
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

Noah_J_Dean · Derivasi dari game
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A New Face

The thuds of the boots were somewhat quiet on the unkempt road. Jake looked around to see a very very quiet downhill road of a town. Jake rustled his hair that had grown out since the last time he had done a mission of this much importance. He felt stressful now that he was in this quiet small town at the edge Chile.

Jake did his research. The town is exactly what it looked to be. A quiet, old town where old people whither and die. It is not anything huge or important to the country but it's still a full and lively town ran by some old fart who cares about everyone.

Jake sharply inhaled the damp and misty air of the town. He could tell that this town rarely saw the sun. The dry sea next to the town sure surrounded the air of the town. He groaned as he pulled out his burner phone and saw a text from his over joyous clients.

"Be sure to bring him back alive and unharmed, he says," Jake quoted as he shook his head slipping his phone back into his pocket. Jake chuckled at how chris was willing to put this much faith in him. Even if Jake wanted to just kill his target, Chris' sister was far more polite in convincing Jake to do this assignment. This isn't for anybody except for her. After Jake had read her report He could not help but feel something for her. She lost someone great that she got to know and care for, and only just recently found out that he is still alive. If Jake were in her shoes he would not know how to react. It's a good thing he does not have to.

Jake walked down the hill road and could notice a grass field and a playground between the two roads that enter and exit the town. Near the beach was a construction site and a train tunnel covered in tarp. There's a small school and a few restaurants scattered around as well as a food store. Jake actually found the place a bit more charming than he had assumed it would be.

The more Jake inspected his surroundings, the more he noticed things. People were all around him as he walked. They were just indoors, doing their jobs and minding their businesses. There were a few glances toward him but that was it. No interruptions or anybody to bother him. They just continued on.

Jake entered the food store. It was time to play detective. He pulled out his phone and opened the image of Steve that was given to him. He walked up to every single person within the store and as kindly as he could, asked if they had ever seen him. Almost all of them did not speak English, lucky for Jake, He was multilingual. He knew many languages. Dabbled in a lot of languages because of his job. Thankfully, Spanish was his second language. Be that as it may, nobody in the store recalled seeing him.

Jake exited the store somewhat frustrated. He does not like asking questions and opening himself to civilians. He preferred the less subtle missions that usually involves a lot of guns and traveling. Much to his dismay, he still needs to find a lead. Something suspicious or at the very least, uncommon for this quiet, little town.

Jake then entered the restaurants one after the other, asking every single man, woman and child if they had encountered someone with glowing eyes or anybody similar to Steve. The glowing eyes question were confusing everyone so he stopped asking that one. He did not like having so many normal eyes on him. It was literally impossible to stay a low profile while asking these stupid question to everybody.

Jake was not a fan of this process. He's not much of an investigator but the number that was given to him cannot be rejected. Especially by the person who offered it. Jake would have happily taken answers as payment but knowing that Jarhead was willing to stoop so low as to hire Jake? That was just humorous to Jake

Jake rubbed his fingers through his hair. He's never had it this long before. His blonde hair was visible with this length. He sat at a bench and relaxed a bit. He knew all he had to do was wait long enough and he would see the freak come by. He has all the information regarding Steve.

Freak? A bit of a hypocritical statement. Jake has a best friend who's a freak. In the wrong hands, Jake's blood could breed freaks. He knew he was one too. The world's full of them now adays. 

Someone sat next to Jake, on the other side of the small wooden bench. Jake immediately felt awkward. He almost did not want to look in the direction of the person. 

"You're new here," the person said softly as he bit down on some bread. He then tore some bread and fed it to the birds ahead of them.

Jake could not help but look now. He gave a quick peak. Glowing eyes. Jake's eyes subtly widened as he saw the man he was looking for right in front of him. Steve had a soft smile on his face as he watched the birds eat the bread. He could not help but take joy in it now.

"You're sitting at where my friend sits," Steve admitted.