

You can never judge the book by its cover until you take time to read the contents. Some have a beautiful stoy with an ugly cover page while some have ugly cover pages with beautiful stories.

I met a man named wale,at my early teenage stage of my life, exactly when I was in National Diploma (ND1) Equivalent to 100 level and he was a whole master degree holder at his late 30's .

Fortunately for him, we hailed from the same local Government Area (LGA), he is from the neighboring village and also the prince, I also, is a princess in the town we met ( my village)

That's makes both of us royalty.

Fortunately for him, he was friends with one of my elder brother, Ade,who is late now! (May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.), which made it easy for him to have access to me under pretence of visiting his friend(Ade,my late elder brother)

His frequent visits made his friend to suspect his movement with me , which makes him to warn me to stay clear from his friend which he described as a Casanova.

Don't Trust Any body in relationship.

every thing about the word "Love" is selfishness ! .

Daoist96lmZdcreators' thoughts