
Reincarnator vs. Devil God

This story is about a time traveler on Frascoia Continent. Just like a typical time traveler or reincarnator who obtains a second chance, this protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to make things favorable for himself. He experiences many lucky events and even the favor of many beauties. However, the protagonist has no idea that his great providence accidentally clashes him with a terrifying Demon God. Moreover, his time travel seemed to have a direct relation with this Devil God. Read this story to find out! ~~ A/N: Heya everyone, I hope you all like the novel and support it. Please leave a good review for the novel. Thank you.

Evil_Dragon · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

JRA's Order

Long Chen returned to his house and closed his eyes while whispering the mantra of the Moonlit Phantasm True Scripture.

Once Long Chen had finished chanting, he felt an inexplicable force surging into his body. This energy was exceptionally gentle and entirely different from the overwhelming energy of Nine Suns True Scripture.

Since this was an extremely gentle energy, it was effortless to control.

Soon, Long Chen guided this energy to his entire body and completed one revolution.

Upon completing this revolution, Long Chen suddenly left his meditative state and stared at his surroundings. A pungent smell seemed to have filled the room.

And Long Chen noticed that this pungent smell was originating from his body.

However, instead of feeling distressed, it only made Long Chen happy. His body was cleaned of all impurities.

He quickly headed to the bathroom to wash his body of these impurities. And in his bathtub, he chanted the mantra of the Moonlit Phantasm True Scripture. Even more impurities were released from Long Chen's body and were washed off by the water."

After three hours, Long Chen left the bathroom while wiping his body and wearing new clothes.

There was a bright smile on his face. It was only natural since he had taken the first step on the path of cultivation. He had reached the One Star Rank.

Naturally, Long Chen still couldn't utilize any techniques. At the One Star Rank, all the warriors are the same. They can only use Ardor to fortify their body or a specific body part.

Through this, they can turn their bodies much more potent when compared to a regular human.

Only after reaching the 2 Star Rank can a warrior begin to utilize their techniques or skills.

With the Moonlit Phantasm True Scripture, Long Chen knew that he only required 5-6 days to reach the 2 Star Rank. And if he utilized the Blue Quartz, he could reduce that time by half.

Fortunately, Long Chen guessed the quantity correctly and bought only three hundred grams of Blue Quartz.

This should allow him to reach the 2 Star Rank in merely three days.

Long Chen gazes out of the window and notices that it is nearly nighttime, "I should get some food from that food stall, or else it will be too late."

Long Chen typically ate twice a day i.e., lunch and supper. He typically skipped breakfast and made up for it by eating a sizeable level of lunch and dinner.

During duty, Long Chen would naturally receive free lunch in prison. The food in prison for officials was well-prepared, and the diet was managed in such a manner that all officials would receive proper nutrients.

Well, their diet plan could be considered crude when comparing it to the modern world. But it worked for Long Chen and others.

Long Chen soon left to get some food from the food stall. There was a huge rush at that food stall. The specialty of this stall was noodles, dumplings, and spring rolls.

Long Chen was especially hungry, so he ordered all three specialties.

The food stall owner soon packed food for Long Chen and handed it to him. Along with the package, Long Chen felt something brush past his palm.

When he stared at his palm, Long Chen noticed a slip.

He understood the JRA had an order for him.

Only a single line was written on that slip. But Long Chen shivered a bit upon reading it.

"Silence Geng Ru."

Initially, Long Chen was a bit terrified as he couldn't see how he could kill Geng Ru. But as he spent more time thinking, he realized the situation.

'Lian Ming must have captured Geng Ru alive! Wow… Just a single sentence from me can change the result of an event completely.'

Long Chen felt goosebumps all over his body.

"…Killing Geng Ru will be extremely difficult. He will be positioned in a completely different cell as compared to typical prisoners. I can't even visit him. How do I kill him?" Long Chen wondered.

Even though he was a 1 Star Warrior, there was not much a 1 Star Warrior could do in prison.

"I need a clever scheme and a scapegoat," Long Chen mumbled.

He had to accomplish this task for two reasons. Firstly, Long Chen wanted to maintain this connection to the JRA. This connection to JRA would be crucial in uniting the entire Zhongxing Kingdom.

Secondly, if Long Chen didn't complete this task, it would greatly dissatisfy his superior. And there was a chance that his superior might get rid of him.

The JRA didn't even need to take action to kill someone like Long Chen.

"…They just have to reveal their connection to me, and the Law Enforcement Department will do the rest of the job," Long Chen whispered while sighing.

After returning, Long Chen ate his food and resumed his cultivation.

Fortunately, no more impurities were squeezed out of Long Chen's body, so he didn't need to take a bath.

It was a crescent moon in the sky, which greatly boosted the moonlit Phantasm True Scripture's prowess.

Even Long Chen was caught off-guard at this quick cultivation. He felt that his previous estimation was wrong. At this speed, it might take him two days to reach the 2 Star Rank. Naturally, Long Chen had to utilize the Blue Quartz.

In reality, Long Chen didn't require using Blue Quartz to cultivate the Moonlit Phantasm True Scripture. He could quickly reach the 2 Star Rank even without it.

However, Long Chen wished to train his mental energy from the very beginning. He knew that mental energy was consumed along with Ardor while creating illusions.

The night passed before Long Chen realized it. He jolted out of his meditative state and bathed before getting ready.

