
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs


Yibo's Pov.

I woke up to my face placed against Zhan's bare chest... just like last time. The heat from our bodies made our skin stick together, so my face was linked to his chest. I turned a bright shade of red and my heart raced like I was falling from the sky. I didn't want this moment to disappear, so I lay there with my head against his beating chest. The sound of his heartbeat was like the ticking of a clock. Before I knew it, I'd fallen back to sleep. It wasn't until I felt movement beside me that I woke up. Zhan had just woken, stirring the bed. I jumped back again, apologizing, when I realized I was still against his chest. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me from the edge. I probably would have almost fallen like I did last time if it weren't for his quick reflexes. He held me close to him, with our bodies connected.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked softly, looking me directly in the eye.

I froze a while before I could form a response. "I, I keep getting too close to you. It's not intentional..... it's just-" I was interrupted by Zhan before I could finish my sentence.

"It's fine!" He assured me with a slightly raised voice. "I don't mind it actually. I.. sorta find it easier to fall asleep." He spoke slightly tilting his head in the opposite direction. I could feel my cheeks turn a fiery red. The redness only deepened when he pulled me closer to him. I felt like I was lost in a dream. Could he be fine with it? It seemed too good to be true.

I was lost in a daze for quite some time because when I came to I realized Zhan was missing. I heard noises in the bathroom so I assume he was getting ready for the day. I sat on the bed waiting my turn, still flustered.

When it was my turn I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I didn't have anything planned today, like usual. It's Zhan that comes up with ideas for the way we spend our day. I felt a little guilty for having to rely on him, but if I was ever left in charge no one would be having fun.

I and Zhan went out and got breakfast today. Zhan couldn't decide what to make so we went to the food hall. We just got a couple of biscuits and coffee. Today was nice with the blue sky stretching as far as the eye can see, and the gentle sun warming the gusts of wind. When we returned to the cabin I grabbed a book and headed outside, finally reading outdoors as I planned early on during this trip. I sat on the hill Zhan and I slept on our first day here. It looked and felt just as comfortable. The hill was shaded by a few slim trees, letting beams of sunlight shine through. I focused my attention on the words of my book. The story I'm currently reading is about a historian figuring out the secrets of vampires. He got too deep and involved himself in things he hadn't originally intended on. I'm enjoying it so far.

I spent so much time lost in the book I didn't even notice Zhan sitting beside me. I was startled when I caught sight of him. He sat there and grinned at my reaction like it was his intention.

"You seem to be very invested in that book, is it any good?" He asked, adjusting his position to look at the pages in the book. I nodded, with my gaze caught on him. He looked stunning in this light. It felt surreal hanging around him. The way he makes my heart race, the overcoming happiness he gives me, just all of it, it's something I never could have imagined.

"That reminds me. I still have that book I borrowed from you." He informed me. 

"Do you find it interesting?" I asked, curious about his answer.

"What I've read so far, yeah. I haven't read much of it yet though." He admitted, laying back on the grassy hill.

"You can keep it as long as you want." I assured him. I didn't mind if he kept the book. It would make me happy. I would love to hear his thoughts on it once he finishes it.

"You sure?" He questioned, raising a brow. I nodded once again.

"Well okay." He responded and then went quiet for a while. "I can't believe we have to prepare to leave tomorrow. It hardly seems like any time has passed at all." He sighed. Is it that time already?

"Will you uh..." I started, then shied away from speaking further.

"Will I what?" He asked, elevating his head slightly.

"No its dumb." I wave my hand a little, hoping he'd let it go.

"I still want to hear it." He leaned up and sat there with a smirk, waiting expectantly. I pouted a little but just decided to ask him anyway.

"Will you still hang out with me after this trip?" I forced out, playing with my fingers shyly. He let out a breathy laugh and wrapped an arm over my shoulder. He pulled me towards him and held me tightly.

"Of course dude." He said reassuringly. I.felt comfortable in his hold. I didn't want it to break but it did sooner than I expected.

Zhan stood from the hill. "I'll be back in a sec. Wait here." He informed me as he made his way to the cabin. I watched him until he disappeared behind the door. I was curious about what he was doing but he wanted me to wait here, so I did. I returned to my book and continued reading.

A few minutes passed and I heard the creak of the door. I turned my sight to it and saw Zhan making his way toward me, with two cups in hand. He handed one to me and I accepted it gratefully without knowing the contents. I eyed the cup wondering what it was.

"Ice tea." He said, taking a seat on the hill once more. He took a sip of his and I followed behind, setting my book in the grass. It tasted delightful. The light sweetness mixed with the gentle air was really soothing. This would make it on the list of things I do when I return home.

"Is this something you do often?" I asked, looking up at Zhan.

"Drinking ice tea outdoors that is." I clarify.

"I do it occasionally." He replied, looking off into the distance. "Usually when I'm away from my friends. It's a good way to relax."

"I see," I said in understanding as I turned my gaze to my half-empty cup.

"What do you usually do to relax?" He asked. now looking my way.

"Read usually. I occasionally take walks around my neighborhood too." I answer. "There's this one place I like to visit from time to time. Have you ever been to that old red bridge a few miles from the school?" I ask.

"My mother and I passed it a couple of times. I never spent any time there though." He explained.

"Take me there sometime." He said, giving me a bright smile. A shy one grew on my face and I nodded happily.

"Hey, are you taking part in the final event?" Zhan asked.

"Uh, yeah. If you do." I replied.

"Then let's go. It's almost time." He stood up and extended a hand to me. I gladly accepted it.

"Come to think of it, I have no idea what the last event is." I mumbled.

"You're right. Hopefully, it's something fun, I don't want to head home on a sour note. He said. "Not that I could though. This has been an amazing week." He continued, looking directly my way. I was mentally blushing, probably physically too.