
CHAPTER 47 The General Candidate 1

  I was recovered after a week had passed. Thanks to the medicinal herbs of the kingdom's scholar and notorious herbalist, Cyan Riley as well as one-week rest. I'm almost suspended for another week for defying orders from the higher-ups.

  I would give my regards to my mentor and like a father to me, Fleet Admiral Jose for speaking up and giving the reports. If only they didn't know that I almost annihilated half of the rogues' population, for sure that they would detain me.

  "General Rachelle!"

  I stopped on my tracks and spotted Captain Ylea dressed on her military uniform with a beret on her head. Her heavy boots were almost grounding the ground as she came to run towards my direction.

  "Captain," I addressed her. I'm proud of her that she has been promoted three months ago.

  Ylea smiled and saluted. "General, you already healed."

  I chuckled and nodded. "It is. Thank you for visiting me to those times I am alone. And I am still not a General, Ylea," I reminded her.