
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs


Yibo's Pov.

It was getting late, so I prepared for bed. I didn't know when Zhan planned sleeping, so I just waited in my bed while reading. I didn't ask because I didn't want to make him feel like he had to go to bed for my sake.

A few minutes passed, and he stood from his bed and headed off to the bathroom. I shut my book and cleaned the floor, stuffing all the candy back in my bag. By the time I finished putting away my stuff Zhan had returned to the room... still shirtless.

"I hope it doesn't bother you if I sleep shirtless?." He said heading towards his bed. Oh, gosh... I have a feeling I won't be able to fall asleep tonight. I can see myself melting under the covers. With that said I still shook my head no. Who was I to deny him that? He's going out of his way to make sure I feel comfortable, and so that I don't get night terrors.

"Alright, well, I'm going to bed. You can hop in anytime, just shut out the light." He smiled at me as he got in bed.

"I-I'm heading to bed now too." I informed him, slowly walking towards the bed.

"Oh, alright." He responded, lifting the covers for me. I shut off the light before crawling in next to him. I could already feel the heat from his muscular body soaking the covers. I'm afraid I might snuggle against him tonight, as I did a couple of days ago. He seemed to take it well the first time, but I don't want to make him think I'm doing it on purpose.

Zhan let out a large sigh before settling into his pillow. "Night, dork." He teased me.

"Night Xiao Sean Zhan." I fire back, in a sleepy tone. He laughed and poked my side, making me squirm. Hehe I guess he really doesn't like that name. And with that, we were off to sleep, despite my earlier worries.

Zhan's Pov. (Earlier in the day)

I did not expect Yibo to break down like he did when I confronted him about his cuts. He seemed really scared. Almost like I was going to attack him... He wept in my arms with his tears covering my shirt. My instinct kicked in and I tightly wrapped him in my arms. I made sure to let him know that I was there for him anytime he needed it. After a long embrace, I led him over to his bed, and he eventually calmed down. While he was collecting his thoughts I figured it would be a good time to get breakfast. I jogged down to the food hall and bagged us both something to eat. I snagged some warm egg rolls, bean tacos, and two cups of decaf coffee.

On my way back to the cabin I realized how lonely and broken he seemed. I'd love to help him, but he just keeps so much to himself. I won't pressure him to tell me anything though. Yibo popped his head up, hearing me enter the room. I gave him a weak smile before handing him the bag. He thanked me for everything, with his hoarse voice. Anyone could tell he'd been crying. I couldn't help but smile. It made me happy knowing that he appreciated me.

I spent the next couple of hours scouring the park, checking to see if anything interesting was happening. I noticed the large fire pit in the middle of the park had been used quite a bit. I guess this is where a lot of the students hang out.

There were some amazing locations around the park that I'd never noticed. Yibo would probably like them. That got me curious as to why he hasn't spent more time outdoors. After touring the park I headed into town. I don't think we're allowed to be without a supervisor but I don't care. This gave me time to check out all of the amazing stores. I spotted bakery after bakery. The smells emitting from the various shops reminded me of Italy. A few years back my dad took me on a trip to Italy and as we roamed the streets we could smell the amazing aromas emitting from the parted doors of the many bakeries placed throughout the town we were staying in.

After my sightseeing, I returned to the cabin. Yibo was still reading, just like he was when I left. When I asked why he didn't go outside more he replied saying he didn't have anything to do. I assumed that was because he didn't have anyone to hang out with. I figured this would be a good time to show him some sites around the park. I asked if he wanted to hang and he gladly agreed.

I decided to head to the beach first. We ended up talking about our families. He told me he's an only child and that he doesn't get along with his parents much. I still felt there was quite a bit he wasn't telling me though, but as I said earlier, I won't force him. He seemed to cheer up as we continued talking. He got me to reveal my full name to him, and his reaction was comforting yet unsettling at the same time. He said my name was cute, but I feel like he'll eventually start using it against me.

Soon we left the beach and lingered in a clearing. Yibo spotted a bunny and had the most adorable reaction. I could feel my heart wanting to burst. I just wanted to wrap him in my arms, I don't even know why. I just had this urge. Luckily I was able to hold back. To both our surprise Yibo managed to catch the bunny. He named it...Sean. I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or if it was a compliment because he seemed to like the bunny. That had me flattered.

The bunny was eventually scared away by loud noises, so I and Yibo decided to head off for dinner. I got a chicken sandwich, some rice, and a fruit salad. Yibo got a sloppy joe, fries, and a salad. To be honest, I wanted to try his, he had quite a selection.