Today, his outfit was different from before. He was wearing a light blue colored uniform. This uniform consisted of a half-sleeved shirt and trousers—a badge with Long Chen's name and a dull brown belt.

This uniform was a bit tight-fitted and suited Long Chen's body. He appeared rather elegant in this uniform.

Moreover, since removing impurities from his body, Long Chen's skin seemed even fairer and softer than before.

Long Chen left his house and headed to the prison.

The prison was established on the western side of the outskirts of the town. The eastern side of the prison touched Suqui Town.

There was a large entrance gate that was accessible to everyone. There was another gate on the northern side of the prison that only the workers or officials in prison could use.

Naturally, there were guards stationed around that gate. They would only let someone inside after verifying his identity.

These guards had been stationed at these gates for the last seven years, so they were familiar with everyone on the staff.

Things have changed a bit recently. These guards had grown complacent. They wouldn't verify someone's identity as long as they recognized him.

Prison Master Lian Ming didn't have much issue with this.

Long Chen entered the prison and headed towards his booth. Walking towards his booth, he noticed that all the workers and officials were excited.

They were standing in groups, chatting happily as if something truly exhilarating had recently occurred.

This was definitely related to Geng Ru's capture.

"Did you hear? I heard that the Law Enforcement Department was short of officers, so they requested our Captain's help. Captain performed remarkably, and she deserves the entire credit for the accomplishment of this mission."

"Aye. I also heard from my friends who accompanied Captain on this mission. They were full of praise for her and described how Captain caught the spy. She then created a bold plan to capture Geng Ru's entire group."

"Haha…Geng Ru didn't even realize what hit him!"

"I heard that the Mayor will personally thank Captain and present her a medal for her heroics."

Long Chen raised his brows as he heard this conversation secretly. He could guess Lian Ming's bold plan.

She must have acquired some information from that spy by torturing him.

Geng Ru must have spread his gang members to surround the Law Enforcement Officers. Thus, there were very few warriors near him.

Lian Ming must have struck directly at Geng Ru's group. Upon seeing that the Law Enforcement Officers were attacking Geng Ru's group, the other gang members must have escaped without hesitation.

The Law Enforcement Officers attacking Geng Ru's group directly meant someone had leaked their plan. This indicated that the Law Enforcement Department was prepared to deal with them, and more officers must be on their way.

In reality, if these gang members had stayed behind, they could have easily repelled these Law Enforcement Officers.

Unfortunately, they were fooled by their own intelligence.

Lian Ming was the one who found the traitor, created this plan, and even captured Geng Ru. This was an incredibly huge accomplishment.

'Mayor is personally presenting a medal to Lian Ming? Would that incident occur now or not?' Long Chen thought.

In his previous life, Long Chen recalled that this Mayor was infatuated with Lian Ming's beauty and assaulted her.

However, this incident occurred when Long Chen was nearly 25 years old. Maybe the situation was different then, and the Mayor wouldn't dare to try it now.

Long Chen picked up his folder from his table and walked inside the prison. This was his task, as he had to record the prisoners' activities and attendance.

Long Chen planned to find Geng Ru's cell.

On his route, Long Chen met many of his colleagues. His interaction with them was rather formal. In fact, Long Chen only had three close friends in prison.

Just like Long Chen, they held little to no talent in cultivation. Even though they were his friends, Long Chen couldn't find it in himself to trust them.

In his previous life, Long Chen had been betrayed by his closest friends. From that point, he understood that loyalty between friends was still limited.

A friend had many reasons to betray him. Whether it was his greed, self-interest, he was threatened, or his moral sense.

Long Chen could only trust those whose vulnerability he held in his grasp.

However, he didn't plan to avoid any contact with these friends. It would be suspicious if he broke contact with them for no apparent reason.

After taking a tour, Long Chen understood where Geng Ru was imprisoned.

'They actually imprisoned Geng Ru in the underground dungeon to torture him. Considering that he worked in the Pill Tower, it does make sense.'

In the Zhongxing Kingdom, there was a specific organization named Pill Valley. Its task was to create pellets and medicinal elixirs. They were also tasked with growing herbs for the Zhongxing Kingdom.

The Pill Valley was spread all over the Zhongxing Kingdom in the form of a branch named Pill Tower.

Only the top talents and alchemists could enter the Pill Valley. In fact, it wouldn't be any exaggeration to call the 'Pill Valley' the holy land for alchemists in the Zhongxing Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Pill Tower also concocted pellets and elixirs, but for a specific area assigned to them. The top alchemist in the Pill Tower varied from the importance of the place.

The top alchemist of Pill Tower in the capital was a 5 Star Alchemist. However, the top alchemist of Pill Tower in Suqui City was merely a 3 Star Alchemist.

In any case, Geng Ru was alchemy embezzling these pellets. Within two years, he had embezzled nearly ten thousand pellets.

These pellets had been transferred to the nearby branch of the JRA.

'The Mayor and others are probably planning to torture Geng Ru to find out the JRA's headquarters. The deadline of my mission is until Geng Ru opens his mouth.'

'If Captain starts torturing Geng Ru, he might open his mouth and reveal everything within a day. I need to prevent this from occurring at all costs.'

The simplest method to do this was to create a situation even more urgent when compared to torturing Geng Ru. He had to engage all the workers and officers in the entire prison.

Thus, Long Chen searched for someone who could be an appropriate scapegoat for this situation.

It didn't take long for Long Chen to find the perfect scapegoat.