
Restarting In A New Life.

Living in the real world was always boring for Shun, or rather, it was too easy for him. Having such a successful life, being an academic genius, and being praised and loved by everyone, his family, friends, and more. But what was it all for? For his own gain? Or was it too just to satisfy everyone's expectations for him? He never felt happiness nor excitement doing those. He wanted to at least experience what trying out new things and failure would be like. Going almost mad and insane, he would do the last option he had left, in order, to start a new life.

cardwrites · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Newborn; 2

I didn't know where I was.. But I could only hear, crying? Why's there a baby here?

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a man, a woman holding me, and another woman.. Wait, was the one crying.. me?

"Look at him dear! He looks just like you!"

"Honey I don't think he's THAT handsome.. Ow!"

I watch as the woman in front of me, I assume my mother, slapped the man right beside her, who I assume is my father.

"If he becomes more handsome than you, then wouldn't that make you the inferior one?" My mother said while glaring at my father, having an annoyed and teasing tone.

"Oh really? You think I'M inferior honey?" Father struck back as I just look at the two of them, glaring at each other.. why do I have a feeling this isn't their first time? Well time to distract them.

I decided to make random noises since as a baby, I still couldn't speak, this caught both my parents attention as they instantly turned to me, while I wave my hands around.

"He's so adorable.. But what should we name him?"

Mother said, both my parents beginning to think, of course while they were distracted, I was feeling thirsty myself. Using my tiny little arms to grab one of my mother's breast and drinking the milk I have.. Why does it taste weird?

Oh mother's looking at me.

"Aww you already want to have mommy's milk!"

Please don't make it sound like that..

"I got it! Hero Junior!"

Father said before getting a very hard punch from mother, getting blown away from the impact of the punch as he ended up on the wall, injured.. Yikes.

"Ah.. I guess I'll leave you two to it!" The other woman said, before leaving, was that a maid?

"Thank you for your help Komo! Now what should I name you.."

Mother looked at me while I continued to drink some milk, once again, it tastes very VERY different. Also, shouldn't we be worried about dad.. He looks like a dead sculpture on the wall- Oh nevermind, he fell.

"Since you have my eyes, and you have your father's hair.. We'll name you.. Toukha!"

Mother said while looking at me, then my dad suddenly interrupted her.

"Toukha.. Honey that sounds stupi-"

Before father could even finish his sentence, mother glared at him menacingly, now this was kinda making me scared of mother now.. I should be a good kid.

"Hmm.. Well you're not wrong.. Ah! I got it! Lock!"

"Lock.. That's actually not bad! His full name would be Lock Kin!"

No no no, that's a BAD name, I'm definitely FINE with Toukha!

"But I still like Toukha.. How about we just make it Toukha Lock Kin dear?"

Mother suggested, as for my father, he nodded instantly.

"That's even better! I like it honey!"

It's because you have no choice but to agree father.. I swear, why does mother's milk tastes weird?

[ 2 Years Later ]

Nothing much changed for the past 2 years, I just grew up, and father and mother argue everyday. I still haven't said my first word though so they've been really waiting for that.. But I think it's time I say my first word.


Finally! Two Letters have been said!

Although after I did that, I hear both father and mother's footsteps around the household trying to find me. Of course mother was the first to find me and father was the second. Both of them crouching down in front of me while I just stayed sitting down on the floor.


Mother has been waiting for this day more than my father.. Although my father on the other hand.

"If he says dad or papa, I'm prepared to laugh.."

Father just wants to see my mother die inside and not get what she wants.


Geez.. Mother is so aggressive today.. But just for that.. I'll say the word.



"Honey calm down.." My father said while rubbing mother's shoulders to ease the tension.

"M.. Papa."

I said while looking at the both of them, and as expected. Mother looks devastated, while father was covering his mouth trying to hold his laughter. I was just curious what would happen so let's see it.

"L.. Pft.. Looks like.. You didn't get what you wanted honey.."

My father said, almost bursting out his laughter, yet he did his best trying to hold it in. Although mother on the other hand.. Was just quiet, but I can already feel her anger rising, and how clearly she was annoyed..

Then, she stood up, and balled her fist, revealing a.. chain, that's connected to a collar. Which is on.. father..

"H- Honey? You know I was just joking right?" Father looked at mother with fear, it's as if he already knew what the punishment was when she wouldn't get what she wanted.

"You know the deal. If I lose. We're making another child."

Uh oh.

Father looks at me with teary eyes, as he crouches down in front of me.

"Come on Toukha! Say mommy or mama! Help your dad out here!" Father said, pleading to me whilst I just looked at him and giggled, making sure to act all innocently so he won't suspect that I did it on purpose.

"Don't grovel and beg to your child. Now come here."

I watched as mother pulled the chain that was connected to father's collar, man does that look painful..

"Let's get to the bedroom dear. And sweetie! If you ever need help, call for mommy okay?"

Mother smiled at me happily, crouching down to me and patting my head, her hand still gripping on the chain, before standing up and walking away. Dragging father alongside her.

And that wasn't a good sight to see..

"Come on Toukha! I'll give you yummy fruits if you save papa!!"

I watched father try to run away, but it seems like the chain and the collar were magic.. So I'm definitely not helping him.

I slowly stood up and walked away from the crime scene, where I hear screams of my father upstairs, and the last thing I hear, was the sound of my parent's bedroom door open, and close.

That almost sounded like a horror scene actually. Oh well.

I began wandering around the living room of the the house only to stumble upon a deck of books leading up the ceiling.. Guess father and mother liked reading books, well so did I.

My tiny hands managed to grab one of the books in the lowest section since I'm still short. And pulled it out with all my strength before falling down on the ground, thankfully I landed without getting hurt.

Alright! First book! What's the title though..

' Memories. ' That's a weird name for a story but alright then.

I slowly opened the book to see pictures?

Hold on..

Pictures.. But didn't the Soul Guide tell me I'd be like in the medieval century? Why's there pictures here? That's not possible!

Unless.. Another human was born here too. Now that's actually a very high possibility. Well moving on.

I turn the page to see father with a group of friends, or perhaps his gang. There was him, having black hair, with a scar on his cheek, and wearing less armor and just some normal cloth.. I assume he's the hero.

Next was another man. A very.. muscular man. He had a beard, a very fur-like hair, and also huge biceps that could almost outmatch the strongest human in earth.. Well this is another world after all. Although he was shirtless yet was he wearing pants and some dead monster around his waist..

The last two were women. One looked like an elf with natural wizard like clothes, and the other.. looks Japanese.. So father had recruited someone too. Now I understand why there's pictures. But what I don't understand is how she did it.

She almost looks like your typical girl. Nerdy looks, brown hair, white skin. And normal mage clothes, well mage for her since the elf looked more like a wizard.

I turn the next page only to see my father and his crew once again. But still no sign of mother.. That's weird.

I turn another page again, still no sign of mother.. This is getting a bit suspicious now.

I keep turning even more pages until I see.. Mother and Father together along with his crew. Oh, there's some words scribbled on top of it.

Let's see.. My reading is quite rusty since I'm still a toddler after all. But I'll try to do my best.

Uhm.. ' The Demon Goddess.. Fell in love.. With the Hero... '


[ Chapter; End. ]