
Ripped heart

"Wow,"the guts.

My heart was ripped I fell to the ground slowly.my eyes filled with tears,my noise producing dirts.

My respect,I've been discharged and humiliated by the palace ordinary maid.

"Moon goddess please save me,help me overcome this that am facing,"

I hurriedly took my bath and fortunately,my eyes caught a beautiful glittering yet simple cloth hanged gracefully inside my wardrobe.I decided to try it out,since I had only wear it once.I applied my most expensive deodorant.

I had read in a magazine that the best way to make a man regret leaving you for another woman is to dress pretty and sexy and that was exactly what I was doing.I want Edward to feel the pain I was feeling,I want him to have a taste of his heart rip while he is still alive,I'll love to capture the moment.

I applauded my dress with my diamond necklace bought from the glam dutches of beauty,it was meant for people with aura and power.

It will totally make my cheating husband regret everything cheating on me,it will keep his heart and mind restless.

"Hahahaha"I laughed evily with my teeth showing all its beauty,adorning my beauty at the same time.

His so called wife will die of envy due to my enchanting beauty.The thought of their reaction made me cheer up once more after a long time.

I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time,I grabbed my phone.I held my gown with my right hand and walked gracefully not missing any step and making sure that my smile adorned the dress.

I walked through the big hall of the palace with maids accompanying at my back.from afar,I looked down to the last floor to find the dining table already set and adorned with foods of different kinds.

I crossed the first step after examining eachstep before putting my foot to it.

"My queen,"

A maid called startling me and making me miss a step,I tried to stay put and not to miss another step but I couldn't.my head was rotating,my heart pounding,heat trickling from my face.

"Gbam!" I landed on the dining table with my arm bleeding profusely due to the cut from the table knife.it pierced my arm so deep that I could see my inner flesh.

My so called husband sat there,looking at me like I was acting a movie.he didn't mive an inch,I wasn't surprised,I expected more worse than that.

My heart raced,my eye teary,I have messed up big time.

The maids didn't try to help me stand,I ran up stairs with my badly hurt arm and my ripped gown which I prefer being ripped than my heart.

I banged my door,my tears ran down fastly,at least,It didn't mess me up in front of them.

"Ouch,"I said with my voice obviously showing that I was hurt.

Still sitting down beside the floor,a guard came banging on my door which startled me and was going straight to my head making my head ache the more.

"who is that rifraft?,"-nora.

"Ma,it's me,the queen orders me to come give you your bracelet,"he said.

I looked up,my face looking at my jewelry box.

The last I remembered,I didn't wear a bracelet,so how come?

I trid to stand up which was really painful as most of my bones hurt and needed treatment before i'll be able to get my self completely.

I held my hand on the door knob as a support,"which bracelet?,"-I asked curiously,my heart beating so fast.

"The queens bracelet"-he responded bluntly like he was expecting to hear I had put it on.

I didn't care about the fact that he referred to her as the queen at that time,I was only concerned about the bracelet and what it got to do with me.

In damika kingdom,it is a taboo for one to steal or take a jewelry of someone begotted to the royal family,such person found guilty of such crime will be killed after the next two weeks of the judiciary order guided and signed by the king himself.

Although,edward wa notvyet the king but was already seen as tge king who will rule in the next five years as the elders predicted it not knowing it was closer than they thought.

Little life was left in his dad as each day that passes minused a breath from him,many had predicted that he wasn't going to see the next red moon which will be up in 3 months time.

Knowing he was going to die anytime soon,shared his properties and requested to live in church for the cleansing of his sins before he finally goes to be with his ancestors.

Edward being wicked reduced the years his father had to spend on earth,he had earlier gone to a goddess during the heavy harvest day,which is an event celebrated by the occupants of damika town in thanks and appreciation to the god of water who made it possible for their harvest to be bountiful.

He journeyed through the seven rivers of raviola a close by town which was known to be where the gods resides.

During his journey,he meet his long time friend who slapped him so hard right in front of his guards.

The guards brought out their swords ready to attack the unknown man looking so unkept,dressed like one who hunts dead rats.