
Chapter 2

After taking a shower, Axel looked back at his wedding dress, then he looked at himself with a strong body, and the muscles that formed in the chest to the bottom of his chest cavity, as well as the handsome face in the large mirror in his room. he recalled how he had trained physically to face the war, but it would all be over.


The knock on the door made Axel wake up from his reverie. He also hurried to put on clothes in the lining of his wedding clothes.

"Young master, are you ready?"

"Come in," replied Axel.

"The wedding clothes haven't been put on?" asked the royal fashion designer.

"Isn't it your job to help me put it on and make it look perfect for me?" said Axel.

usually, a fashion designer or stylist will come to help the king or prince in wearing clothes to be used in important events like this. They will make sure that everything looks perfect and that nothing is too big or too small. if that happens, it will be repaired right away to make it look perfect as expected.

At times like this, Axel thought it would be easier for him to be an ordinary citizen so that if he didn't like something, it would be easy for him to escape from that situation. maybe he could just walk away so easily, but that couldn't be happening.

Axel finally stood up and allowed his maids and fashion designers to put the wedding attire onto his dashing body. with a flat face, everyone looked so awkward, even the friendly fashion designer had nothing to say to break the ice.

The awkward atmosphere made fashion designers nervous. He accidentally stuck a sewing needle into the prince's skin. His hands immediately trembled and his body froze helplessly, he looked so scared.

The uneasy Axel also threw a strong enough punch, making the royal fashion designer fall to the floor, and shouted at the fashion designer. the incident also made her wedding dress badly torn.

"I-I'm sorry, sir."

At that moment Axel's crazy thoughts appeared, he wanted to stab a sharp object that was bigger into his body. His eyes were fixed on a pair of scissors belonging to a royal fashion designer lying on the table. his heart, which still refused to marry, kept pushing to take the scissors and hurt himself.


The female servant came in to deliver some items that Axel had to wear at the wedding. However, when she entered Axel's room, immediately she dropped her luggage on the floor because she was shocked to see Axel with the scissors in hand and ready to blow into his chest.

The fashion designer who was still lying couldn't do much. She who was frightened could only bow silently. The maid also looked down and dropped her body to clean up the luggage lying on the floor.

Axel, who was also surprised to see his female servant suddenly enter, stopped his intention. He lowered the scissors and took a breath. Sad face, his disappointment was trying to be covered by lowering his gaze in another direction.

From outside the room, Axel's mother walked with her bodyguards and ladies in waiting to see Axel. Guests have arrived from various kingdoms, and Charlotte and her family will also be coming soon. While Axel had to get ready at the altar to welcome his future bride.

Axel's mother saw the maid was tidying things lying on the floor in front of her son's room. She could already guess if something was wrong with Axel, she accelerated his footsteps.

In front of Axel's open door, his mother looked inside and again saw the maid. She told the maid to give the things she was carrying to one of the maids, then sent her away.

Axel's mother saw her son holding scissors and a badly torn wedding dress.

"What are you doing?!"

Axel could only be silent to hear his mother speak, asking what happened.

The fashion designer who fell rose and saluted the queen. She still looked trembling and scared. Axel's mother is increasingly convinced that something is wrong with her child.

"Axel, what's the matter ?! Is this the form of your protest? " Axel's mother reiterated her question.

"I-I ..."

Axel's mother looked at the royal fashion designer. "Can you fix it quickly?"

"The tear is so bad, can we wear any other clothes, Queen?"

Axel's mother looked at her son who was still silent and lowered his gaze. She took a deep breath and asked for other clothes that could be worn at this wedding. A sense of resignation arose from Axel's mother who saw how chaotic Axel was.


Axel's father checked all the preparations from his bedroom window. He paid attention, don't let anything small make the atmosphere messy. The perfectionist king saw the colors of the flowers lining the red-carpeted road.

"Everything is as expected. Is Axel ready? " Asked the king to his aide.

"The queen is watching and helping him get ready sir," answered the king's aide.

"Good then. I will see the preparations in the palace. "

The king turned around and walked out of the room.

The very magnificent palace was decorated in detail in every corner. The king who walked from the hallway to the hallway kept smiling happily because he would soon retire and his son would ascend the throne. His time of rest has come, and he is already planning a long journey with his wife.

Along the way, a memory appears in the king when he makes a deal with the Kingdom of Florin to marry their child. The agreement was very beneficial for both parties and raised his dignity as a king who successfully led his kingdom.

At that time, a meeting to build good relations occurred in the Kingdom of Florin. King Florin introduced his beautiful daughter with a charming smile. Immediately, the King of Nirwana was hooked and determined that his daughter. Axel, should marry Charlotte.

"Your daughter grew up so beautiful and graceful," said the king of the Nirwana Kingdom.

"Of course, I took good care of it. Then, what about your son? I heard that he became a feared war leader, "replied King Florin.

"Yes, that's why our kingdom is getting wider and stronger. What if we allied, this would make our kingdom even stronger. Our children can get married, so Florin will get a share of Nirwana."

The agreement has been made, the two great kingdoms will soon hold their lavish and magnificent event by inviting all the kingdoms in the country. That way, everyone can know if Florin and Nirwana are already united, and insist on the other kingdoms not messing with these two kingdoms.
