

Penulis: Makosaphoto
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Lucy was replaced buy Lisanna, Natsu's best friend. When Lucy leaves Fairy Tail she meets a strange woman named Salien. Two years later Lucy appears at the guild. What happened to the weakest mage to make her the strongest? Who is with Lucy? ( I do not own fairy tail) Lalu, Nalu, gruvia, Gale ( Gajeel levy )

Chapter 1Replaced

Lucy's P.O.V.

Lucy watched as Natsu padded over to her. He swayed slightly but his girlfriend Lisanna was there to support him. It had been three months and now he wanted to talk to her. He hadn't even let her go on any jobs with them.

The last time she had tried to talk to him he cut her off half way threw and started talking to the youngest of the white Haired overtakers. Lucy was usually a happy person but not with Natsu coming to talk to her.

"Natsu, what do you want?" I say in a hostile voice.

"Lucy, we want you to leave Team Natsu. You were just a replacement for Lisanna anyway."

Lucy's soul shattered, they didn't want her anymore she was just a replacement nothing else, it's not like she was that strong or anything. Next to Natsu Erza said kindly.

"Why don't you become a soloist and become stronger. You were always weaker than the rest of us. " It felt like Erza had read her mind. Everyone in the guild starred. Gajeel was holding an angry levy back and Wendy looked so sad. Sitting up strait Lucy plasters a smile on her face, on the inside she was shattering.

"Okay guys, I'll leave I was just a replacement anyway." Natsu nods his head in agreement.

Turning lucy smiled and payed for her drink and left, all the while trying not to cry on her way home.

When Lucy reached her apartment she broke down. Long rivulets of tears streamed down her face. But they were right Lucy thought. She was always holding them back. With that in mind lucy decided that she was going to train and become stronger than Erza, Natsu and Gray combined. That night Lucy packed her things and headed to the guild.

"Hey Mira you know if the master is available, I have a question for him."

"Oh, hI there Lucy. The master is available." with that she turned and started to talk to Lisanna.

Lisanna was always there. Turning in Disgust Lucy walked up the staires and rapped on master's door.

"Master it's me, Lucy. Can I come in?"

"Of course my child. Please come in. " called a grumbly voice. Inside of the masters cramped study lucy found the short old man looking over some documents.

"Master I would like to leave fairy tail." I say in a quick breath. Master stops what he was doing and looks at me.

"Why my child?" Concern threads his voice.

"Well Natsu kicked me out of the team. So I want to go and train. I wouldn't be leaving forever just for about a year or so. " The master noods.

"I do not stop my children and I hope that you are safe on your journeys. Now hold out your hand."

I hold out my hand and my skin begins to bubble with magic as the mark was removed. Suddenly it popped of and burst into a pink bubble. Smiling I say " Master If they ask where I am. Please don't tell them I left unless you have too. " I turn to go but Master Makarov stops me. "Could you do me a favor for me while you're away. Could you look into a snake poison. The snake lives in the East forest and is quite fast." I smile and nod. And with that I officially leave Fairy tail.

Levy's P.O.V

-Three weeks later-

"Hey Mari. Do you know where Lucy is. Because I've got a bone to pick with her." Natsu shouted. At this both me and Gajeel stiffened. Lucy had bumped into me and Gajeel at the train station and told us what had happened.

"No Natsu I'm sure that she just went on a mission by herself."

"Nah, Lucy's not strong enough to go soloing, right Erza. " Natsu said. I wanted to punch that lazy smile right of his face. How could he talk about lucy that way.

"Hey guys I don't see lucy's name in the log out book. " MarI called at that moment Master Makarov hopped onto the counter. And poured himself a drink. "Master do you know where lucy went?" Erza inquired. The little man spurts the beer all over the floor. A dark expression crossed his face.

"Why would you want to know after you said such awful things to her. " Everyone looked confused. "What do you mean. We only stated the truth." At this remark master exploded.

