
Reincarnator vs. Devil God

This story is about a time traveler on Frascoia Continent. Just like a typical time traveler or reincarnator who obtains a second chance, this protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to make things favorable for himself. He experiences many lucky events and even the favor of many beauties. However, the protagonist has no idea that his great providence accidentally clashes him with a terrifying Demon God. Moreover, his time travel seemed to have a direct relation with this Devil God. Read this story to find out! ~~ A/N: Heya everyone, I hope you all like the novel and support it. Please leave a good review for the novel. Thank you.

Evil_Dragon · Fantasi Timur
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56 Chs

A Meal with the Twin Cold Sabers

The Twin Cold Sabers were shocked to hear Ren Yue's true identity. They had naturally heard of the Ren Family. It was this family that ruled over this territory just six years ago.

The Twin Cold Sabers felt this information might be reliable since it comes from the only heir of the Ren Family.

She might indeed possess an impressive information network to know about their master's whereabouts.

"I am sure you heard some news about your master. Since you have returned and contacted me, it means you still wish to find your master's whereabouts, right?" Ren Yue added.

Long Chen naturally gave detailed information about the Twin Cold Sabers to Ren Yue. Thus, Ren Yue knew how to tackle these two women.

Qian Yanyu spoke up coldly, "That's correct. I have a single question for you before we agree to help you. Is our master alive?"

Even Xiao Lan was curious about this question as well.

Ren Yue was a bit speechless upon hearing this question. Long Chen hadn't mentioned this detail to her.

Even Long Chen's eyes widened as he heard this question. He didn't expect Qian Yanyu to think in this direction.

He stared at Ren Yue and silently nodded.

Ren Yue understood his signal and spoke confidently, "Yes, she is still alive."

Qian Yanyu and Xiao Lan released a relieved sigh as they heard this news. In reality, upon hearing the words of the people in Yusra Town, the two had begun to suspect that their master was probably doing something dangerous.

This was the only possibility they could think of that would compel their master to stay away from the Silver Snow Sect and her disciples. This meant she might have died by now.

"This time, we will trust your word. Please tell us what exactly you want us to do?" Qian Yanyu spoke genuinely.

Ren Yue spoke with a serious tone, "Two days later, I will attack the Noble Shadow's base. I will inform you of the exact time later. Your task will be to hold off the 4 Star Warriors of the Noble Shadow. Naturally, it won't be just you two. My warriors will assist you."

Qian Yanyu nodded in agreement and spoke, "Very well. We will do our best to ensure that we complete this task."

"Thank you," Ren Yue spoke.

The entire hall seemed to be filled with silence.

Ren Yue spoke out at this moment, "Please follow me and have lunch."

The Twin Cold Sabers stared at each other before nodding and following Ren Yue. They soon entered another large hall. Many dishes were placed on a round table with chairs arranged accordingly.

The Twin Cold Sabers sat on their respective chairs and started eating food. Long Chen and Ren Yue joined them soon enough.

Long Chen didn't actually sit down and start eating. He maintained the illusion that he was just Ren Yue's servant.

Ren Yue was slightly dissatisfied with his decision, but she remained silent. She couldn't change his mind no matter how much she argued with him.

At this moment, Xiao Lan suddenly glanced in Long Chen's direction, "Please come and join us. Seeing someone standing while I am eating food makes me feel bad."

Qian Yanyu nearly spat out a mouthful of juice. She couldn't believe what her junior sister had just uttered and thought, 'It makes you feel bad? What a load of crap! I haven't seen you bestow this offer to our servants in the house?! Isn't it all because he looks pleasing to your eyes?!'

"…I am afraid it's not appropriate," Long Chen responded as clearly as possible.

"I don't think Miss Ren will mind such a thing. So don't be so hesitant and come," Xiao Lan spoke casually.

At this moment, Ren Yue spoke a bit heatedly, "Miss Xiao, I am afraid you are breaking decorum. How can you allow a servant to eat with us?"

Xiao Lan was startled to hear Ren Yue's words. She didn't think that Ren Yue would be offended over this matter.

