
Re:World Online

Re:World Online, a Vrmmo set in a fantasy world of swords and magic. I finally got my hands on it! I've been waiting for three months for the parts to be delivered and today they finally were!

My name is Tokami Orishura

(Please Enter A Name)

"Hmmm, how about.... Akuma! Yeah I like that!"

(Player Registered: Akuma. Please Select 6 Arts)

"Arts... that's basically skills right? These sound pretty good... yeah, I want these ones!"

(Player: Akuma [Sword Arts][Taming Arts][Black Magic Arts][Appraisal Arts][Green Magic Arts][Craftsmanship Arts])

(Are you sure you want these Arts, these cannot be changed later.)

(Yes please)

(Acknowledged, Welcome to Re:World Online!)

Akuma opened her eyes and was standing in the middle of a brick street, in her left hand was the [Novice Short-Sword] and she was wearing the [Novice Armor]

"I guess this would be the time to try out my Arts!"


[Novice Short-Sword]: (A Short-Sword Given to Beginners, Atk+ 3 Quality: 1)

[Novice Armor]: (A Set Of Armor given to novices, Def+ 5 Quality: 1)

"I see... So these aren't very good. Well, how about I go and hunt some monsters!"

After walking for a few minutes I finally found the dungeon! Looking at it I realised that there were too many people for me in there. So I took a hard left and made my way into the forest!

When I entered the forest I was met with a small white rabbit with a horn on its head, readying my sword I charged. I swung my blade and managed to land a hit, it's HP only decreased by half. It looked at me with a look of determination before it ran at me. I barely managed to dodge and I struck it again. This time it's HP finally dropped to 0

The body disappeared but in its place was the rabbits pelt and its horn.

[Horned Rabbits Pelt]: (Good at Insulation, Mostly Used in Women's Coats)

[Horned Rabbits Horn]: (Proof Of Subjugation)

[Sword Arts Level 1 ~ Sword Arts Level 2]

[Appraisal Level 1 ~ Appraisal Level 2]

"Yes My Arts leveled up!"

I Ran into a few more Horned Rabbits While I was Hunting and I successfully Subjugated them all!

It was going good until I ran into a new monster, It was a Large Grey Wolf and it was looking directly at me! I didn't know what to do and I ended up retreating.

My Spoils Of the Day were as Follows:

[Horned Rabbits Pelt x19]

[Horned Rabbits Horn x43]

[Horned Rabbits Soul Stone]: (Contains the Soul Of a Horned Rabbit)