
Requiem Rising: Chronicles of the Damned

"Aftermath" delves into a world ravaged by a sudden and catastrophic zombie outbreak. The story follows Kazuki Hayashi, an ordinary high school student who finds himself trapped within the walls of his school when the apocalypse unfolds. With survival as his only goal, Kazuki must navigate through hordes of the undead, uncover the cause of the outbreak, and find a way to escape the crumbling sanctuary that was once his school.

Nanashi_Usui · Seram
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10 Chs

Refuge in Shadows

We arrived at the remnants of a once bustling hospital, its faded façade a stark reminder of the world that once was. The crumbling walls and shattered windows held a somber beauty, casting an eerie glow upon our weary forms. It was here, amidst the hollowed halls and abandoned rooms, that we sought to carve out a new sanctuary—a bastion of safety in a world overrun by the undead.

The hospital's corridors echoed with the haunting silence of abandonment as we ventured deeper into its labyrinthine depths. Every step we took sent echoes of uncertainty reverberating through the air, punctuated by the muffled sounds of our footsteps. The scent of decay hung heavy, intertwining with the stale air, an ominous reminder of the perils that awaited us beyond these walls.

Together, we set about fortifying our newfound refuge, barricading doors and reinforcing windows, desperately attempting to ward off the encroaching darkness. It was a labor of necessity, a tangible symbol of our resilience in the face of despair. We worked in silence, our minds plagued by the knowledge that our defenses were merely temporary—a fragile shield against the ever-present threat.

The hospital became our sanctuary, a place where we could momentarily set aside the weight of our burdens and find solace in each other's presence. In the quiet moments between our arduous tasks, we sought comfort in shared glances and gentle touches—a silent testament to the love that blossomed amidst the chaos.

Yet, even as we forged a sense of security within these walls, an unease lingered in the depths of our souls. Whispers of rumors reached our ears—tales of super-strong zombies, twisted and mutated by the ravages of the infection. These creatures, rumored to possess unnatural strength and resilience, loomed on the horizon, casting an ominous shadow over our fragile haven.

As the day waned and dusk settled over the hospital, a sense of foreboding washed over us. The setting sun painted the sky in fiery hues, reflecting the turbulent emotions that churned within our hearts. We gathered in the dimly lit central hall, our eyes meeting in silent acknowledgment of the looming danger.

A chill ran down our spines as distant screams echoed through the night, carried on the wind. The arrival of the super-strong zombies drew closer, their presence an impending storm that threatened to shatter the fragile peace we had built. Fear and uncertainty mingled in the air, a palpable tension that consumed us.

In the final moments of Chapter 10, a heavy silence settled over our weary group, punctuated only by the soft sounds of our breaths. We stood united, the weight of our experiences etched upon our faces, as we braced ourselves for the trials that lay ahead. The commotion outside the hospital walls served as a haunting reminder that our respite was temporary, and a new, formidable threat was fast approaching.

As the shadows deepened and the night unfolded its secrets, we steeled ourselves for the battle to come, determined to defend our sanctuary and protect the love we had found amidst the chaos. The super-strong zombies loomed on the horizon, heralding a new chapter of peril and uncertainty in our struggle for survival.

Chapter 10 ended with the foreshadowing of the impending clash—a confrontation that would test our resilience and force us to confront the depths of our fears. The hospital, once a symbol of hope, now stood as the battleground where our destinies would be shaped by the relentless forces that sought to tear us apart.