
CHAPTER 2 Rachelle Simon 2

  She smiled at me and her eyes looked around to the other men keeping on training. "I wonder if I should try those." I followed where she was pointing at. She was pointing at the sword sparring—my favorite training. Then she gawked at me. "I'm good at sword sparring and I want you to be my opponent, Rachelle."

  My eyebrows all rose. I looked at her unbelievingly at her words. Did I hear it, right? I wasn't deaf though. I really heard it clearly. What did she say again? Opponent? Does she want me to be her opponent?

  I'm really good at sword sparring, I might add.

  But it seemed that I wasn't convinced that she was good at it. I am a bit boastful but I just couldn't believe it. Only me, a woman, can do that. Well, they wouldn't actually let a woman spare her time in training. Men could only do that but I changed history. I'm the first woman who changed all the wrong things they think about us, women.

  Men thought that women were actually weak and fragile and must stay at home when their husbands or mates were on patrol. But I was so pissed at what treatment they treated us. Women could do what men could actually do. Underestimating us, women would be actually a conflict to all of us, our lineage of Eve.

  But it suddenly shocked me that Casey could actually use it to execute in sword sparring. I shrugged it off.

  For the first time in my life, this was my first time meeting Casey and she was truthful—I knew she was telling the truth—that she could do sword sparring. So, I nodded my head and bestowed her my smirk. "Sure. I'm always ready to have some opponent who can defeat me with it. Honestly, I'm also good at it," I said proudly, chin up as proof that I wasn't lying and I am very proud of myself.

  She gave me her smirk too which surprised me but I hid it. "Can't wait to beat you."

  Raising an eyebrow, saying, "Same as you." I could say that she could be a match for me. I always wanted to meet a woman who would like to vanquish me but still, a mystery for me is where in the hell she really comes from and she has the guts to challenge me.

  "I've been anticipating waiting for this moment to come," she said, truthfully. I nodded my head, agreeing. "So, when will we start? I want to test your skills," she asked and waited for me to answer.

  "I'm afraid you can't do that."

  I stiffened at that familiar voice. Even Casey was stiffened. We both looked at our behind whose voice though I already knew who he was. I just wanted to make sure if that was him or not. As we both turned around, we both gasped his name.


  "A-Alpha..." I stammered and bowed my head. Okay, I was starting to get afraid knowing that Alpha Storm was here together with Beta Hance. I knew Casey wasn't really allowed to enter the training gym. I didn't know what could have been the reason.

  I could feel Alpha Storm's eyes dart on me and he even mind-linked on me. 'What did I just tell you?'

  I looked away. Fuck! Yeah, this is great. My Alpha will surely punish me later because of this. I could see Casey coming over to Alpha Storm. She hugged him from his waist and gave him a quick kiss. "Stop it, Storm. It's my fault. Don't blame Rachelle."

  "Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't tend here?" I could sense that Alpha Storm calmed down and his voice became fond but I could still feel the dagger darting at me. Like he was telling me that we're going to talk after their talk. I mentally rolled my eyes.

  "Just want to see how Rachelle trained our men to pack members. I am so amazed by her. She's so cool! And I even asked her to challenge me by using sword sparring. You know well, I'm good at it," she said beamingly.

  Alpha Storm sighed. "You can't do that again, Casey. I don't want you holding those types of equipment again," he said in a serious monotone.

  "Why not? Tsk. Tsk. You can't make me, Storm. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to fight Rachelle the other day. Okay?" They both kissed. I looked away and rolled my eyes.

  This was so disgusting. Kissing in front of me. I couldn't help but sigh. After their talks, Alpha Storm told Beta Hance to escort Casey to the packhouse and they left. I walked toward him and gave him a bow as a sign of respect. I opened my mouth to say how sorry I am but he summoned his hand to stop me from saying it.

  "Don't budge. I can't blame you. My mate is a hard-headed person," he said, shrugging. I totally agree with him. I could see it. I raised my graze to look at him. I found him smiling. "So, you want to agree with Casey's challenge?"

  Surprised, but I hid it. I smiled back and gave him a nod. "Yeah. Just curious how she'll fight," I said, shrugging like it was a trivial matter to me. Then I remembered something, "Any findings?" I asked, trying to mask my worriedness.

  His smile slowly disappeared. "Sorry, Rachelle, but I still couldn't find it. It is quite impossible to find. But Hance and I are trying our best though."

  I heaved out a sigh and gave him a sly smile. "Thanks. At least, you're trying your best." This was bad. I should really find it. I really should.

  The silence was ragging over to us. We both watched the other pack members train themselves to be stronger than before. I couldn't help but give up all their findings. I know Alpha Storm was really trying his best. He couldn't find it anymore, I think.

  Alpha Storm was the first to break the silence. "Casey's brother will come to visit here. I don't know when he will be going here. He just told me one of these days."

  "So, why does he want to visit here?"

  "To see her little sister and to talk to me about some serious business matters. He's my friend, as well. I want you all to be prepared."

  "Okay." I just said. There's nothing I could open a topic to him. It's a little bit awkward though. I gave him an excuse and told him I'm going to rest now. My mind started to swirl up and think about how I'm going to find what was losing me.

  I'm just Rachelle, the werewolf warrior woman and the battle commander in the military. I should find a way. Find what was lost from me.