"I care for each and everyone of my children. Did you have no regard on how she felt. Did you not think that she was upset or angry with you bunch." Makarov was almost venting steam. Erza flinched back. "But she's always so happy. She couldn't be sad or angry." That was the last straw. Makarov shouted " She's left Fairy Tail." At that everyone was silent. "She will be back in a year. Now get out of my sight." Natsu looked startled, Erza was bashing her head into a wall, and Gray just held Juvia in his arms looking stunned. Finally Levy broke free of Gajeel's grip and stood on a table. "She left because of you guys. Lu-chan was crying" Gajeel pulled Levy of the table but the words hit home. Erza Looked ap and Said

" We Will find Lucy."

Chapter 2

Lucy P.O.V.

Lucy looked into the dense east forest/jungle it's thick mesh of vines and odd plant life fascinated Lucy. But she moved on. Suddenly Lucy felt an unfamiliar wave of energy. What was that? and more importantly who was it for? A small tendril snaked around Lucy's leg and she stopped dead in her tracked. Slowly she looked down and saw a long green tendrils snaking up her leg. Immediately Lucy took off. This ripped the tendril of her leg with a painful tearing of flesh. Lucy looked down and saw her right calf was torn to shreds. what should have been on the inside was on the outside. Yuck. Suddenly a sharp thorn is poking out the side of her neck and lucy goes tumbling.

Waking up to a putrid smell Lucy opened her eyes slowly. Befor her an old lady in a set of robes sat mixing something that smelt aful in a little pot.

"Ah. I see you are awake." the old woman said " My name is Saline." After a moment I say in barely a whisper "My names Lucy." Saline huffed. Pulling the pot off the stove she walked over to me. The contents of the pot was a thick green slimy paste. Bending down she unwrapped my legs and takes a spoon and starts to peel of a layer of theis dried concoction. It hurt so much. A tiny whimper escapes my lips. This causes the woman to look up.

"What was that smoke it hurt alot. Also may I ask what you are here?"

"That smoke was not smoke but a restles spirit who seeks to onsume human fleash. Now enough about it tell me what your doing out here child." Looking down at my wound and then at the back of my empty hand I sigh and told her about Fairy Tail and how I was replaced by Lisanna.

"Mmm. I see my child, do you want me to teach you how to be truly powerful?"

Saline P.O.V.

Saline did not know why she had asked the young celestial wizard to become her apprentice but it was nice to have some company. Lucy sucked at physical combat, in normal people's view she was amazing. Until she could beat me, she was always going to suck at it. But on a magical level I couldn't beat Lucy in a match. Lucy had been with Lucy almost a whole year and had improved so much, it was an impressive improvement."Salien." I look up at Lucy's voice In her arms she cradles an injured Baby Dragon. I scream and drop my spoon into the stew.

"Luc-cy thats a baby dragon. You realise that your holding a baby dragon." Lucy smiles and strokes its eye ridges.

"Yes I know."


I blink my eyes open to find a human with golden Hair and pale skin stroking me affectionately. She notices I'm awake and in a quiet voice she says

" Hello, I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet you." Pulling a cooked fish off a rack she held it out to me a pot of stew boiled underneath it.

" I don't know if you like fish but it's all we have." Stretching out my muzzle I grab the fish and begin to eat it slowly. The fish melts in my mouth, wow this is so good. Sitting up I blink and say "Hello Lucy, My name is Hai, thanks for saving me." She smiles that brightens the room. Pulling me of the bed she picks me up and walks to the bathroom.

"It's nice to meet you Hai. You are really dirty and I don't want you to get an infection so I'm going give you a bath." setting me down she putts the stopper in and runs hot water into the bath. Then she changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts before lifting me up and stepping in the bath. The bath makes my muscles relax and when she pulls out a bar of soap and a washcloth and begins to slowly wash me. Its heaven. It's been a long time since I've been cared for.


My mother sits in a corrner her body is fat and chubby. I wince as she bellows for us. Walking in first I make shure that Lex stays behind me as we enter her section of the cave. The maddness has almost taken her over.

