
Reincarnator vs. Devil God

This story is about a time traveler on Frascoia Continent. Just like a typical time traveler or reincarnator who obtains a second chance, this protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to make things favorable for himself. He experiences many lucky events and even the favor of many beauties. However, the protagonist has no idea that his great providence accidentally clashes him with a terrifying Demon God. Moreover, his time travel seemed to have a direct relation with this Devil God. Read this story to find out! ~~ A/N: Heya everyone, I hope you all like the novel and support it. Please leave a good review for the novel. Thank you.

Evil_Dragon · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

A frightening realization

Around this moment, Long Chen was on the other side of the mud wall. He had no idea that a mysterious individual had joined Pan Shi and was fighting against the Law Enforcement Officers.

Long Chen's eyes were focused on his superior.

His superior's name is Teng Ju. As of this moment, he is brandishing his Great Axe and slaughtering all the Law Enforcement Officers around him.

Long Chen decided it was time to begin his experiments.

He took a deep breath to calm himself while selecting a JRA warrior in this battle.

Long Chen created an illusion of a throwing knife heading towards that particular JRA warrior. It didn't take him long to create this illusion.

He had already practiced moving the illusions in a straight line and refined his skill through continuous hard work and practice.

The only part he hadn't practiced was secretly implanting these illusions in a warrior's mind.

Thus, Long Chen utilized his Ardor and secretly tried to implant this illusion in that particular JRA warrior he had selected.

Suddenly, he felt a strange force fighting against his Ardor.

Long Chen instantly understood this strange force as he recalled the words written in the Art of Illusion.

'This must be the warrior's subconscious ability to fight illusions. As long as I can defeat it, I can implant this illusion in the warrior's subconscious.'

This took a great deal of Long Chen's concentration. However, he managed to overpower this force with his Ardor.

But strangely, as he did so, the warrior suddenly turned in Long Chen's direction.

However, this was a mistake as a Law Enforcement Officer struck the JRA warrior, and he quickly died.

His slight movements didn't escape Long Chen's eyes.

'What the?! He detected me?! But I am still farther away from the battle. He shouldn't have detected me among all this chaos.'

'I must have made a mistake while implanting the illusion. I should take it slower,' Long Chen thought.

With a deep breath, Long Chen chose another target. This time, Long Chen targeted a Law Enforcement Officer.

Long Chen wished for this conflict to last a little bit longer so that he would have more practice targets.

The JRA warriors were already outnumbered. Thus, it would be bad if many of them died due to Long Chen.

Long Chen had to kill some Law Enforcement Officers to balance the scales.

Long Chen's next target didn't even sense his illusion and died rather quickly at the hands of a JRA warrior.

However, Long Chen wasn't distressed. He quickly switched his target to the following Law Enforcement Officer. There were a lot of them.

After using his illusion on the eighth warrior, Long Chen was getting the hang of it. The warriors couldn't detect his illusions, at the least.

However, Long Chen didn't know that while he was practicing, he unconsciously flared up his Ardor.

This alerted multiple JRA warriors and Law Enforcement Officers of his presence.

Both sides were puzzled as they didn't understand whose side this masked individual belonged to.

Long Chen quickly responded by creating an intense gust to attack the JRA warriors.

The Law Enforcement Officers instantly understood that this warrior was on their side and welcomed him with open arms. They definitely wouldn't reject a helper at this moment.

Long Chen knew that he could only create illusions about the JRA warriors.

He quickly headed into the battle and also started fighting these warriors.

Fortunately, Long Chen held the experience of fighting demons in his previous life and had enough confidence to preserve his life even in this chaos.

While fighting against these JRA warriors, Long Chen kept gazing in Teng Ju's direction.

And upon finding an opportunity, Long Chen struck him with his illusion.

The trick to utilizing illusion on an opponent was to pull back Ardor from the opponent's body quickly. This prevented the opponent from realizing that someone had attacked him with an illusion.

However, this was just one method. The other method was to create an illusion and slowly inject the opponent with his Ardor. Long Chen had to be subtle even to fool the opponent's subconscious. The main feature of utilizing this illusion was it gave the user more time to set up an illusion. Thus, making it much more realistic and extensive.

This required great control over Ardor and impressive concentration.

As of this moment, Long Chen was utilizing the latter method to make Teng Ju fall into his illusion.

Long Chen was confident of his success since the Law Enforcement Officers occupied most of Ten Ji's attention.

While Long Chen continued to inject a constant stream of his Ardor into Teng Ju's body, he also had to divert his attention to dodge the attacks from JRA warriors.

Long Chen quickly headed towards the position where he saw a considerable number of Law Enforcement Officers beating the hell out of the JRA warriors.

Heading to this position was only natural. He didn't want to get hit by any attacks while setting up an illusion to kill Teng Ju.

After an unknown period, nearly more than 150 officers of the Law Enforcement Department were reduced to just 50, and the JRA warriors were reduced to merely 20."

Long Chen finally finished setting up his illusion. There was a strange smile on his face as he quickly headed in Teng Ju's direction.

All the JRA warriors had come together and were fighting collectively. Ahead of them were the Law Enforcement Officers who also fought collectively.

Only Teng Ju and a few other 3 Star Warriors fought valiantly while the other warriors were about to surrender.

