
Repeated Coincidence or Fate? (A Nigerian Romance)

This is the sequel to my first book, I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance). It can be read as a stand alone. ............. She was curious, curious about him. He was afraid, afraid that his secrets would be known. Meet Somadina Uzora, A cheery but extremely clumsy girl, who was seen as an happy go lucky person. Unfortunately that was only what the naked eyes could see. Now meet Zachary Stone, his last name practically states the expression he always carries. To put it simply, he wants no business at all with the entire human specie. They both practically had nothing in common. But it seems Fate or would I say..a R-epeated C-oincidence just kept bringing this two together. But when secrets start flying in the air, it appears that this two indeed do have an uncanny relationship after all.

Zanyyy · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

The conclusion she came up with...


"What are you looking at?" Felícia suddenly whispered in my ear catching me off guard.

"Nothing" I quickly said and looked down at my notes.

"If you say so" She didn't sound all too convinced but she still let it go.

Noticing that she had gone back to paying attention to the professor, I resumed my previous activity. And that was of me staring at Zachary. He was sitting two seats in front of us, but I could still make out it was him given he was the only one who had such a unique hair in the entire college.

But the main question now was probably why I was staring at the moody male while I should have been paying a lot more attention to the professor. Let's just say I had found a possible answer to Zachary's extremely weird behavior that time I had met him in that restaurant.

You see after that particular event, we had bumped into each other on other occasions. In the hallway, in the cafeteria... which of course I accidentally poured my food on him. But trust me, It wasn't in anyway on purpose. We also ran into each other in my favorite coffee shop and of course the school roof top once again.

Sure if anyone looks at this they could just conclude it to be a normal coincidence or maybe an uncanny coincidence, but still a coincidence no less.

But in all honesty, I couldn't be bothered if it was even Fate itself sef. That wasn't the main problem I was having with all these, no.

The thing was that in all those junctures, Zachary didn't once recognize me. Before he would know who I was, I always had to say at least a word or even tell him directly who I was. Ludicrous right?

And of course after that with a nervous look, he would always leave as quickly as he could.

But today was going to be different, he wasn't going to be able to run away as easily anymore.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by the professors voice "That will be all for today. The next class that we have, we will be entering a new topic"

Not wasting another second in the class, the professor placed his huge textbooks in his hand and speed walked right out of the class. Anyone could tell how happy he was of leaving the class from the huge smile on his face. Well I really do not blame him. Try teaching a class for 4 hours straight then you'll probably understand his happiness of leaving our class.

My attention immediately got drawn back to Zachary as he was already leaving the class. How on Earth he walked so fast to the door was beyond me.

"Where are you going?" Greg who was sitting next to Felícia asked as I began to quickly pack my books and materials into my bag. Felícia gave me a weird look probably wondering why I was in such a hurry.

"Somewhere" With my things now packed I stood up "I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria okay?" Not waiting to get a response from them, I was already walking to the door.

Coming out from the lecture hall, I scanned the entire hallway looking for a particular someone. But I couldn't catch any glimpse of him. Just perfect.

Releasing a breath I began to think. "If I was Zachary Stone, where would I be" I muttered to myself. A lightbulb instantly lite up in my head providing me with the answer I needed. Smirking to myself I began to make myself to the roof.

And as luck would very much have it, I was spot on with my guess. He was indeed on the roof top. I saw him staring up at the skies with slouched shoulders. Seeing him like that, he looked like saddest being on Earth at that point in time.

As If sensing someone was staring at him he shifted his gaze from looking up at the clouds and eyes landed straight at me. That was when I saw it, the hallow look in his eye. It didn't look sad or depressed..no, those could be classified as emotions. Zachary eyes didn't have any emotion, they looked completely empty.

I sighed before walking a little closer to him and said. "You know, I have been doing a lot of thinking these past few days and it's pretty damn obvious that you're hiding something"

Although it wasn't that obvious, I still noticed it. Zachary let out a relieved breath, before a familiar gaze took it's place in his eyes after he had heard me speak. Just like I suspected, he didn't know who I was until I had spoken.

"You know a normal person would probably start with an hey or hi, right?" he said with amusement dancing in his eyes, although he didn't crack a smile.

I waived my hands dismissively "Normal is boring"

"Now back to my question" I said now walking a lot closer to him and looking deep into his eyes "What are you hiding Zachary Stone?" A deep frown covered his face. I could see that my sudden bold move had taken him by surprise but he was doing a pretty damn good job at trying to hide it.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I should have let it go. It wasn't any of my business. It didn't even concern me whatsoever. I wasn't even that much of an inquisitive person by nature, But something about Zachary just always made me so extremely curious.

I wasn't friends with him, I didn't know him, and he sure as hell didn't know me. But I wanted to know more about him.

"You see" I stood a good step back to give him his own personal space before I continued speaking "I came up with a lot of reasons on why you always don't seem to remember who I am anytime we met either outside the school or even inside the school. Do you want to hear them?"

Although he was glaring hard at me I still noticed how nervous he looked.

As if calculating what he should say in his head, a frown edged on his face before he finally said.

"Shoot, I'm listening" He folded his arms to make it look like he didn't care about anything that was happening now. Well too bad for him, I could see right through him with ease.

"Okay then" I grinned.

"At first I thought, Oh maybe he was just being an asshole by constantly pretending he had forgotten who I am. But then I thought, nah that can't be it. But then a second thought came to me, Maybe he actually really forgets who I am all the time, like yeah maybe he just has a very unusual forgetful memory. But then again I remembered that this was Zachary Stone I was talking about. Everyone knows one thing and one thing for sure. You never forget" I stopped and then looked at him. I wanted him to be the one to ask.

Apparently he got slightly irritated with me not saying anything else and then gritted out through his teeth "And so what was then your final conclusion?" I smirked as I got what I wanted.

"And then finally at the end, the conclusion I came up with, which was really the only logical explanation was that" I whispered in a soft voice "You have Prosopagnosia"

I wasn't hundred percent sure at first, but from the way his eyes widened and his lips slightly parted, let's just say I was certainly sure now. Zachary was suffering from face blindness.