"There's a good spot to sit. " I say, jerking my head towards the table near the door. I was a little surprised no one took it as it's one of the nicest areas in the building. I grabbed two cans of lemonade from a nearby vending machine and then sat at the table.

The food was amazing, much better than usual. The chicken sandwich tasted much more delicious than I imagined. I was so lost in the taste that I only remembered the lemonade halfway through the meal. "I totally forgot." I piped. "For you." I said, handing a can to Yibo. I knew he felt bad for me buying him something so I shut him up before he could apologize. It seemed he found it humorous that I knew what he was going to do, which was a good thing, I didn't want to offend him.

As I retracted my hands from the can of lemonade I figured now would be a good time to get a taste of his food, so I snagged his sloppy joe right from his plate. A large smile grew on Yibo's face as I bit into his food, and gosh dang it was good. I scanned his expression, feeling a little skeptical as it was not the one I expected to see.

"I thought you would've been upset. " I asked curiously as to why he looked so jolly. He shook his head, still wearing that...adorable look. Before I knew it he had taken my sandwich and bit into it, leaving a small bite mark next to mine. I couldn't help but break a grin. I guess we were even after that.

The way Yibo drank the lemonade had me in awe, he just lifted the can and chugged it. We finished up our dinner and headed back to the cabin. Though we were stopped at the door. It seemed the instructor had gotten some new towels in. She told Yibo to head to the storage room to pick some up.

"I guess that means I won't have to use your towels anymore." He stated. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It made me feel stupid, but I couldn't shake it off.

"Alright, let's head home." He says, seeming a little eager. "What about the towels?" I ask, confused.

"I'll pick them up on my way back." He informs me.

"Alright, just let me grab my drink." I say before looking back to our table. I scanned it a while only to notice my drink was missing. Could I have already finished it? I don't recall doing so though. I looked back to Yibo confused, wondering if he knew what happened to it. To my shock, he raised the can, with a sly grin possessing his face. I narrowed my eyes with a smirk creeping to my lips. Before I could lunge at him he darted for the door, leaving me a few steps behind him.

A moment after I tailed him he began bursting out in laughter. I knew he couldn't keep up his pace forever so I planned on letting him wear himself down, that is until I saw he was heading for the storage closet. I'd lose my chance at catching him if he locked me out. I picked up speed hoping to catch up to him. He probably knew I would, so he took a large gulp from the can. I let out a chuckle before grabbing him. I wrapped my arms around his small waist and lowered my head to his shoulder from exhaustion. It felt so amazing holding him. The way his soft skin melded with my fingers. What sent me over the edge was his soft little whimper. I could feel my insatiable hunger for him double in size. I had to hold myself back though. He's already going through a rough time it seems, so I didn't want him to have any more on his plate.

I slowly slid a hand up his small soft arm, then grabbed the lemonade from his hand. I quickly gulped the rest of the can before he could try and get it back from me. He giggled as he watched.

When we finished messing around, Yibo took a few towels from the storage room and we headed back to our cabin. He and I took turns showering, with Yibo going first. As I waited I surfed the net for anything interesting. I avoided all social media because I know I would've been bombarded by my friends. I shut my phone and entered the shower when Yibo finished.

The water washing over my skin felt great. It made this eventful day feel more rewarding. I dressed in nothing but a pair of underwear and some sweatpants and returned to the room.

"Now would be a good time to have something sweet. Crap, why didn't I bring something from home." I think to myself as I head for my bed. A moment later a loud noise echoed through the room, making me jerk my head in the direction of the sound. My eyes almost jumped from my head as I saw a large pile of candy flood the floor next to Yibo's bed.

"Holy shit that's a lot of candy. So that's what you've been hiding in that bag." I mumble the last part in realization.

"If you want you can take as many as you'd like." Yibo muttered softly.

"You sure?" I check, making sure he isn't pushing my buttons. He nodded. Gosh, this dude is a total angel.

"All right then." I say, trotting over to his bed. I hope I'm not making him uncomfortable by being shirtless. He would have to get used to it eventually though, so I guess it couldn't hurt. I propped myself next to him and grabbed a few bars off the floor.

"Gah, this is just what I needed. I love this kind." I exclaim, noticing one of my favorite brands of candy. This was the perfect way to end the day.

"You must be some kind of candy whore if you brought this much on a school trip." I tease after finishing my bar.

"I guess I am." He replied, wearing a goofy grin. I gave him a playful punch on the shoulder, laughing a bit. After plowing through a lot of the candy I returned to my bed, scouring the web.