
Repeated Coincidence or Fate? (A Nigerian Romance)

This is the sequel to my first book, I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance). It can be read as a stand alone. ............. She was curious, curious about him. He was afraid, afraid that his secrets would be known. Meet Somadina Uzora, A cheery but extremely clumsy girl, who was seen as an happy go lucky person. Unfortunately that was only what the naked eyes could see. Now meet Zachary Stone, his last name practically states the expression he always carries. To put it simply, he wants no business at all with the entire human specie. They both practically had nothing in common. But it seems Fate or would I say..a R-epeated C-oincidence just kept bringing this two together. But when secrets start flying in the air, it appears that this two indeed do have an uncanny relationship after all.

Zanyyy · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Weird form of Magnetism


I was walking down the street as I was heading to my apartment. School was extremely stressful today. I'm still trying to figure out why Five of our professors had given us assignment to take home today. And the worst part was that we were instructed to submit them first thing tomorrow?!? If this wasn't the work of the prince of darkness, I really don't know what is.

Feeling the vibration of my phone in the pocket of my jean trouser, I sighed and reached for it.

Seeing the caller ID I froze immediately. The tightness in my chest took immediate effect.

Clearing my throat I answered placing a broad smile on my face.

"Hey mom" I said as I continued my walk down the street.

The woman that had raise me for the entire 19 years of my life answered "Hey baby, how are you"

Forcing out a chuckle I said "I've been good, how about you. How have you and dad been?" I heard her chuckle lightly and playfully said.

"You would know if you called us like you did before" I knew she was only joking but the guilt that immediately engulfed me, was like no other. I swallowed harshly.

"Mom, I'm so sorry school has been so hectic" It was partially true and partially 'not' true. Yes school has been hectic, I mean school in general is hectic but that didn't mean that I didn't have time to call and check on my parents. I just didn't want to. Don't get me wrong I truly adore and love my parents but there was a reason why I hardly called these days.

"Now Somadina, please can you tell me how you're 'really' feeling?" This was the reason.

I felt my heart beat increasing rapidly. God not this topic again.

As I didn't give any response to her, she continued talking further "Have you been seeing Dr. Fredrick? Adina you know Emeka's..."

"Oh mom I'll call you back, my battery is really low, I have to plug it in. Talk to you later, love you" I didn't wait for a response from her before cutting the call. Again, I lied.

My battery was very much full and I wasn't even anywhere near my apartment. I still had to walk for another five minutes to get there.

Keeping my phone back in my pocket, I then used my now free hand to brush my hair backwards. Which wasn't a really smart idea given how my hair was natural and all.

Placing my hands back down, I felt it before it came rolling down. I sniffled using my hands to clean my face.

I was looking down as I continued walking, it was after few seconds later that I realized how much of a bad idea it was. Bumping into a hard surface I quickly muttered a sorry already knowing that I had bumped into a person.

I was kinda expecting the person to move or something but the person didn't. Realizing I had to be the one to move to the side, I went ahead to do just that, but it apears that the so called human being had the same idea as me. Frowning a little I looked up in annoyance. And of course it had to be him.

"Adina?" That familiar weirdly soothing voice of Zachary called out.

Instead of giving any form of pleasantries I let out an unladylike snort "Of course I would bump into you here of all places" Lowering my voice I said to myself "It's like we have some weird form of magnetism between us"

Before he spoke I saw a tiny smirk make it's way to his face. "Not magnetism. It's just merely a coincidental reoccurrence. It might sound too good to be true, but you and I both know that's what it is" The playful wink he threw at the end was unexpected and so not the Zachary that I've come to know. But even though, I couldn't stop the smile that covered my face. He looked way too silly doing that.

Agreeing I said "True that. Now, please can you allow me to pass through? I really need to be going home as it is" I hope I didn't sound too rude. I wasn't in the greatest of mood's at the very moment.

He shrugged "Sure I will....but first of I'll like to know why you're crying?" I froze a little at his sudden question.

"I thought you couldn't recognize faces?" Realizing yet another thing I added "Wait, how did you even recognize me in the first place" If I am correct...and I'm pretty sure I am.. Zachary was the first to call out my name when I hadn't even said a word. Because I know the way he had been using to recognize who I was, was by my voice and I sure as hell hadn't spoken a single word before he called out my name.

Rolling his eyes which was quite alluring to stare at all day, he went ahead to explain "Having prosopagnosia means I can't recognize faces, it doesn't mean I can't see when tears are rolling down a person's face. I can't exactly see the expression on your face but I can perfectly see the tears flowing down your cheeks. Now can you tell me why you're crying while walking down the street?"

I understood the explanation he gave but he didn't still give an answer for my other question "You haven't still told me how you knew it was me?"

Releasing a sigh which seemed full with annoyance, he said "Your pattern of walking, your bag, the way you always pack your hair up and the necklace that's always around your neck. Though I wasn't really sure about the last thing until I was close enough to see it around your neck" I blinked a little not expecting the answer he gave "Those are the various means people with prosopagnosia use to recognize people" Well that totally made sense. I even remember reading an article about how people with face blindness find ways to recognize people, and the things he had mentioned were part of it. I don't know about my walking pattern, but about my hair, bag and necklace. He was pretty accurate. I always packed my hair up in a particular but same style. I always carried the same tote bag with me to school and of course I always wore the same necklace, always. It was very important to me so I hardly removed it.

"Oh" I softly muttered while I sniffed a little. My tears should be drying by now.

"To answer your question" I adjusted my bag on my shoulder "I'm crying because I'm frustrated about school. Its nothing serious" And even though it was, why was he so concerned about my tears? We were practically just strangers who go to the same school.

'And have strange encounters' My subconscience added.

Zachary didn't look all that convinced with my very vague answer but luckily for me, he didn't question me any further.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to be getting home" I didn't wait for a response from him but quickly side stepped him and continued walking. I seriously wasn't in the mood for human interaction. Though Zachary did lift up my mood. Which trust me, I wasn't expecting.

After five minutes of walking I was happy to finally see my apartment building in view, but I wasn't happy about another situation. Swiftly turning back I started speaking choosing my words very carefully.

"Why are you following me Zach?" I gritted out.

"Oh wow we are on nickname bases now huh?" He playfully replied. I was quickly getting agitated. I can't believe he followed me for a whole five minutes. Who does that?!?

"And also.." he began to add "I'm not following you" I wasn't prepared for the next words that left his lips.

"I live here" Argh, of course he did.

Thank you all for your patience, I haven't been free lately. I was actually shocked to see this book presently has over a hundred collection's already with only six chapters. I also got offered a contract for this book which is honestly AMAZING.

I have to do a decent amount of research concerning prosopagnosia before I write a chapter, which is another reason why updates will be slow. I personally thought that the sequel will be a flop but I'm quite thankful that wasn't the case. I truly appreciate every single one of you.

Xoxo, Zanyyy :)

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