
New School

The door rang , I got up to open the door and looked . The person behind the door was a man with a military uniform . Then I remembered that today was going to be my first day of Military School .

The man was 187cm tall , he had black hair and it looked like he had been through a lot in his life. He also had scars on his face .

I opened the door and told him that I need 10 more minutes to get ready . I looked in the mirror and saw some weird tattoos all over my body . Some at my arms , legs , my chest literally at any part of my body . I looked taller than the last time I saw myself and much more handsome , I was 16 at that time .

I packed up some things and I was ready to go . I got on a bus full of kids that looked like they were the same age as me . I sat alone like everyone else was . And then I started sleeping .




"Kill him , don't let him escape " said a voice

"He is getting away , stop him " said an another voice

And that went for minutes till I woke up.




When I got up , we had arrived at our destination .

Which was the 8th Military Base . They told us to sit on some chairs in the main hall . Time went by , until a man came and started to talk :

"Hello everyone , my name is JAMES DEMP and I'm the principal of this base . As you know our world has changed a lot in the last 30 years . Since those that call themselves GODS . . . and this is all that I had to say about the GODS . You will be here for the next 2 years of your life . Tomorrow will be your big day since we will see your MANA stage and what ability you have . Good night everyone and see you tomorrow" - said the principal James .

We were put to sleep in the main hall because they didn't tell us which dorm we needed to go to .




When I woke up the black screen was right on front of me and It said :

[ Amon Valdis ]


[ Race : HUMAN ]

( HP : 10/10 )

( Strength : 10 )

( Agility : 10 )

( Stamina : 10 )

( Battle IQ : 10 )

The update has been done

Daily Quest :

Drink water : 0 \ 8 liters

Sleep - more than 7 hours

Run : 0 \ 5 km

Push-ups : 0 \ 100

Squats : 0 \ 100

If the quest isn't done at the end of the day , there will be a penalty


This is going to be a super cool day . . .