
Remnant's Sorcerer | RWBY x MARVEL

From the Earth-838 B Universe... Matthew Strange, the younger brother of Stephen Strange (Supreme Strange) from another universe, was transported to a new world... The World of Remnant. ========== This book is inspired by the movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various Marvel comics, past MCU films, and the RWBY universe (volumes and comics) ========== Q: Hey Author! Is this going to be a harem? A: No and I don't want to make this one a harem fic. For me, writing a harem book requires more brain cells and I don't like the insertion of unnecessary things that are not with the main storyline. Q: No R18 stuff? (insert Megamind meme) A: A little fluff and teasing would be suitable, and the romance will be slow and steady. Q: Is English your first language? A: I'm still learning a lot about writing in English and I'm sorry in advance if you guys saw some wrong grammatical errors in this book. Q: Will the MC be OP? A: Although They were like one. They were not the kind of people who can simply punch the antagonist into outer space. There will be ups and downs, and timeskips will be rare. Q: Wait, wait, Author... Did you mention "THEY?" A: Ah, yes! There will be two MCs. That's all.

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15 Chs

As a Student? Pt. 2

1st Person PoV

This is not the kind of class I anticipated from Professor Port.

"MONSTERS! DEMONS! Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names!"

His lesson quickly went into storytelling and acts of heroism when he was a Huntsman. This made Ruby and the rest of the two teams bored and decided to do their thing.

Blake and Yang were fighting not to fall asleep, while Ruby had already succumbed to her slumber.

Weiss is busy jotting down notes on her paper, and Jaune is seen dozing off of his desk with Nora doing the same, Pyrrha was listening to the Professor's story alongside Ren.

While all of that was happening, I was out of my physical body, using my Astral Form to review all of the notes regarding the creatures of Grimm, this will give me the upper hand against the rest of the class.

I was busy reading the final pages of my notes when out of the blue, Weiss raises her hand with gritted teeth.

I wonder what happened while I was out of my Astral Form.

After a short time, Professor Port explained that there will be a short demonstration on how to become a 'true' huntsman. Weiss volunteered to be a part of it and this made her teammates cheer for her.

Only for her to silence them rudely, especially to Ruby.

I caught her glaring at Ruby with fueling anger as she went to the front of the classroom and now changed to her 'combat dress' that she wanted us to remind her of.

With Myrtlenaster in hand, Weiss nods at the Professor to start. Beside him is a huge cage with a sturdy lock to hold it, I could hear the cage growling so I assume that the test is going to fight against a selective type of Grimm.

A Beowolf? But that Grimm is tall, so, no.

A Boarbatusk, maybe?

Starting the match, Professor Port smashed the lock of the cage as the Grimm burst out from it.

"Go, Weiss!" Yang cheered with a pump of her fist.

"Fight well!" Blake added, a small flag of Team RWBY on her hand.

"Yeah! Go represent Team RWBY!" Ruby said, only to be glared at by Weiss. "Ruby, I'm trying to focus!" Weiss turns around and responded.

"Oh, sorry..."

A shocked Ruby went quickly into a dejected one as the Boarbatusk huffed while it keeps its eye on Weiss.

Weiss did the same thing but she was interrupted because the Grimm decided to charge at her, narrowly dodging the assault by side-stepping to the left with a spin and a quick parry on its skin.

She failed to impose a cut on the Grimm's upper armor as it turns around to begin its charge once more.

"Haha! Wasn't expecting that, aren't you?" Professor Port remarked not far from her as the battle continues.

"Hang in there, Weiss!" Ruby tries to cheer her up but she ignores Ruby. I only let out a sigh because of Weiss' selfish attitude towards her.

Poor Leader...

As the Boarbatusk charge, Weiss did a dumb decision to run into it head-on, only for her Myrtlenaster to be stuck on its tusks.

That move was stupid, absolutely stupid...

The Grimm wiggles its head to shake Weiss away as the latter holds herself onto the tusk to retrieve her weapon.

"Come on, Weiss! Show it who's boss!" Ruby cheered again but Weiss became distracted which gave the Grimm a chance to shake the weapon away from Weiss, thus leaving the Heiress defenseless.

I facepalmed in dismay while Ruby winced.

"Rule Number Four in fighting: Don't get distracted," I murmured.

The Boarbatusk attacked Weiss with its tusks, sending her far from the Grimm.

