

A very wealthy girl discovers a remote that changes realities but what if the remote disappears while she’s in a different reality than hers?

bluehoney · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter Two

Iris went back home, coat drenched in rainy water. She entered what other people call a "happy mansion", a "place where ones dream comes true", and so forth. Iris wouldn't help but roll her eyes at such statements, but at the same time she wouldn't blame them. Every person would be mesmerized by what they don't have. They'll focus on these aspects and put their judgements based on that aspect and that aspect only.

Looking at The Anderssons, you see a successful business man who's always in a suit and on the go with a beautiful brunette wife and 4 kids: Andrea, Mason, Isa, and Iris. You'll also see the extravagant mansion surrounded by a beautiful garden, a golden retevier with the bodyguard by the gate, and maids all around the house. A picture perfect life eh?


Iris's heart jumped with joy, she felt herself starting to smile while she slowly turned around to face her father.

"I told you dad I had a date" Isa replied a little annoyed. Iris was yet again met with disappointment.

She was out as well. Why didn't he scold her too?

Iris went up to her room the only place where she can feel important. The strings on her guitar wouldn't dance with either sad tunes or happy ones if it weren't for her fingers. The guitar was the only way she knows how to express her feelings. The only time where she felt heard, but maybe because it's an inanimate object?

She doesn't know how to with words. Nobody was around for her to practice those "techniques."

Iris changed to her normal pyjamas. She took out the remote and read the note with the now fading letters:

Your reality is your reality until you decide it's not

"What could that mean" she flipped the paper examining it further more and found a phone number at the very end of the back of the note.

The numbers were fading out too, but she did her best to get them out.

She dialed the phone number




Met with no response

She dialed again but again nothing was different.

"Iris?" Iris snapped from her thoughts

"Door's open"

"Hey, where were you?" Iris looked at her nana. Nana's been with Iris her whole life. Her only friend.

"Went out for my usual walks" Iris sighed

"Did you eat anything today?"

"Why does it matter? It's not like I am looking forward to anything"

"You know I actually haven't ate anything. I was waiting for you" Nana looked at Iris softly while slowly patting her knee

Iris melted at that kind of affection. Something that has a huge black hole in her life. She smiled softly and nodded her head slowly


"Someone called an hour ago"Amber said as her eyes were fixed on the phone's screen

"It must be the girl" Ethan tossed around sunflower seeds still gazing at the tv's screen.

"We'll call her back" Robert said

Amber dialed the phone back



Ca- "hello?"