
Requiem Of Heaven : Reborn

Zed, A genius scientist who suffered from a unknown terminal disease, found an ancient cave that had inscriptions about the method to be reborn. After 5 years of continuous experimentation. He finally succeeded. He obtained a vast amount of knowledge about magic techniques, spells, alchemy etc. Join us in the adventure of a genius scientist in a magical world!

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2 Chs

Chapter - 2 | Reincarnation

It is said that the souls of dead are transferred to either hell or heaven with the regards of their karma.

However, that was not the case for Zed. He was of one the best scientist to ever exist in that world. he found a way to be reborn.


In a laboratory, full of high tech equipments, machines, robots and different colored test tubes. It was a heaven for any scientists.

"YESS! Finally after 5 years, the experiment to preserve the human consciousness has succeeded "

"Sir, But the chances of it's success is only 0.01% for humans. Why are take you this huge risk?" - Martin who was Zed's assistant suddenly asked.

"I am already suffering from a terminal disease so i will die in few months anyway. Why did you think it is risky" Zed replied with a calm expression.


"Martin, you don't understand, this is my one and only chance to live again"

"Okay sir, the preparations are ready. just go to the chamber and i will handle everything"

"Alright. I hope this works, Here goes nothing." Zed said with a sad smile while jumping in the chamber.

Martin who had spent 5 years with Zed had eyes full of tears while he handled everything.

[Initiallizing the project - Human Consciousness Preservation]

A robotic sound was heard and projected infront of Martin, They had already created many Artifical intelligence robots for smooth operation.

[Progress - 0.1%]

[Progress - 0.2%]


First of all, they had to put Zed in a comatose state.

His body was then placed in an unknown blue coloured liquid. Zed had found that liquid in a ancient cave while he was travelling to random places on earth.

It was written in the inscriptions that this liquid can be used for being reborn after 10,000 years with a perfect body, his memories and knowledge about immortality.

[Progress - 100%]

After the preservation was completed.

Martin brought the body to the ancient cave and placed it in a huge coffin. It had been renovated so that room could be preserved for atleast 20,000 years.

This world's technology was atleast 1000 years more advanced than the earth so it was an easy task for them.

Zed whose consciousness was preserved in that unknown liquid was awake the whole time. he couldn't feel anything but he was conscious.

It was a very unexplainable situation.

He counted every second that passed in hope to stay awake and not fall asleep.

"10728 seconds"

"819,632 seconds"

"961,618,761 seconds"

"315,310,270,400 seconds"


In the ancient cave, after 10,000 years

The whole cave was covered in big spiky stones that were shining in a light blue colour. It looked very magical.

The almost corroded coffin suddenly opened with a thud. A naked figure of man with a ocean like deep blue eyes was slightly visible.

He had long black hairs that stretched to his soulders, his face was so attractive that it could be compared to immortals. His well built physique was awe-inspiring.

"I can't believe the preservation really worked?" Zed said in amazement.

"Is this the ancient cave? Why does it look so magical, even the air is so dense here." Zed was naturally curious about the changes that happened in the past 10,000 years.

He checked the changes in his body and was dumbfounded. His body was about 18 years old and it had well built physique like he had specially trained for it.

He walked around the cave to explore.

There were different types of bugs, plants and unknown things in that cave.

The most eye catching were the strange shiny rocks of light blue colours.

He picked up one of stones to analyze them.

But just when the stone came in contact with his skin, he felt a little dizzy.

"Huh? Why do i feel so dizzy?"

"What is happening-"


Suddenly, Zed's head felt like it was being stabbed by thousands of needles.

Many different kinds information surged in his brain like flood.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally felt the pain receding.

He sorted out the information one by one and was astonished by them.


"Can it be used like this?"

Whenever someone uses the word "Magic" , Everyone thinks that its just a children fantasy thing.

However, if these techniques and information about them were correct then the magic can be indeed used.

If someone can master all these knowledge.

They could summon hurricanes and fly using wind element.

They could summon unextinguishable flame with fire element.

They could summon disasters like flood with water element.

They could create a forest or restore their body even if all the limbs are cut off with wood element.

They could easily create a mountain or create earthquakes using earth element.

They could also use rare advanced versions of elements like light, dark, space, lightning, void elements.


His memories included meditation techniques, various types of spells, various types of knowledge about alchemy, basic knowledge about mages etc.

Mages were divided in ranks :

When they begin their journey and start refining mana, they are called apprentice mages. It is divided into 1-9 levels in which 9th is the highest and 1st is the lowest.

After that, they form circles near their heart to circulate the magic smoothly and become a real Mage. It is divided into 1st rank mages to 9th mages.

After that comes, Archmages, Grand Mages etc.

There is no limit of growth in the journey of magic.

Zed searched through his memories and found a best top-grade meditation technique for mana refining.

He also found many different tier spells but he couldn't use them now because currently, he had no mana in his body.

He instantly recognized the strange stone in his hand.

These stones were called mana stones. it helps a mage in mana refining. it is a very precious thing for any mage.

The stone in his hand were actually the purest grade of mana stones that someone can obtain naturally.

Zed strolled around the cave a bit after leaving the cave.

Zed saw that the atmosphere in the surroundings were filled with mana particles.

Just from these, he concluded that either the world where he lived had changed drastically in the past 10,000 years or maybe he is in a different world.

He realized that if the mana is so dense in this world then there will definitely be mages, arch mages or even grand mages out there.

He needed powers to have a holding in this world because he clearly knew, Human's greed can't be satisfied so easily.