"Oh, no! What are you going to do now without your weapon?" The Professor commented.

Weiss narrowly dodges another charge from the Grimm by rolling on her left, the Grimm nearly crashes through the wall and this granted her a chance to grab her Myrtlenaster which she succeeds.

"Weiss! Go for its belly, there's no armor underneath the–"

"Would you shut up and stop telling me what to do?!" Weiss turns around and yells at her, causing Ruby to flinch.

"Hey! She's just trying to help you!" I shouted back to defend the poor Ruby Rose. "I'm so sorry, Ruby," I said to comfort her.

Ruby faintly smiles while she continues to watch the fight, and I can see that she's teary-eyed for a second there. "I-It's okay... She's just concentrating on her fight, and it's my fault that I disrupted her."

I did not answer back.

Then, all of a sudden the fight was completed as Weiss landed a hit on the Boarbatusk's exposed belly, killing it with a stab from her Mrytlenaster.

"Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training." Port commented, with a tired Weiss panting after she killed the Boarbatusk.

Then she fixes her glare at Ruby.

"I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss, not even a word from her, angrily storms out of the room with the others looking at her in confusion.

"What a wonderful first day of school," I stated while I shook my head.


Curious about Ruby and Weiss's disagreement with each other, I decided to discreetly eavesdrop on their conversation even though what I'm doing is creepy.

"You're supposed to be a leader and all you've been so far is to become a nuisance!" Ruby scoffs at this so she responded with her own.

"What did I do?"

"That's just it, you have done NOTHING to earn your position." Weiss heavily gave her an insult and Ruby was about to cry. "Back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so."

"Weiss... Where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about, working together? I thought you believed in acting as a team?"

She took a deep breath before answering.

"Not a team led by YOU. I've studied, and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better. That's because Ozpin made a mistake, in choosing you."

Her footsteps echoed along the hallway as she walks away from Ruby. I uncovered myself from my hiding spot and approached Ruby, a tear falling from her eye.

"Now that was harsh," I stated as I stood next to her, much to her surprise.

"M-Matthew? How much did you hear?"

"Everything. But based on her actions, she's still in a state of shock from the way she glares at you, and the same reason that Ozpin chose you as the Team Leader."

Ruby lowers her head dejectedly, muttering.

"D-Do you think she's right? That Headmaster Opzin was wrong about-"

"She's complicated to say at least." I sighed as I rub my forehead. "Listen, Ruby. The school... just started today, of course, people would be jealous of you that you are now the Team Leader by Ozpin's word.

Give her time to adapt, and for her to realize that YOU and WEISS need to work together, not as an independent fighter, but as a team."

Ruby cheered up a bit after my small talk, smiling.

"Besides, Ozpin didn't give the acronym of Team RWBY only to be similar to your name. It also represented the four colors you girls carry– Red, White, Black, and Yellow. That makes sense, right?"

"It is, Mr. Strange. It surely is." The voice joined behind us as we glanced at the back to see who was talking.

"P-Professor Ozpin?" Ruby stuttered a little as the Headmaster smiles at her.

"Mr. Strange, I believe there is one more certain person you should give a talk to."

Ah, he's talking about Weiss...

"Sure, I'll go and talk to her.." I then looked at Ruby and nods. "I'll see you later, Ruby. Professor Ozpin." I spoke to them as I walked away.



The sun was about to set when I saw Weiss leaning on the railing, admiring the view.

"Rough time?" I spoke, causing her to jump in surprise, and quickly looked at me.

"Matthew? What are you doing here?"

Chuckling, I walked past and stopped right next to her, my hands behind my back as I look at the setting sun.

"Something's wrong by admiring the view?" I said, not even glancing at her.

"I-I... No..." She stuttered, looking down.

A brief silence stood between us before I spoke again.

"I saw you and Professor Port talking. Lemme guess... He gave you a quick lecture, am I right?"

Weiss flinched in surprise.

"I... I told Professor about the reason that I should've been the leader of Team RWBY, not Ruby."

"And he said no?" I asked and Weiss nodded.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I couldn't help but chuckle because of her stubbornness.

"Why are you laughing?" Weiss asked.

"Hahh... Weiss, look." I stopped laughing as I raised my index finger in a counting manner. "How many times did you follow Ruby back on the initiation?"

Weiss blinked at my question and pauses to think.


"Wrong." I immediately answered and raised four of my fingers.

