
CHAPTER 103 The Anger


  I wreaked havoc by severely punching Cornelius' face. I even said that I was blaming Cornelius. It was plausible action for me since if it weren't for him, I would have known that Rachelle was pregnant with our pup as early as possible.

  I could have made a resolution about this. Rachell would have come to the palace safe and sound.

  My vision darkened and I didn't know what I was doing. I let my wolf take over to keep on punching Cornelius which he didn't partake in to even protect himself. It was as if he was accepting this punishment... until a woman from earlier shouted.

  "Your son... Prince Claudian is here!"

  Her words were enough for me to calm down. At that moment, I happened to hold my son. I even cried when I held Cloudy's frail, little body. "Cloudy..." I sobbed my son's nickname.

  Rachelle and I's first pup... Claudian Alexander V... Prince of Auritaurie.