
Meeting the Clerics

"Alright, sounds good," Merlin said, accepting the quest. "When do I head out?"

"You're quite eager," The archbishop said, "I'll send you out to meet with your team."

The archbishop reached for a small bell, and within seconds of ringing it, a young man quickly entered the room from a side door.

"How may I assist you, archbishop?" The young man asked.

"Take this recruit out to the yard, introduce him with the team scheduled to enter the valley today, and have them set out the moment they're ready." The archbishop ordered.

"Yes sir!" The young man replied.

The young man quickly led Merlin down the stairs and then out of the building before making his way towards the back of the building.

Within the backyard were several groups of armoured individuals, some were sparring while others seemed to just be hanging out and talking.