
Rejected and Very Special and The Beginning of an End

Rejected and Very Special: With the many rejections that have ripped at this young heart, will this young goddess ever find love before the last pieces are chipped away? After years of heartache, she finally has the pleasure of finding her final mate, the one that accepts her. Sounds like she will get her happily ever after, but will the chaos come to an end? Her name is Sapphire, the daughter of the moon goddess. Although broken, this young girl still holds the power to kill you with one look. She is the rider of the most powerful dragon known to man. She has been rejected by 200+ mates that didn't seem to find her fit to be a forever partner, but her mother never gave up trying to find her the perfect one. Has she found the perfect one? Rejection is never too far, and with Sapphire, it has always been closer to her than anyone in the world. Will the kidnapping of a loved one jeopardize her new mate? Guess you will have to read to find out..... let's embark on this journey together and start at the very begging. The Beginning of an End: ~~Book 2~~ NOT COMPLETED She is the most powerful shifter that has ever lived. She holds in her possession the sword of legacy, the egg of a forgotten dragon race, and a pure white wolf with electric blue eyes. At the age of 15, Blaze is forced to grow up 3 days before her 16th birthday, the day most special to shifters, the day she meets her mate. Her mother was taken away to train, while her father is away in a place that is now forgotten, called Mystic Mountain. She is left at her home with her mother's sister Adaline. When things go wrong while she is on vacation with her aunt Sapphiria, Blaze has to embark on a journey to find what once was lost. She finds destiny and tricks fate, but is she still safe? Will she be rejected by destiny? Will her trick of fate come back to haunt her? Will she ever find that mate of hers? Follow Blaze through her hardships as she struggles to find herself, and find the person her mother has not spoken to in years.

Luna_Moonstone_8 · Lainnya
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38 Chs

(17)The Isle of the Angels

Sapphires POV:

We have been riding on Ephinus forever! My back was aching and Adaline had already fallen asleep, so Alex and I finally decided to take a break for a while. "Hey look! There's a bit of land coming up, we could rest there Sapphire" Ephinus suggested. Alex agreed, and so did I.

We landed with a thud, with Ephinus letting out a sigh. 'You know silly dragon, you could have just told me you were tired' i said to him while smirking. He just glared back.

I let out a laugh and woke Adaline up. "Ok Adaline and Alex go and scope out this little island" they both nodded and disappeared into the trees.

All of a sudden there was a bright white light. I had to quickly shut my sensitive eyes. Once I believed the light was gone I snapped them open.

Standing there was a short little girl, about 5 feet tall maybe an inch taller. She looked up with beautiful blue-green eyes, and if you look closer you could see a gold ring around her pupil.

She had long dirty blonde hair. Oh, and her wings were the purest white that had gold and blue flames on the tips. All in all, she was beautiful.

"Hi I'm Ria, my lord saw that you need my help Sapphire, so he decided to send me since I'm his most loyal companion. I will be here until we get your mate back. I am here to protect and guide." she said in a soft voice while doing a little curtsy.

"Thank you so much for this. Now we don't have to travel anymore!! Oh, you have no idea how much I am thankful for this!" I squealed while hugging her.

She chuckled and hugged back. "Hey, the island is secure wha- wait, who is this?" Adaline asked looking at Ria. "I am the angel you all were looking for, my name is Ria. Nice to meet you" she said while shaking Adaline's hand.

"Hello I am Adaline, and this is Alex" Adaline replied Alex nodded towards Ria, scowling. I guess they won't get along too well. "Ok if y'all don't mind I would like to make my divine sword now," I said excitedly.

Ria and Alex both chuckled at me. I took out both parts of the sword from their box and laid them down on a nearby rock. Ria went first and dropped two drops of blood on the sword while saying 3 words in Latin.

When Alex went it was a bit more complicated. When she dropped her blood onto it, it started to glow a bright golden color.

She then chanted 5 different spells in German. Once the sword was bound together they both looked exhausted. "Welp let's sleep, then head home in the morning!" I said while I laid down next to Ephinus with my sword by my side. He wrapped his wings around me and I snuggled closer. Soon enough I was asleep.

Alex's POV:

I don't know about having Ria here. I mean I'm a fallen angel for crying out loud! And she used to be my sister but chose the lord over me, and did I mention she's an angel!

Like how am I supposed to trust her? We fallen angels have a more independent lifestyle. They flipped bow at their lord's feet! It's sickening just thinking about that. That's the reason I'm a fallen angel now. I wouldn't marry the lord's eldest son.


It was so sunny today! Oh and how I couldn't wait till my meeting with the lord. He said it was something life-changing!

I jumped up and changed into jeans and a sweater and put on my white gold encrusted silk robe. It was given to me from the lord as a gift.

You see I'm the most special angel here aside from the lord. I looked at my beautiful wings. They were the purest of white, they had bright electric blue flames that would fan around me when I flew.

They also had the black crest that only rare angels have, it's a small wolf howling at the full moon. Having both the flames and the crest was truly unheard of.

So that's what makes me special. I skipped down the stairs seeing Ria, my little sister. I sighed because at this time we didn't even know if she would get her wings or not.

She looks as sad as ever. "Hey lighten up Ria, I'm sure your wings will come through soon. They might even be as special as mine since you know it's genetic!" I exclaimed instantly making her happy.

You see when we turn 16 we get our wings. I got mine last summer. I skipped out the door leading to the lord's castle. I flew over the moat and into the open door.

Once inside I instantly went into the lord's throne room. There I saw the lord and his eldest son. "Ah Alex you have arrived!!" he boomed while clapping his hands together once.

I bowed once and stood up straight with my wings fanned out as long as they would go. I was proud of my wings, they were huge and the most beautiful. "Now I wanted you here to tell you that you are to marry my son in three months," he said looking at his son.

I took in his son Tobias. He had ugly golden wings, bright gold eyes, and golden blonde hair. Yea I know a lot of gold, it's a family trait. "I refuse this my lord. I Alex Rens reject you, my lords, offer," I said while I shook my head.

He looked furious. I stood my ground as he came and slapped me across the face. I would say I was surprised but that was an understatement.

"Since you, Alex Rens have rejected my offer you are banned from the heavens." And with that, he blew black fire from his mouth. I let out a scream as he torched my wings.

This was the last day I ever saw my beautiful wings. I went back home as fast as I could but the lord caught me when I got there. I looked in to see my sister in pain with her wings ripping through her back. With that, I was thrown out of the Isle of the Angels forever.

*End of flashback*

I can never forget that day, even if I tried and it's been three years. Now to see my sister with the gold flames must mean she has mated fully to the lord's eldest son, I can't believe it.

The blue just shows her specialness. She doesn't have the crest so it still seems I was the only one like that. With a sigh, I fell into a deep sleep...


Luna Moonstone~