" You usles sbrats bring me some more food and where is your damn father he should be back by now, if hes gone to slink of with that whore sister of his then I rip out his throat." I wince slightly, Father loved his sister alot but since he was mated to our horrible mother he had to deal with her demands. Unfortinitaly Father chose that moment to stride threw the cave entrence with his sister in humman form. I wince as I hear mothers roar of outrage. I wince again and pull Lex behind me as Mother heaves her bloated body up and ver to him.

"Hello dear, how was your day." Was all he got out befor mother squished auntie under her claws befor anyone could do a thing. Our father was a kind soul and he erupted into a mass of lightning. It crackled of his skinn and we watched as our parents fought. I turned and bushed Lex up into the shaft abov eour head so we could escape. He climbs onto my back and then up onto a ledge and hese in the passage im about two follow until I hear a horrible crunching noise and watch in horror as mother crushes fathern neck and drops his dieng form from her mouth and walkes over to me her claws bear down and slash across my face since Im locking the passage I watch in horror as she says

"Water dragon roar" and blasts a stream of boiling hot water threw the tunnel and I hear him scream. A second later hes falling and I watcha s his tiny body crunches against the ground. tears and blood pour down my face and Im crying. I didnt notice befor but father has maeged to crawl his way over and he breathes in and heaves himself up to his mates neck and clamps on with his momentum as he falls he tears it out. And then it was just me.

-End of flashback-

Once I'm all clean she dries me off and changes out of the wet cloths she checks my almost completely healed injuries.

"Hey Hai , I'm going to get some food from the kitchen. Be back soon." lucy slipped thru the curtain and out into the world. Now that she was gone I examined the house a little more. It was a medium sized cave with bamboo walls separating different rooms. In one room there was even a water heater that lead to the bath and taps, and a water purifier. In the only large room sat a hammock, and a table. Apparently my idea of a bed was actually her table.

When Lucy walked back in with a cooked chicken she smiled and cut off a portion for herself and gave the rest to me. Yum. "thanks Lucy" This earned a smile out of her.

Lucys P.O.V.

After dinner Saline came over and inspected Hai. He tried to hide behind me but I just cradled him like a baby until Saline was done. Hai felt like a child I'd never had. As I settled down In my hammock and pulled all of the blankets around me I tried to drift off to sleep, but Hai would occasionally whimper from a bad dream. Getting up I pick him up, he looks up at me a little startled. Then I walk over to the hammock, with him cradled to my chest. Laying down I pull the blankets over both of us and drift off to sleep.

In the morning I get up and grab a backpack, putting some food and previsions in one pocket, I take a pillow and place it at the bottom, then I lift a half asleep Hai into it and wrap a blanket around him. Zipping up the backpack, I start my morning run, Keys and whipp on my belt, knives in my hands. And take off running, When I reach my training area I start right into practicing my had to hand combat with Capricorn.

Around Lunch time Hai summoned enough courage to come out and say hello to my sprites.

"Hey lucy can I also call you princess?" I sigh

"I'd prefer if you didn't."

"Okay. " he says a little disaponted

I stop, "Hey Hai what type of dragon are you, I never asked."

"Well i'm actually a dual type dragon. I can control both water and electricity. " wow He's awesome.

"Hey, if you want you can train with me." Hai looks at me with his deep hurricane eyes. And a smile works its way across his face.

(Two months Later)

Saline runs into my cave/house. Panic written across her face.

"Lucy hurry up and get out of here. Were under attack by a dark guild." Both me and Hai shoot to our feet and head in the direction of the small village nearby. Pushing long branch out of my way Hai pulls ahead and then I'm face to face with an ugly looking mage who is struggling as Hai shocks him with electricity. I hit the man with a good clean uppercut straight into his jaw. Suddenly I see a stream of fire. I leap up into a tree, Hai follows. Motioning to be quiet I peek through the branches and there he is. Natsu Dragneel. I cringe at the memories. Hai looks at me, and says

"Lucy, who is he?" then I see Lisanna and Erza and Gray and Happy, all of them but Lisanna are fighting, while lisanna clings to Natsu's legs, handicapping him. I turn and leap into the darkness, untouched by fire.

