
Involved in drugs

Benson's POV

"Are you going somewhere dad?" Lilly asked when she noticed me leaving the house.

"Yes baby I'm going for an urgent work, but I will be back ". I lied 

I couldn't tell her I was going to see aunt if not she would have asked to come with me and I couldn't refuse her.

"When are we going to see grandaunt" she asked 

"Maybe next week ". I kissed her cheek and quickly walk away before she will ask more questions.

I left the house and got into my car and drive out.

From my place to aunt's place was a ten-minute drive.

My head was filled with thoughts as I pack in front of aunt's house.

I put off the engine and walk straight to her door, but before I could knock on the door ,the door was already opened by aunt housekeeper.

"Good morning sir ".she greeted 

"Good morning, where is my aunt ". I asked while walking in.

"In the kitchen"

I nod my head and made my way to the kitchen, where I saw aunt busy preparing breakfast

"Good morning aunt". I greeted 

"Benson".she left what she was doing and hugged me.

"I miss you, where is Lilly".she asked while staring around 

"I thought it would be better I come alone". I murmured

She stared at me for a while before returning to what she was doing.

"Aunt". I tried speaking, but she cut me off 

"Sit let's eat, I believe you haven't eaten anything ".she spoke calmly.

"I'm not hungry, and I'm not here for food ". I murmured 

"Sit and after eating we can talk ".she spoke calmly and place the food on the table.

"Let's eat ".she smiled and sat opposite me.

I hissed softly and sat on the chair in front of me.

I pick up the spoon and force myself to eat, though the food taste good, but I didn't have the appetite for food or drinks, all I wanted was to know who I really am .

"Seems you are not hungry".aunt spoke up 

"I just want you to tell me what going on ". I murmured in anger 

"Fine, what did you want to know ?" She asked 

"Everything, I want to know everything". I muttered out impatiently 

"Okay ".she drops her spoon and stares at me with folded arms 

"Where should I start from ".she murmured and thought for a while before speaking up.

"I believe you know the part that I'm your mom's younger sister ".she spoke up.

"Of course I know that "

"And you knew you were born here and grew up here until you were eight when we left after your mother's death ".she spoke up 

"I know I lost my mom when I was eight, but I don't remember us leaving Australia". I murmured confused.

She hissed and took a sip of her water.

"We left Australia when you were eight to California, you grew up there and even went to high school there ". She spoke firmly.

I stared at her with wild eye 

"I had a friend who helped in changing the name of your high school so that was why you thought you schooled here, but actually, you did your high school in California".she spoke up.

"If all this was truth then why can't I remember it and why did you keep it away from me ". I asked confused.

She hissed softly and took in a deep breath, I stared at her and noticed whatever she was going to say might have really hurt her.

"Listen carefully".she said those words like an order.

"You came home one day in pains and anger, I asked what the problem was, but you did not say a word rather you went up to your room "

"Few minutes later your girlfriend came with her sister to see you then I knew you had a fight with her "

"Because I caught her cheating on me ". I murmured

"Yes, how did you know". Aunt asked while staring at me with curiosity.

"Because I dreamt about it "

She nods her head and took a sip of her water 

"You were in so much pain that day that you look up yourself in the room for hours and refused talking to me ".

I remember that.

"I was in the sitting room when you came out of your room in anger and told me you were going to see a friend. I called you and tried talking to you, but you told me you will be back home, and you left, I never knew you will come back to me as a different person".she murmured in pain.

"How?" I asked confused.

I waited for you to come back, but you did not come rather I got a call, I saw the call and thought it was you but when I picked the call it was someone else" she shakes her head before speaking up 

"The person asked me to rush and come and pick you from a certain location if I want you alive, quickly I entered my car very late that night that was about 2am in the morning and drove to the location"

"I got there and saw that the place was flat, I knocked on the door and a young boy your age opens the door"

"Jayson?" I murmured out

"You remember".she asked 

"I had a dream about him but what was I doing in his house". I asked 

She hissed and shake her head 

"I entered the house and saw your body laying on the floor with , I rushed to you and touch your nerves and realized you were alive "

I stared at her shock and confused 

I look around and saw a body of another girl laying in the corner.

"I asked Jayson what he did to you guys, and he said he did nothing that you guys were just trying out new drugs "

"Drugs". I asked in shock 

"Yes drugs".she murmured

"According to Jayson he said you were in so much pain and wanted to forget all your pains, so you decided to take the drugs, so you could forget your pains, but you never knew you brain wasn't able to carry it ".

"The girl who I saw laying on the floor with you died, she couldn't take the effect of the drugs " aunt shakes her head in regrets.

"What kind of drugs did I take? "I asked confused and disappointed, I can't believe I was involved in drugs 

"Cannabis and GHB (Liquid X)".aunt spoke firmly .