
Resident Evil: Revival

Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

Noah_J_Dean · Derivasi dari game
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51 Chs

"How Am I"

Steve sat at a bench as James wrapped a tourniquet around Steve's arm. Steve had quickly felt awkward as he went silent looking at both James and Yumi staring at him intently. They were both kind enough to not review him without asking but they clearly wanted to.

James gave a sigh as he started to speak, "not much the chatty one are you?"

Steve gave a nod, "sorry, not to people who I can't tell is either checking me out, or.... checking me out," Steve emphasized the repeated words to let them realize that their eyes are being too loud. James and Yumi chuckled blushing both exclaiming their apologies simultaneously.

Steve presented his hand with closed eyes, "don't worry. I get it," Steve said understanding their point of view.

"I'm untouched, untapped, and for being asleep for 15 years, oddly more fit than how I should be", Steve glanced at his bicep feeling tight. He gave a poke at it with his finger letting them know he was curious about himself, as well.

Yumi placed her hand on his shoulder, "we will respect you and your privacy, and we won't be selfish enough to examine without your permission". Yumi shuddered through her words. It was clear they really wanted to give him an exam.

Steve knew what was the right thing to do. James started to extract Steve's blood from his arm. Steve spoke out, "well.. as a doctor... I think it's your obligation to give coma patients a physical exam after they wake". Steve would stammer his words. Even though he completely agreed to their urges to exam him, this type of request is still ultimately an awkward request.

Yumi and James glanced at him as they started to examine his blood cells. They were both silent but could tell, with what they were looking at through the screen they were both thinking the same thing. "Your blood cells" James started, "The mitochondria in it are doubled to the common blood cell, And your Plasma-Membrane is in an unnatural color".

Steve leaned over to the screen as he pressed on the injected skin with his thumb. He was shocked to see that his blood cells were not red but in the hue of bright orange. Yumi stared worriedly at it as James star was easily explained by what he says "...Fascinating".

"Ok". Steve knew this was not normal but couldn't say that it isn't bad or good, simply by his ignorance "could someone please explain what makes my blood so fascinating other than its color?" Steve was curious and their silence did not help. Yumi looked at Steve with a smile and pushed him back to the bench.

"What do you know about Racoon City?" She asked.

Meanwhile, Ada was over at the break room and saw Jason sitting at a lunch table. She sat on the opposite side taking a deep sigh then spoke.

"I get you're mad at me over all this stuff with Steve but he nearly got in trouble with Clyde, if I didn't stop him I'm sure Clyde would have beaten Steve to a pulp".

Jason's eyes widened but stayed silent. He was in the middle of eating a burger and finally spoke after he finnished what was already in his mouth, "I dont need any lectures from you. I've been apart of this just as long as you have. Clyde is after all, YOUR problem." His attitude was a bit hurtful, but nothing Ada couldn't tolerate. She gave a scoff looking away. "Where is he now?" Jason finished.

"He just met the nerds and I'm sure they are giving him a physical examination by now." Ada stated as she hopped off to the fridge and grabbed an energy drink. The outfit she was wearing was still scented with her sweat and was not the common outfit she would wear out in the open. Jason knew this since they have been friends for a while now.

"Ada Wong in a tank top and yoga pants." He stated teasingly, "man, you really must've been worried for the kid. You stopped the fight before changing into your casual attire".

Ada was silent for a second and looked at Jason and could see a smile slowly curl. She, of course smiled back

"I didn't want the kid to die so soon, He just woke. Plus, like you said, Clyde is my problem and I don't want Steve medling with him." Ada stated. "Speaking of which, I'm gonna go rip him a new one," she finnished her drinking after speaking. "You go and catch up with Steve."

Jason gave a nod as she walked off. He waited for her to be out of ear shot to speak his mind. "Never in one spot are you, Ada" he finnished his food and heads off.

Back at the lab, Steve was being caught up thanks to James and Yumi. He stayed relatively silent to them explaining the last 15 years of absence everything about Umbrella Inc, B.O.W.'s, Wesker's demise. It was all explained to Steve and he was just listening calmly and quietly. Of all the times he found humor in occasions, he had nothing to say about everything they had told him.

He felt sick to his stomach tighten and his throat grow dry. Alot can seem to happen within 15 years.

After Yumi and James finnished giving exposition, Steve looked pale and had no idea how to properly react.

Once again he was being caught up for the past 15 years from other people. So much had seem to happen and he was saposed to die relatively right when it started.

Steve shuddered quietly as he looked at both of them. James and Yumi gave a face that showed that they wish they knew what he was going through. Of course, they couldn't even guess.

Finally, Steve speaks, "so... to get it down" his voice cracks as he tries to keep his composure, "in September of 1998, a virus that reanimate the dead was set off to a small town in america. The government kept it hidden for roughly 14 years. During those years, a barrage of something called bio terrorism, would accasionally come and go around small parts of the world.. hundreds to millions die from creatures called Bio Organic Weapons.." both Yumi and James nodded silently.

"...And I'm one of them" Steve finishes.

Yumi was about to intervene but James spoke faster "now, this isn't necessarily true, Steve" James stated "you just woke up and the blood samples have not finni-" James was interupted by high toned beep that his computer made.

With the large blinking red letters blinking on the screen it sinks in on all three of them as the words says,

"I N F E C T E D".

Steve, obviously was the least shocked since he is first hand feeling the effects of the virus already helping him in his natural actions. Being able to walk, being and feeling more lean than how he was when he was young. Nothing feels old even though he should feel around his thirties. Which reminds him.

Steve muttered soberly to James "So... So how old am I?"

James quickly glares at the screen and types away finding out for him.

"Uhm... Well, it says you are thirty-two years of age," James says.

Steve gives a dead chuckle as he responds "that's actually the worst thing I've heard in my life".

Both James and Yumi give smile to him full of sorrow as Yumi chooses to change the subject with her attempts to lighten the mood "Steve?" She looks at him with cutesy eyes. His eyes look back at her from looking down at the ground.

Steve quickly started to wonder why she was giving him a look. A look he's seen before in high school "yes?" He responds

"That hair of yours is too long for a cute guy like you." She stated. "Did you have a hairstyle you used to have before you..em. passed?"

Steve gave a nod "I did, but I don't think it would look that good with how I've aged". His tone was monotonous and quiet.

They heard a knock on the door and Ada was there with Clyde behind her "I know a certain hairstyle that would look good on him," she gave a grin.