Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…
My earlier talk with Daniel enlightened me with some good and bad information. Good meaning, I now know more than I did before, in contrast to my previous self, who had no idea about the general gist of the supernatural world a few minutes ago.
Bad being I still have no idea of their inner machinations. Sure, Daniel was able to supply me with some general information, but that was just that: general information.
I doubt Daniel would have more to tell me since he's on the bottom rung of the totem pole, unless he was lying to me, which was a bit farfetched due to how he was almost shitting his pants earlier.
Shaking my head, I leaned back into my recliner, the chair strong enough to support my huge frame.
"This is going to be a pain…" A few tapping sounds came from the desk, my fingers drumming up an inconsistent beat. "At least I know who the main culprits are attacking Pilips' Dungeon."