like my mother."

The ladybug flew up high above the tree top and back down. "What's going on Mistress Iyagdrasil?"

"Young master you must go now. You're running out of time." She said forcefully.

Nero grabbed Blipp's arm quickly. "Blipp something is coming."

She turned her ear to the trees. "It's buzzing."

"You guys entered the forest and didn't run into the bubonic hornets? They have nests all over the edge of the forests and attack anyone who enters or try's to leave. We have to run inside of Iyagdrasil."

"Who?" Blipp asked.

"The tree!" Izuzu ran to the stairs, and they followed behind him. As they started to ascend the tree a swarm of glowing green hornets burst through the trees."

"EEEK! Hurry up!" Blipp rushed up pushing Nero in front of her.

"Hey! I'm going to trip if you keep doing that." He yelled.

"I don't know what's worse getting stung to death or being close to Churo up there." Blipp crooned.

Izuzu slowed down and turned to her. "What did you say?"

Nero scooped Izuzu up and placed him under his arm catching Churo and placing him on his shoulder. "Blipp keep up!"

He slipped up the stairs with Blipp right behind him. "You're pretty fast."

Blipp laughed. "Yeah I've kinda had training." He made it up the stairs to the Pith Open. A round town center surrounded by shops. The shops had all their doors closed and there was a large glowing flower that sat above it. Nero could see and hear the pedals creaking closed as the town center grew more and more dim. The pedals were glossy and lucid so even when closed a feint light still drifted through it.

The hornets burst through the canopy behind them as they ran to the houses in the branches. Nero stopped at a door and rapped his fist on it. "Open up! Open up! There is a swarm of crazy hornets."

Before the hornets could envelop them Blipp grabbed Nero's collar avoiding Churo. "Look out!"

She carried him until he could flip and get back on his feet. "Hey Izuzu! Where can we go to get away from these things?"

Izuzu looked over Nero's shoulder. "Their getting closer."

"I figured!" Nero shouted.

"The green door with the ladybug above it." He pointed at a door with Mistress Iyagdrasil sitting above the door.

Nero dashed at the door avoiding the swarm. "Blipp grab the door!"

Blipp got close behind him and followed his steps. He spun in mid air and kicked the door open with him, Izuzu, and Churo sliding to the floor. A man and a woman jumped up from a dining table kicking their chairs over. Blipp slid in on her feet picked up the door and slammed it back on its hinges.

Nero threw Churo in Izuzu's lap and he and Blipp quickly jabbed the twenty or so hornets that made it in with them with lightning speed. Blipp opened her hands showing the dead hornets she caught. "Eight! How about you?"

"A tarantula is abhorrent but that's not gross?" Nero walked into the house and to the kitchen sink washing his hands.

The sudden appearance of the two strangers but as he saw Izuzu the man regained his composure and got angry. "What the hell! Who the hell are you people?"

The woman piped up. "Izuzu. What is going on?" She said in an annoyed tone.

The man looked down at Izuzu and his face was covered in fear.

Nero dried his hands ignoring the two scandalized people shouting Izuzu down. "Hey Izuzu, you're not glo…" He stopped after seeing the terror on Izuzu's face.

The man kicked his chair aside. "What are you doing? Who are these people." He crossed the room and kicked Izuzu across the room. He looked down at Churo. "How many times have I told you not to bring these disgusting things into my house. Izuzu jumped over Churo before the mans boot could crush her, which did the back of his head no favors. Sitting directly under the man, his head bounced against the wood floor, over and over again.

The coffee table and plant on the table went flying crashing to the ground next to Izuzu. In a flash Nero crossed the room grabbing the man, with his forearm pressed into the mans neck against the wall. Nero looked him in his eyes. The man saw Nero's flash red for a second.

"Hit him again, and I'll kill you!" Nero said through gritted teeth that sounded like a growl.