
reliving the events of naruto

if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.]

Sirsniffs · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The ninja academy

*4 years later*

After 4 years naruto has strengthened his body A LOT he neglected chakra training simply because his 8 year old body was not yet ready to have its chakra unlocked.

*at the academy*

"Hello shikamaru" naruto said making eye contact with the Nara

"What is it naruto" the Nara questioned

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to play some Shogi later" naruto replied watching the Naras look turn to one of suprise

"Sure you can come to my house and we can play" the Nara said "you do know where I live right" he questioned

"Of course your the heir to the Nara clan about everyone knows" naruto says smirking as he sits next to the window

*half an hour later*

The only person not in class was sasuke uchiha so they waited for him to get there which took 10 more minutes

'I can't believe I used to be later than this guy' naruto thought as he sighed and sasuke walked threw the door

"Hey you your sitting in my seat" sasuke said as he looked at naruto angrily

Naruto looked at the seat under the desk etc "well I can't seem to find the shit I'm giving" naruto said as he looked at sasuke whom was very visibly angry

"I'm an uchiha I can claim whatever I want" sasuke said as he seethed in anger

"Oh and did you get permission from the hokage to do so" naruto said only proving to make the uchiha madder as he swung at naruto who dodged and jumped on the desk

"Missed me" he taunted as sasuke kept swinging blindly as they had the attention of everyone in the class

In a flash naruto swung back barely using any power and connected a punch to sasukes face making his lips and nose bleed

"Damn you" sasuke said as he once again started swinging but this time he realized he would have to use the interceptor style

"Interesting I have never seen that fighting style in action it looks like a piece of shit though but it could be because you are the one using it" naruto mocked assume as he saw an opening and punched him in his gut making him spit saliva

"Done now" naruto said looking down at the boy

"WhTever I will beat you tomorrow" Sasuke said as he got up and left class

*4 years later*

It had been four years of sasuke non stop challenging naruto to fights he was honestly tired of it he was tired of the boys smart remarks when he hadn't even unlocked the sharingan which gave naruto an idea he would unlock it for him he would make him feel so much fear that he wouldn't challenge him again and he had a friend to do that.

Naruto hasn't been slacking off in these years he has been working hard on chakra control and his pyshical body not to mention the training he has been doing to refine his techniques but he knew just refining those techniques would not be enough he needed something more something that would allow him the ability to see things normal people wouldn't be able to he needed a hyuuga or an uchiha but sasuke was important to the future and for him to gain more power in the future so it was time to gain the power of a hyuuga.