Grays P.O.V.

I could have sworn I saw someone sitting in the tree over there. Looking at the crying Lisanna I sigh. Lucy never cried like this and she always fought back and gave it everything she had. While Lisanna tried for the first few missions, but when we found out Lucy had left, she had become a total snob. Always ordering me around and saying mean things about Lucy when Erza wasn't around. I could tell Erza wanted to skewer Lissanna. I would be so thankful when Lucy came back to the guild in a week.

Lucy P.O.V.

I've been training for three hours, my arms and legs are sore while my magic is still at high. Looking down at my chest I see the swirling tattoo shifting. It always appeared whenever i used magic or I was in danger.

-Flashback-(yes another one)

Saline sittts by the fire the hot needle in one hand and the dragon's soul in her other. A few days earlier we had found a dragon body, its soul was still attached to its body. The dragon had made a sort of contract with me. Then Saline began, at first it burned as the dragon's essence was mixed into the ink and tattooed onto my shoulder. The long swirling, lines had sharp points that fit together like a puzzle, it was small and covered my left shoulder. After she was done I began the contract. " I lucifer Heartfilia, Or Lucy Heartfilia hereby form a contract with you, celestial dragon, Ceil. Do you accept all the terms laid before us and wish to continue.... I form a contract with thy." Looking down at the tattoo in amazement as I watched it grow. Until most of my left torso was covered in glowing golden lines. These turned black and I watched as the huge tattoo shrunk back into the smaller design once more.

-End of flashback-

Celi slowly faded into my skin again untill only on the original tattoo remained. Apparently there was a price with this tattoo. I now had two souls. Also the tattoo would grow, and when it reached my face I would pay the full price of immortal punishment. Who knew what that meant. Suddenly Hai appeared in the clearing sleepy eyed. Walking over to Hai I say hello and check his wounds. Amazingly only a blue scar remained.

" Wow Hai, you heal so fast. I guess this means that we're leaving today." Hai looks up hopefully.

Sitting down on the hard packed earth I motion for him to come on over. " Hai there's something I need to tell you." And I explain the situation.

Nodding his head he smiles.

" It's all right Lucy, Anyway, I can transform into a human right now because my wounds healed." And then he does. Before me sits a boy of about seven. He has black Hair that is tipped with neon blue and yellow. His eyes are both blue and he wears a simple outfit of black shorts and a Blue t-shirt. The only thing that pulls him apart is the long scar across his face. It looks years old, when in reality it's only a few days old.

" See Lucy, im fine. Also ive been thinking about it and im going to call you Mama" I blanch and then smile and ruffle his hair.

"Common Hai, Lets get going. And yes you can call me that if you want to" I open gate and ask Vergo if she can take all my necessities and store them in the spirit world.

Then we walk to the nearest train station. Which happens to be ten miles away. By the time we get there the afternoon train is almost there so we buy our tickets and wait.

-On the train-

Hai looks out the window with wide eyes. Laying back I think about Fairy Tail. And close my eyes to the sound of the engine.

"Lucy, Mama! Wake up, this is our stop." Hai is shaking me, jumping I run out the door, grabbing Hais hand in the process and then I stop. Im here, im back in mongolia. Slowly I gulp and slowly, almost in a trance walk to in front doors of fairy tail. Hai takes my hand and I push open the doors. The loud chatter stopps as everyone stares at me and at Hai. Pulling on my sleeve Hai says " Mama, I'm scared." I affectionately stroke his Hair. " Hai why don't you go sit at the bar, order whatever you want, but get me a strawberry milkshake." Behind me I here the master,

" My child it's so good to see you". Hai looks over at the short guy and giggles.

"He's short, mama." I feel my cheeks heat as Hai says mama. The master raises an eyebrow, "Mama" I blush harder, "it's a long story" Suddenly Natsu was behind me wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I stiffen at his touch. Immediately Hai leeps at Natsu but I put my hand up. Turning I grab natsu's arm and toss him over my shoulder. Landing with a thump he says

"Luce, why did you throw me?" My anger bubbled to the top but befor I could reach him Hai was already there, trying to dismember him while being held back by an angry Erza.

