
Rejected by my Ex, Doted by his boss

if you’re a fan of twisted romance, then this is just the book for you. Olivia is a 24 year old who lost her parents at a very young age. the only family she has left is her only brother whom she has gone through the tough journey of life with. Olivia’s travails start when her five year old relationship is suddenly called off by her boyfriend and she suddenly has a five hundred thousand dollar debt to pay. she receives a message that her brother was beat up by a gang which he owed and he is at the brink of death. just when Olivia feels like her world is about to crash and there is no where to run to, He comes into the picture. Her Ex’s boss has his eyes on her. Olivia finds herself in a relationship with the rich CEO and she makes the most of it to spite her Ex until she discovers… I’m pregnant… …for my Ex…?

Krystal_george · perkotaan
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25 Chs


Olivia was puzzled. What contract? What do you mean?

Scott noticed her uneasiness so he tried to calm her first.

No need to worry, it's no big deal. It's just a mutual relationship where we both benefit from each other. You only have to pretend to be my girlfriend, no sex involved.

Olivia furrowed her brows. It wasn't such a bad idea, but...

...What do I get in return?

Scott smiled mischievously. You get a lot of things, including money. A lot of money.

Olivia sighed inwardly as a sudden realization hit her.

Ahhhh? So that's how he behaves?

He's a devil!

Olivia wanted to reject the offer immediately. She wasn't so pathetic that she would be a girlfriend for hire.

But if was for the CEO of page group, then she might as well...

Again, Her life had only four months before it fell straight to ruins.

She needed money, she really needed it badly.

How much money do I get?

Scott smiled. More than enough.

Olivia shrugged. That was good enough.

Olivia knew she couldn't afford to be proud. Else, her and her pride would be history in four months.

Where do I sign?

Scott gave her a pen and pushed the book towards her.

Olivia grabbed the book. As she started reading the terms of the contract, she heard Scott's voice.

No need to read the terms and conditions.

Olivia rolled her eyes and smiled.

Olivia found the contract as being fair so she signed it. Done. she said as she handed the book back to him. I'm keeping the pen.

Is it part of the contract? Scott asked amusedly.

Olivia shook her head with a smile. Nah, I'll just consider it one of the priviledges.

Scott suddenly looked more serious. More importantly, I looked into Joe's case...

Olivia didn't hear the next few words as her heart skipped a beat at the mention of her brother.

What did you find? Olivia asked.

Scott took a pause, he didn't want to risk changing Olivia's jovial mood.

Don't worry, I won't cry if that's what your scare of. Olivia spoke asuredly.

Scott nodded. The people that beat him up is a local gang know as the Oval destruction.

What do they do? Or rather, what relationship does Joe have with them? Olivia asked this question, hoping that Scott would have an answer or an Idea as to what may have actually occured.

Scott shook his head. There is a very low chance that Joe had any relationship with them.

The Oval destination rarely have any beef with people. They are a gang that is hired.

Olivia was surprised. Hired? as in, you pay them and they do the dirty work for you?

Scott nodded.

The confirmation left Olivia dumbstricken. Why? Why does such a thing even exist? In this day and age?

An idea hit Olivia. If they are a gang for hire, then that means...Joe didn't have any relationship with them, right?

That's the most probable thing. Scott replied.

Olivia was still mystified. But who could have hired them?

Scott shrugged. I'm guessing the kid in the video.

A tear ran down Olivia's cheeks. Joe might have loved pranks but he never fights. So...It's because of a girl after all?

Scott gazed at the pretty Olivia. You said you wouldn't cry.

Olivia wiped her eyes. I won't, I promise.

Scott sighed in relief as he noticed he brighten up immediately. The way she switched from moody to happy always marveled Scott.

I've started investigation on the case and I'm sure something would be found out.

Olivia smiled. Thanks a lot. But how were you able to connote such details and think this far?

Scott shrugged. I studied law.

Olivia was stunned. Really!? A business man who studied law, what a perfect combo.

Scott's eyes lit up. Really? Do you really think it's such a perfect combo?

Olivia shook her head. Nope, not at all. I just wanted to give a compliment since you've been so helpful.

Scott stared at her, bewildered. Olivia was a rare character.

Scott ordered food and they both ate amidst frequent laughter and giggles.

It was a mystery how they didn't choke on their food.

Scott glanced at his watch and stood up. Let's go.

Olivia stood up while staring at him quizzically. Let's?

Scott nodded. Yes, you and I. Let's go.

Olivia was still confused. To where?

Scott hissed and grabbed her hand. You ask too many questions.

What are we doing here? Olivia asked as they both stepped out of the car.

Scott motioned for her to enter the building in front of them. Isn't it obvious? We're here to get you clothes.

Olivia was surprised, for some reaso, she was unsettled by the Idea. Maybe because Scott was a contracted Lover.

Why the need to get me clothes? I mean, as you can see, I'm not naked. Olivia ran her hand down her clothe to further drive home her point.

Scott gazed at her for a while. We're meeting my parents tomorrow.

Olivia felt a surge of fear shoot through her.
