
Chapter 50 "Admiration for Her" Again

"The other party asked, let me... let me kill the child in your wife's belly." The short and fat man said while lowering his head, not daring to meet Melvin Noble's eyes.

Melvin Noble was stunned when he heard this.

Raul Salinas who was standing aside was also shocked.

What's the situation?

Is Lilyana pregnant?

There seems to be no news about this matter.

Look at Melvin Noble's expression like this,

"What are you talking about? Child?" Melvin Noble squeezed the cigarette tightly in his hand, and the smoke was twisted by him.

Of course, what was more distorted was his face.

Lilyana, this damned woman, even kept her pregnancy a secret from him!

Thinking about it now, all the things that had puzzled him all made sense!

That day, when she appeared in the hospital, she was actually doing the prenatal checkup by herself!

And she likes to wear loose clothes these days, probably to cover her belly!