
CHAPTER 18 Curiosity

  "One more lapse, soldiers and you can finally take some rest!" I yelled to order the soldiers running around the oval running track.

  I watched them closely as they made their way to finish the 1000th lapse. Rise and shine. The dusk has appeared just in time they finished their lapses.

  "Good job! You can have your breakfast," I said then turned my back on them. I saw Commander Bricks walking to my direction. I tilted my head and met him half the way. "Commander Bricks Walter, greetings!" I nodded my head.

  He also nodded his head. "Good morning, Commander Rachelle Simon! Are you done tiring them?" he asked with a sheepish smile on his lips. Then he looked at my soldiers who were very tired and laying in the ground. "Commander, you are so strict..." He chuckled.

  I shrugged. "I trained myself by this method. I always run 1000 lapses every day." I looked at him, scrutinizing him. "Don't say I am strict when you are also strict, Walter."