

«Alan Wilson recalled one scene, which is the last scene of his wife's life:

It was two o'clock in the afternoon and in the house where Uncle George now resides, where he lives with Flona upstairs.

On this day he entered the morning drunk to an extent he had never reached before, and at two o'clock in the afternoon he woke up, as usual, after his nights of orgy Flona was waiting for him to get up to set the table.

She was sitting on this chair in the hallway overlooking the rooms of Moorish-style houses, and she came back after they had washed some clothes to kill time.And she smiled on the pages of her face with tenderness and sadness, as if she had a terminal illness, that she had been suffering for some time from the abnormal behavior of Wilson, who had been torturing her.Especially after his parents moved to the top companion.

On this day, and unusually, it was quiet... The weather was wonderful on this spring day, and next to the pillars of the corridor there is a hanging cage inside of which a croissant has become, over time, a companion to Flona. She was even singing to his tweet and whenever she saw him standing on his swing she came to talk to him...His chirping was enough to make her feel companionship, especially when she was waiting for her husband to wake up after his demise or his return from the bar.

As she raised the cage, the bird chirped, affected by Flona, ​​so she began to sing a sweet song that calms her eternally sad soul..To the extent that she did not hear her husband who called her two or three times from inside the room when I woke up and watched the scene From the threshold, still half drunk, Wilson felt despised by Flona, ​​who seemed to him not to give him enough attention as to a sparrow.Enraged by the insult to which his pride was subjected, he swooped down on the cage, without saying a word, and threw it into the bowl of the house;Flona let out a cry of pain and quickly descended the stairs to take the cage where the bird breathed its last...However, she did not go up again, and Wilson had not seen her since that day except once before the judge who announced her divorce from him.»