
A familiar name

Benson's POV

I left the coffee shop and made my way back home.

Seeing her with that man at the coffee shop brought a familiar pain and anger to me that I couldn't explain.

I was almost home when a young lady called out my name, I turn around and met a stranger smiling at me.

"Oh my God, is this you? ". She did not let those words finish from her mouth before she pulled me in a tight hug, 

"I miss you buddy". She muttered out in excitement and released me from her embrace.

I couldn't say or do a thing, rather, I just stare at her, confused.

"You are not saying anything, are you surprised that am not a grown ass woman? ".she spoke with a big grin on her face.

"I remember how you always teased me that I sit with my back, that I have no ass, see now. ".she chuckled and turn around.

"You look good, man ". she chuckled and playfully hit my arm.

I stared at her and noticed we might be really closed friends by the way she was behaving toward me.

"Why are you looking so confused? ". She asked, while staring at me.

Should I tell her I don't know her or can't remember, or I should just play along. I thought for a while and played along, maybe I can get a few things from her.

"I'm just surprised, you look good and different". I muttered out.

She chuckled softly and hits my arms, 

"I'm a lady, what do you expect ".she giggled happily.

"Where have you been man, you didn't even contact me your bestie".she murmured in annoyance

Oh, so she was my bestie 

"Sorry dear, so many things were in my head ".

She stares at me in shock and surprise

"Are you calling me dear, oh my God Benson you've really changed a lot".she chuckled happily.

"I'm now a man, so many things have to change". I replied firmly, 

"I can see that ".she murmured.

She stared at me for a while before staring at my fingers.

"You are married".she sounded like it was a taboo.

"Yes". I replied, confused.

"Poor girl, she has been waiting for you all her life ".she muttered out those words in pain.

Poor girl, she must be talking about the girl I see in my dream.

"She will definitely be heartbroken. waiting for you to come back only to realize you are married ".she shakes her head and look away.

I was about asking her who she was talking about, so she could mention this girl's name to me, but someone called her from behind.

"I've been looking for you ". The young man moved closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Dear, do you remember my bestie in high school I always tell you about?".

"Yeah, the one that always says you sit with your back ".he chuckled softly.

She rolls her eyes and look away, 

"Is that the only thing you can remember about him ".she murmured

"I'm sorry". He chuckled and raise his hands in surrender.


"Well, here is he".she pointed at me with a big smile on her face.

"Nice meeting you man ".he brought forth his hand for a handshake.

"The pleasure is mine ". I took his hand and we shook.

"Benson this is my husband Joseph, Joseph this is Benson".

"Nice meeting you again "

"The pleasure is mine, she has been talking about you and always prayed she could see you again, I'm glad her wish had finally come to pass.

I stared at her and saw a big smile and tears in her eyes, it was obvious she must have really missed me.

"I missed you buddy, we all thought you were dead because there was no information andvnothing about you, but she keeps on saying you were alive that you were just hiding from her ". She murmured in tears.

Joseph moves close to her and hugged her, I stare at her and realized I must have really hurt her and a lot of people, and yet, I don't understand a thing.

"I'm sorry, I will make sure I make it up to you guys ". I said those words out of sincerity.

She stares at me and flash a big smile at me, a smile that looks so familiar to me.

"Can I have your contact ". I asked, 

"You don't have to beg for it ".she chuckled softly and brought out a card from her bag.

"Call me okay "

"And oh we have a reunion in a Month time, so call me, so I can tell you the venue,everyone will go wild when they see you".

"I will "

She moves closer to me and hugged me 

"See you later Big Ben ".she whispered and left with her husband.

"Big Ben ". I murmured to myself 

Why does the name sound so familiar.

I walk back home and all she said keeps ringing in my head.

She made mention of that girl in my dream waiting for me all these years, meaning she was still single and still waiting for me .this is impossible because the last dream I had shown that I caught her cheating on me, and we had a fight, then why would she be waiting for me for the past twelve years, this is a mystery I have to solve and only aunt can answer them.

I brought out her card from my pocket and stared at it. 

Her name was Victoria, she works as a banker and lives in California here.

I hissed softly and kept back the card.

Should I call Victoria and ask her of the name and address of that girl in my dream, or I should just wait and hear what aunt has to say. 

I hissed softly and decided it was best I wait until I get to Australia and hear what aunt has to say about all this.

I lay down on my bed and the name Big Ben keeps ringing in my head.

The name sounds so familiar to me and I wondered where I must have heard it.

I hissed softly and drifted to sleep.