At this moment, Teng Ju suddenly noticed a couple of Law Enforcement Officers standing in the distance. They all launched many throwing knives in the air. In fact, they didn't stop after throwing them once. They repeated their motions and threw these knives tens of times.

At this moment, Teng Ju saw hundreds of knives heading toward his body. He quickly brandished his large Axe and threw it towards those knives while shouting, "Spinning Axe!"

However, Teng Ju's eyes widened slightly as he saw those hundreds of knives passing through his Axe.

He instantly understood that these knives were merely illusions!


Teng Ju suddenly experienced a sharp pain in his back. He turned around and noticed that masked warrior stabbing his back with a dagger.

Upon staring at this masked warrior for a while, Teng Ju seemed visibly shaken and muttered in shock, "It's you?!"

The other Law Enforcement Officers didn't remain on standby. When they discovered Teng Ju was bewildered, they immediately attacked and beheaded him!

Upon killing Teng Ju, Long Chen heaved out a relieved sigh. He quickly stepped away from the rest of the battle as he had accomplished his objective.

Long Chen quickly moved towards the mud wall and planned to cross it from the side. However, he knew it would be a disaster if he got caught in the battle between 4 Star Warriors, so he used Traceless Breeze Striding Steps to cross it secretly.

Long Chen quickly used his movement technique to reach the JRA's building and observed the battle from there.

He notices another warrior has joined this battle. This warrior is wearing a mask.

'Hmm? Who is this guy? There should be no other 4 Star Warrior in this JRA branch other than Pan Shi.'

Initially, Gu Bo dominated his battle against Pan Shi. However, Pan Shi soon found an opportunity to turn the tables as he launched a flurry of Wind Slashes on Gu Bo.

Gu Bo hurriedly utilized his Earth Element to create armor to block the incoming Wind Slashes and protect his vital organs.

One of these wind slashes managed to pierce his Earth Armor. That strike directly hit Gu Bo's liver.

Gu Bo puked out a mouthful of blood.

Pan Shi planned to take advantage of this opportunity and attack Gu Bo. However, he was suddenly forced to dodge an incoming Aqua Gun from Lian Ming's direction.

"Are you okay? You have lost too much blood. You need to preserve the rest of your strength," Lian Ming quickly approached Gu Bo with a worried expression. A grave expression appeared on her face as she noticed his injuries.

"I-I am alright…" Gu Bo immediately puked out another mouthful of blood. However, he still stood up while grinding his teeth in determination.

While glaring at Pan Shi and that unknown warrior, he spoke firmly, "Ming, we can no longer win against them. I am quickly losing my strength and won't be able to leave. You are different. You can still escape. I will create an opportunity for you."

Lian Ming gritted her teeth upon hearing these words. She spoke angrily, "No way! I won't escape alone!"

"Are you going to let my sacrifice go to waste?" Gu Bo spoke with a concerned tone. He was internally touched that Lian Ming was willing to stay behind for him.

"No! I will take you with me!" Lian Ming spoke.

Water completely surrounded Lian Ming's body as she furiously rushed toward Pan Shi. This was a technique known as Aqua Rush.

Pan Shi shifted from his position, but he noticed that Lian Ming took a step on the ground and also changed her position.

Moreover, Lian Ming's momentum was even stronger, and the water around her seemed to have sharp edges.

Pan Shi was sure that if this water struck him, he wouldn't have a good ending.

However, the masked man suddenly appeared in front of Pan Shi. He released a thick torrent of flames to weaken Lian Ming's rush.

This technique worked as the water around Lian Ming's body slowly evaporated.

However, the steam was so great that it completely distorted the masked guy's vision.

Pan Shi immediately took action and used his Wind Element to blow away this steam.

Unfortunately, it was too late by the time Pan Shi took action. Lian Ming had crossed the gap and struck the mask of this mysterious warrior.

Lian Ming's strike was so powerful that the mask broke, revealing a middle-aged man's face. Upon seeing that man's face, Lian Ming's pupils widened in shock.

Lian Ming was forced to move as she dodged a slash from Pan Shi.

Unfortunately, her dodge was unsuccessful as Pan Shi had extended his dagger's reach by surrounding it with Wind Ardor.

This Wind Ardor slashed Lian Ming's right arm and nearly reached her bones.

Lian Ming experienced a sharp pain in her right arm, but she held on while using her other hand to create the seals for Aqua Gun.

When Pan Shi noticed that Lian Ming was about to launch her attack, he immediately moved out of the way.

Gu Bo suddenly raised the earth ahead of Lian Ming to protect her from Pan Shi and that mysterious individual.

Lian Ming quickly approached Gu Bo and said, "I saw that man's face!"

The urgent look on her face terrified Gu Bo as he asked her, "What's the matter?"

"I recognize him. He is the Mayor's personal bodyguard! I understand why the JRA was so prepared to face us today. They must have joined hands with the Mayor," Lian Ming spoke anxiously.


"That's right. I am very sure of this," Lian Ming spoke.

With a serious expression, Gu Bo spoke to Lian Ming, "…One of us needs to return to our office with this information! You must escape at all costs!"

There was a distressed look on Lian Ming's face. However, she also understood that this was an extremely grave matter. She couldn't allow the JRA to gain complete control of all the powers in Suqui Town.