"Hai, stop this at once." I demand and immediately Hai let go of Natsu's arm, which he had been biting. "Okay." Hopping of Natsu he turns to Erza,

"You are very strong ma'am, but please don't interfere when I am dealing with Natsu. He has hurt Mama a lot and is responsible.."

"Hai not another word for not beef" I interrupt. Hai visibly gulps. "okay, Can I have something to eat?" I nodd and point at the bar. Turning I look at the rest of the guild who were staring.

"What's your problem, what do I have food on my face." Everyone bursts out laughing and I laugh with them. Suddenly I hear, "Lu-chan." and I brace for impact as a little blue Haired mage tackles me. Behind her stands Gajeel.

"Oh levy, it's so good to see you. Oh wait a second." I turn and pull out my finished book and hand it to levy. Her eyes practically sparkled with joy. Immediately she sat on the floor and started to read. Yet again everyone laughs. Natsu has gotten over the ordeal and is now staring at me. Turning I walk toward the counter just in time for me to see Lisanna punch Hai in the face. A deathly aurora fills the room as I walk over to an unconscious Hai. Even Erza steps back. Looking up at lisanna I give her the most demonic look, leting my rage show on my face, even Mirajane, the she-devil backs away. And then I hit lisanna with a blast of pure raw magic. Immediately she buckles and starts screaming as I cast true nightmare over her. I grab Lisanna from over the counter and fling her across the room. She collapses unconscious. Raising my head everyone sees my furry. And in a soft but sickly sweet voice I say

" No one hurts my little Hai. If they do they will pay. Do you all here me. " everyone nods and I smile a sweet and innocent smile, "Great!" Turning I pick up Hai and walk towards the infirmary.

Erza's P.O.V.

What just happened!?!! Did lucy seriously just toss lisanna across the room and threaten the guild. I like her new style. And who is this Hai? Is he really lucy's son? Walking over to the infirmary I open the door to find lucy laying on a bed, Hai is curled up next to her like a baby. Lucy is brushing the Hair out of his face.

"So lucy, how are you?" Looking up at me she smiles sadly.

"It's so good to see you Erza, it's been too long. How about you bring Gray, levy and Gajeel over to my house tonight. We'll have dinner, I'll tell you about my travels." I look at her,

"Okay, but what about Natsu." Lucy stiffens and I shake my head in understanding.


I knock on Lucy's pink apartment door and she opens it within a few seconds. Behind me Gajeel mutters something about being to busy for this untill levy takes his hand and he starts to blush. Grabbing me by the hand lucy leads us into her house, I notice that enchantments rest on the windows, Likely to keep natsu away. Motioning to the couch she smiles and lifts a bundle off the coach and motions for us to sit down, its about the size of Hai so i assume he fell asleep.

"So lucy, mind telling us what's this all about. " Gray asks in a blank voice. She giggles and starts to tell us about her adventures.

"...and that's when I met Hai. He was injured pretty badly and couldn't escape so I brought him home and healed him. There is something you should know though, Hai isn't a human." Holding up my hand I say

"So he's not your real son?" Lucy burst out laughing.

"Believe me Erza, I never plan on having kids. Anyway Hai is actually a dragon." I nod my head "Yes hes a dragon, of course. Wait what!!" Lucy laughs and pushes back the blanket and there on her lap slept a dragon, it is mostly black, except the edge of each scale was a bright electric blue and thers some yellw streaking thre them, a bright scar ran across his face. A little swelling on his face indicated where he had been hit by Lisanna. Gajeel leaned forward in aww. He stuck out a hand and stroked the little dragon. A single tear escaped one of his eyes. Gajeel was crying.

" How did he get that scar" furry laced his voice. " It was given to him by his mother. But he's alright now. Hai wake up." Lucy gently and tentatively shook the small dragons body, like waking a baby. Hai looked up at us and smiled.

"Thanks for letting me take a nap. I so needed it." Stretching his wings, he shot up and shifted into the shape of the kid who had come to the guild with lucy. Turning he looked at Gajeel and smiled a huge smile, all of his teeth showed.