However, as she thought about it, it was pretty natural. Ren Yue was an heiress of a Noble Family and couldn't treat a servant equally.

Qian Yanyu noticed that Ren Yue was suppressing her junior sister. Although she didn't want her junior sister to be obsessed with Long Chen, she also didn't like how Ren Yue reprimanded her.

Thus, unable to hold herself back, Qian Yanyu spoke, "Miss Ren, he is not just a typical servant. He is the guy who approached us for you. My junior sister has a good impression of him and naturally wishes to treat him nicely."

"…Very well. But I shall eat my food elsewhere," Ren Yue suddenly stood up and left.

After Ren Yue left, Long Chen spoke to Qian Yanyu with a bitter smile, "You shouldn't have offended my lord like that."

Xiao Lan suddenly said, "You don't need to mind her too much! She is still caught in traditional etiquette. I like to treat everyone equally. So, you can relax a bit and eat with us."

Qian Yanyu sighed upon hearing her junior sister's words. She spoke, "… That's correct. Now that Miss Ren has left, you will be trampling on my junior sister's good intentions if you don't eat with us."

"I thank you for this opportunity," Long Chen spoke gratefully.

Qian Yanyu and Xiao Lan saw nothing wrong with his grateful appearance.

Meanwhile, Ren Yue observed this scenario from afar. She was satisfied with the performance of the Twin Cold Sabers.

Just as Long Chen had stated earlier, they were truly genuine people.

Ren Yue was indignant to see Long Chen sitting next to Xiao Lan and eating lunch. She wanted him to sit next to her.

Unfortunately, the two couldn't reveal their relationship publicly. Not until Long Chen was strong enough to bridge the gap between their identities.

While they were eating lunch, Xiao Lan conversed with Long Chen and tried to find out more about him.

Qian Yanyu was very happy to see Xiao Lan asking those questions. She thought, 'It seems this girl hasn't lost all her mind. She is still tactful enough to find more information about these people. This guy seems perfect.'

If Xiao Lan had known her elder sister's thoughts, she would have blinked in confusion. She had no intention of investigating Long Chen. She just wanted to know him better.

Long Chen naturally informed them of his past while hiding crucial details like his collaboration with the JRA. Although it wasn't impressive, he felt it would be better if the Twin Cold Saber believed he lived an utterly ordinary life.

However, Long Chen's objective failed as Xiao Lan intently listened to his words. She actually interpreted his words in a pretty peculiar and humorous manner.

Long Chen spoke, "I am an orphan who grew up in Suqui Town's orphanage until I was 11 years old. After getting thrown out of the orphanage, I started doing all sorts of odd jobs to survive."

In response, Xiao Lan spoke with a tender gaze, "So, that's why you give off such a simple and humble feeling. I feel that you are really easy to talk to."

"As I continued to change my jobs, one of my friends recommended me to Ren Family's faction. During that time, she was still imprisoned in Suqui Prison. I helped Sir Mo manage the matters of this faction have remained her ever since. It has been nearly eight years since I joined this faction," Long Chen spoke.

"Your loyalty is truly commendable. Miss Ren must really treat you nicely," Xiao Lan spoke.

Long Chen felt like chuckling internally as he thought, 'She is even ready to give herself.'

"She gives the same treatment to everyone," Long Chen spoke while trying to increase the Ren Yue's respect in their eyes.

And his attempt naturally worked. Xiao Lan seemed to nod slightly while Qian Yanyu fell in deep thought.

"After I met Miss Ren, I truly never even thought of switching factions. She has treated me nicely and pays me quite well," Long Chen spoke.

Xiao Lan seemed impressed and spoke, "It's only right for Miss Ren to pay you well. You even managed to recruit the Twin Cold Sabers for Miss Ren."

Long Chen was a bit speechless upon hearing her words. He wondered why she was praising him so enthusiastically.

Qian Yanyu remained silent as she ate her lunch.

After the lunch ended, Long Chen returned to Ren Yue's side while Xiao Lan and Qian Yanyu were asked to return.

Ren Yue had achieved her objective in this meeting.