
Requiem - Kuroko no Basket

The story follows Yukito Aizawa, a once-promising basketball prodigy whose career was cut short by betrayal at the hands of his middle school teammates, the infamous Phantom Five. These five players, now high school basketball legends, went on to become unstoppable forces, while Yukito faded into obscurity, his love for the game twisted into a deep hunger for revenge. Yukito returns to basketball, not for the love of the sport, but to bring down the very team that betrayed him. He transfers to Seisen High, a failing school with a weak basketball program, and begins to build his own team from the ground up. His recruits are not the typical hopefuls but players with broken pasts and troubled spirits, including Sora Miyazaki, a former prodigy with anger issues who now seeks redemption. Together, they form a team with one goal: to shatter the reputations of the Phantom Five, using psychological warfare, raw aggression, and Yukito’s ruthless strategic mind. As the story progresses, Yukito’s obsession with revenge grows, and the line between hero and villain blurs. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, even if it means sacrificing his teammates’ well-being or his own morality. The court becomes a battlefield, where the real competition isn’t just for points, but for breaking the spirit of every opponent that stands in their way. Generation of Miracles > Phantom Five. I don't own anything only the Characters that i create. Credits to Tadatoshi Fujimaki. English is not my first Language i'm only doing this to pass time and practice my english. Criticism is Welcome hehe.

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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Shadows on the Rise

Yukito's world had tilted. The day after his suspension from the team, everything felt different. There was no more buzz of excitement in the hallways, no more whispers about the Phantom Five's greatness. Instead, he walked through an uneasy silence, the weight of his actions hanging over him.

At home, Yukito sat in his room, staring at his phone. The news had broken wide—interviews, articles, and opinion pieces were circulating, with commentators debating the fallout of the scandal. Some defended Yukito, calling him brave for exposing corruption. Others painted him as a traitor, a bitter player who had destroyed the school's legacy for personal gain.

And yet, there was still no real accountability. The league had made vague statements about "investigating" the situation, but Yukito knew what that meant: damage control, not real justice.

He wasn't done.

That afternoon, Yukito met with Ryo again in the quiet of a small café, far from the chaos of school. Ryo had been keeping tabs on the media storm, and his face was grim as he scrolled through the latest updates on his phone.

"You're trending again," Ryo muttered, showing Yukito a headline: 'Seisen's Whistleblower: Hero or Villain?' The article painted Yukito as a controversial figure, someone who had exposed the truth but at great cost to his team and school.

Yukito frowned. "I didn't do this to be a hero."

Ryo shrugged. "Doesn't matter. People are going to label you one way or another. That's how it works."

Yukito leaned back in his chair, staring out the window. "I need to do more. They're already trying to bury this. If I don't keep pushing, it'll fade away, and the Phantom Five will go right back to controlling everything."

Ryo nodded. "So what's the plan? You've already exposed them, but they still have a lot of power. Kaoru especially."

Yukito's eyes darkened at the mention of Kaoru. Even after the scandal broke, the Phantom Five's captain had managed to keep his image intact. He hadn't said much publicly, but rumors were swirling that Kaoru was planning to retaliate in his own way.

"I'm not done yet," Yukito said quietly. "I need to hit them where it hurts. I need to take down Kaoru personally."

Ryo looked at him warily. "That sounds dangerous, man. Kaoru's not the type to go down easily. If you make this about him, it's going to get ugly."

"I don't care," Yukito replied, his voice steely. "He's the key to all of this. If I can expose him, really expose him, everything else will crumble."

The next few days were tense. Kaoru and the Phantom Five hadn't directly confronted Yukito again, but the tension between them was palpable. Yukito knew they were plotting something, waiting for the right moment to strike back.

Then, one evening, as Yukito was walking home from school, he noticed a car slowly pulling up beside him. The windows were tinted, and the engine hummed quietly. Yukito's instincts kicked in, and he quickened his pace, his heart pounding.

Before he could react, the car stopped, and the door swung open. A figure stepped out—tall, athletic, and unmistakable. It was Kaoru.

Yukito froze. The street was deserted, and the evening light was fading fast. Kaoru's expression was unreadable, his dark eyes locked onto Yukito as he approached.

"We need to talk," Kaoru said, his voice calm but carrying an underlying threat.

Yukito stood his ground. "I have nothing to say to you."

Kaoru stopped a few feet away, his gaze hard. "You think you've won, don't you? You think exposing a few emails is going to change anything?"

Yukito's fists clenched. "It's already changing things. People know the truth now."

Kaoru chuckled, a low, mocking sound. "The truth? You think anyone cares about the truth? People care about winning. About results. You may have exposed some dirty secrets, but it won't change the fact that we're the best. And that's what people will remember."

Yukito's blood boiled. "You're wrong. This isn't just about basketball anymore. It's about corruption, about power, about everything you've done to control this game. And I'm not going to let you get away with it."

Kaoru's expression darkened. "You really don't understand how this works, do you? I've built something that can't be torn down by some scandal. I'm untouchable."

"Not for long," Yukito shot back. "I've already started this, and I'm not stopping until you and the rest of the Phantom Five are finished."

For a moment, Kaoru didn't respond. His eyes bored into Yukito, and the tension between them was thick enough to cut with a knife.

Then, Kaoru's lips curled into a cold smile. "You've made a big mistake, Aizawa. And it's going to cost you."

Before Yukito could react, Kaoru turned and walked back to his car. The door slammed shut, and the vehicle sped off into the night, leaving Yukito standing alone, his heart pounding in his chest.

That night, Yukito couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was coming. Kaoru's words echoed in his mind, a warning of the storm that was about to break. The Phantom Five were cornered, and Yukito knew that they would fight back with everything they had.

But Yukito wasn't backing down. He had come too far to turn back now.

He had exposed the truth. Now, he just had to survive the consequences.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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