"Wow, you must be metalicas kid Im Hai its nice to meet you." Gajeel sat up straighter but before he could say a word Hai put his hand on Gajeel's shoulder and said, " Sorry Gajeel, I don't know where the old fart is." at that they both cracked up. Lucy was beaming and she looked so happy.

"Lucy, would you like to go on a mission with us, me, you Gajeel, levy. Sorry Gray but you will need to stay here to distract Juvia and Natsu. " Gray visibly deflates but Lucy looks at me with bright eyes.

"Really, i'd love too. As long as Hai can come along to." I nodded, standing up I unsheathe my sword and stab it into the floor looking ahead.

"Then we leave tomorrow at dawn, meet me at the train station. "

Lucys Pov

I have sit on a bench waiting for Erza and everyone else to arrive, meanwhile I milled over the mission in my head. We were supposed to get rid of a dark guild called deaths armpit. Also the thunder legion would be joining us for the mission.

"Hey, cosplay." Looking up I see Bixlow and his 'babies', behind him stands a Laxus, Evergreen and a moon eyed Freed. Behind them was Gajeel, Levy and Erza.

"Hey guys, Ready to go?" Every one nods and I watch as some of the ticket boys try to load all of Erza's stuff in a single compartment.

Lucy Pov

After the train ride and watching lauxus, gajeel and Hai throw up from there motion sickness. After ten minutes of barfing Hai comes over and I pick him up, sticking him on my shoulders and we walk towards the mayors office.

A short pot bellied man greeted us and he turned out to be the mayor. Apparently there had been a group of bandits had been terrorizing the area. And we were to head out to the caves near the base of the mountain. After an hour of walking and complaining we found the bandits.

A group of about sixty give or take a few, bandits were eating around campfires and in one corner I saw a group of children tied and blindfolded to stakes. Erza walked forward and in her scary- if-don't-do-as-I-say-you-will-die voice she asked them to leave. and then they attacked.

Hai jumped of my shoulders and charged into battle, lightning struck and I knew he would be alright. I turn and said "Celestial dragon roar!" blasting a hole threw their ranks and I heard Gajeel whistle in appreciation. grabbing one of the men I fling him at a group of bandits and Laugh, this was really fun. by the time were done I have a few scrapes but were all smiling like idiots.

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Trying to Survive in a World Full of FUTA’S!

A real Scumbag of a guy who wouldn’t mind hopping from one chick to another as it was more fun that way, gets killed by one of his Ex-Lovers. For this he is judged not by a god of reincarnation but a vindictive goddess of love who just so happen to have ended her relationship with her partner. And using him as a toy he is to her he gives him a suitable punishment for his crimes. “You wanted to have women left and right come to you huh? Well I hope you enjoy being in a world where only less than 1% of the population is males.” “…. How’s that a bad thing?” “Oh, it’s because the other 24% is females and the rest is FUTA’S! And to add bonus to your misery asshole I’m going to make you look like a cute little Femboy that all those hung Futa’s want to pound! So you better prepare your ass for the worst nightmare of your life!” And with that his nightmare truly begun, and if not for the slight intervention of another god our hero would have little to no chance for survival. With no system and no meta knowledge of this new world that seemed to have a mash up of original characters as well as those from various anime, video games and manga being still female or futafied our hero has only one goal. Survive this world and keep his anal virginity intact and maybe make the most of his time in his new life. ***** Now I’m going to say that this is going to be an extremely Niche type of novel that only certain people will like, you don’t like Futanari, which is women having both male and female genitalia then this isn’t for you, though I hope the title gave it away. There is no system, and besides a very small gift he got from a god he is basically left to his own devices in a completely different earth from his own. I know it says survival in the tags, but that ‘Survival’ is whether he can protect his ass or not, and no I’m not going to tell you if it happens or not as that would ruin a bit of the fun in writing this. Also he will be looking like Astolfo from Fate for his now current Femboy appearance that was bestowed upon him.

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