
Act like a good mother

Jesse's POV

To make him remember me, that word keeps ringing in my head. 

I signed in frustration as I walked to the dance hall, how do I make him remember me where do I start from and what if he doesn't want to remember me .all these questions keeps ringing in my head.

I got to the hall and met few kids already changing into their dance clothes.

I brought out my things and started arranging them. 

“Good morning, Miss Jesse “. Lilly hug me from behind

I turn around and kissed her cheek 

“Good morning, how are you "

“I'm fine and thank you “.she giggled happily before she left I and Benson.

“Good morning”.he greeted

“Morning”. I replied with a smile, 

He stared at me for a moment before running his fingers nervously in his hair. I knew he has something to say because whenever he does that I knew he wanted to say something.

“What is it you wanna say “. I asked, 

He chuckled nervously before speaking up, 

“Lilly told me she gave you my number, am sorry for that “. He apologized

“Why should you be sorry, there is no problem with me having your number, most of the kids here I do have their parent's number, so it's not a big deal”. I assured him, 

He took in a deep breath while I smiled at him.

“Lilly is really smart, not all kids her age can call out their parent's number”

“Yeah, I made her memorize it in case of any emergency”. He said those words while staring at her.

“Well, that was a wise decision you made “. I smiled at him and continue with what I was doing.

He stood there for a while before I noticed him leaving.I hissed in relief when I realized he was gone .how on Earth will I make him remember me.

“Alright girls, that will be all for today “.they all smiled at me before they started packing their things. I was about getting my things when I noticed Lilly wasn't her usual happy self and I knew something was wrong.

“Lilly”. I called her, 

She stared at me with a sad expression before walking towards me.

“What is it, my dear “. I asked while stroking her hair.

“Tomorrow is daughters and Mother's Day and most of the kids are discussing what they will be doing with their mom the whole day, "

 She spoke in a low tune. I hissed and knell before her .now I understand what was going through in her head.

“Is that why you are sad “. I asked while I stroke her hair gently.

“Yes”. She whispered softly

I smiled at her and thought for a while before I spoke up.

“What if you and I go out tomorrow, do you like the idea of that “. I asked 

“Really”.she asked with a big smile on her face


“Really, you won't back out “. She asked 

“Of course I won't "

“Pinky promise”. She brought her tiny finger and I took it, 

“Pinky promise”. I replied

She giggled happily and hugged me tightly 

“Thanks miss Jesse "

“You are always welcome”. I replied her and kissed her cheek. 

“Papa”. She giggled in joy when she noticed Benson.

“Hey dear “.he took her in his arms and raffles her hair, 

“Stop that, you are destroying my hair”. I chuckled softly at their behavior. They do make a happy family.

He kept her down while she went to take her things.

“Hey “. I wave my hand at Benson

“Hey “.he replied

“I want to ask something from you “.

“What is it “.he asked, 

“I was thinking if you could give me permission to take Lilly out for a while, I promise she will be fine “.

He stared at me for a while before he speaks up

“Just make sure she doesn't eat a lot of sugary things”

“That won't be a problem”. I chuckled softly.

“Alright then "

“Can we go a papa, bye miss Jesse”. Lilly smiled at me before she left the hall with Benson.

Tomorrow, I need to act like a good mother for Lilly's sake.