"You followed her back on the initiation, one, the first minute that you two met in the forest; two, when you and Ruby climbed onto the Nevermore; three, after you grabbed your chess pieces; and four, when you listened to her plan to take down the Nevermore even though that was on the spot."

I finished my explanation and Weiss just stood there, realizing I was right.

"Weiss... Some of the parts of her plans might be, err– quite reckless, we all know that. BUT, you still followed her and succeeded, right?" I stated as she nodded. "Think about this, if you were in Ruby's position to place your orders, do you think that people would follow you?"

Weiss gulps in embarrassment and answers. "N-No..."

"Exactly. In short, be the best teammate to support Ruby, and your team, even in tough times. Gain their trust and they will help you back."

She slowly nodded after she listened to my speech.

"Do you know how to be the best teammate, then?" Weiss questioned.

I smiled at the reflection that she brought from the question, remembering the team I joined before,

The Young Avengers...

"I know," I answered with a smile, looking at her. "Because I was in the same shoes as yours before, and I learned how," I stated, leaving Weiss contemplating my words.

But before I could completely leave her behind, I stopped and gave her some advice.

"Maybe you should talk to her later. And you will understand why Professor Ozpin is right."



Dinner was finished hours earlier and the students went to their dorms to get some rest. I was outside of the dorms, and in the quiet cafeteria to grab some hot chocolate for me to consume.

Reading some books that Blake lent to me, I saw Weiss holding a cup of coffee, then she quickly returned to the dorms.

Curious by this, I placed the book on my portal (inventory) and followed Weiss at a safe distance.

She stopped in front of their dorms and entered.

Quietly, I leaned on the wall and luckily I overheard their conversation.

"Here." Weiss gave her the coffee as I noticed Ruby on the top of the first bunk beds in her pajamas.

"T-Thanks, Weiss..."

Silence engulfed the room for a couple of seconds before she spoke. "Ruby... I think you have what it takes to be a good leader." She smiled as Ruby did the same. "Just you know, that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have." She declared.

Finally, the Ice Witch started to melt...

"Good luck studying." Weiss climbed down from the ladder and I quickly leaned away from the door.

Before she could open the door, Weiss looked back at the room, and to Ruby.

"Hey, Ruby?"


Weiss smiles for a bit before she shook her head.

"Nothing, good night."

She closes the door and nearly jumped in shock when she saw me.

"How was it?" I said, leaning on the wall while giving her a smirk.

"Oh my Oum! You dolt! You frightened me, Matthew!" Weiss shoutingly whispered.

I silently laughed, and she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you anyway," I said. "So, how was it?"

Weiss smiles as we walk together through the hallway and away from the dorms. I listened to her explanation and reflection while we were walking, her ranting about her abusive father, and the reason why she had that kind of attitude.

I admit, I judged Weiss wrongly and blindly based just on her attitude.

And like Wong would say back on Kamar Taj-- "People have two masks, and we can hardly differentiate between them."

We talked for more as we reached the balcony once more. Reaching it, we gaze upon the night sky and the broken moon shining from the distance, with the city of Vale can be seen down below.

"I'm sorry," I spoke, catching her off guard.

"Huh? What are you being sorry about?"

I shrug my shoulders as I answer.

"That I judged you poorly." I simply answered. "Your bratty and entitled attitude pissed me off, no offense."

Weiss giggled as I continue.

"I know that you and I had a rough start, but–" I offered her a handshake as she looked upon my hand. "Can we introduce ourselves to each other again? We can begin nicely this time."

She stared at my hand, then she accepted it for a handshake.

"I am Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company and a member of Team RWBY. I am from Atlas and my semblance is called "Glyph" and I like to sing."

We both smiled at her introduction as I began to introduce myself.

"My name is Matthew Strange. I am a nomad from Vacuo and a proud fifth member of Team RWBY and Team JNPR. My semblance is called "Mystic Arts" and I like to draw as a hobby."

She raises an eyebrow at the latter, ending our handshake as well.

"Very well, it is nice to meet you, Matthew Strange."

"And same to you, Weiss Schnee."

We stared back at the night sky, then she spoke.

"Drawing, huh?"

"Yeah. It makes you calm while doing it. You know, you should try it sometime."

"I'll think about it."

"Hey, do you remember about our bet before the initiation?" I asked, and she immediately looked at me with confusion.

"What bet?"
