
CHAPTER 30 Night Watchers

  "I don't get it why you have to come with me," I said, lowering my voice and jumped to my usual spot.

  Claude also jumped on my usual spot which made me want to bark on him. And now, we were facing one another.

  "I should be following you since you are assigned with me, correct?"

  I frowned at his question and approached him. "Mind you that you are the reason why we have to watch out from day to night. You almost assassinated my comrade," I said in lowered voice which only the two of us could hear my words.

  Claude formed a sly smile. "Mind you are also doing this because our Alpha King is coming surprisingly." He wiggled his eyebrows.

  "What?" I furrowed my forehead. "No... The Alpha King must suppose to have a grandiose entrance not the other way around, Sir Claude."

  "What?" His eyes widened and stepped back a little. He clenched his hands. "What do you mean by that, Rachelle?" His tone laced a solemn remark.